The Motives Behind Trump’s Policies

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by RedStone7476, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. RedStone7476

    RedStone7476 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I’d like to speculate on the motives behind three of Trump’s policies.

    That is:
    - his aversion to political correctness
    - his aversion to press conferences
    - his desire to have “successful” people run our government agencies

    My take on the “political correctness” thing:
    - As we all know, Trump is often very obnoxious. And, he often attacks and insults good Americans who are
    working hard to make America great. And, he often attacks institutions that make America great.
    - Trump’s aversion to political correctness allows him to justify this abhorrent behavior, to his supporters.

    My take on the “press conference” thing:
    - The press is interested in details and substance.
    - But, Trump is a man of soundbites and bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
    - Trump’s aversion to press conferences allows him to justify avoiding the press, to his supporters.
    - If he can avoid the press, he can avoid being asked questions about details and substance.
    - Trump would not able to answer such questions, and he would have to resort to soundbites and bull(*)(*)(*)(*). And
    the press would not allow him get away with that. And that could be very embarrassing for Trump.
    - And it’s possible that Trump is afraid that his supporters would come to realize that he is GROSSLY ignorant
    about MANY issues (perhaps, issues that they care about), and that many of them would have buyer's remorse.

    My take on the “government agencies” thing:
    - Trump says that he wants “successful” people to run our government agencies.
    - The purpose of this statement is to cover-up the fact that he doesn’t care if a nominee understands the
    issues addressed by an agency, or if a nominee supports the goals of an agency.
    - Trump needs to understand the following:
    -- These agencies are not HIS agencies. These agencies are OUR agencies.
    -- The purpose of these agencies is to serve the interests of the general PUBLIC, and NOT to serve HIS interests,
    and NOT to serve the interests his nominees.
    - I fear that Trump doesn’t understand that, or even worse, he doesn’t care.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Point one needs examples.

    Point two: Given the hostility of the MSM, I wouldn't want to talk to them either.

    Point three: It is, of course, much better to put someone like Eric Holder in charge of one of OUR agencies to insure that only the laws that Obama approved of were enforced, like investigating a police department when a black criminal is shot. I'll give Trump's choices a chance before I start complaining.
  3. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Yea...that's it. lol
  4. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I don't think we could possibly know what Trump plans to do or what he will do.. The world doesn't stop turning ..

    Assad is buy oil again from ISIS. Iran is settling Shia from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon in Syria.. so the Sunni Syrian refugees can't go home.

    Tillerson and Mattis want to help KSA with Lebanon and HATE Iran.. and the Brits are building a new military base in Bahrain.
  5. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Your status quo, pro-war, big government power-insiders lost the election. The purpose of most government agencies now is to serve themselves.
  6. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I think your opinions are grounded in partisanship, and like most partisans incapable of anything close to objectivity. Since I did not support nor vote for him, nor Hillary either my take is not partisan driven.

    Trump says what he thinks, which you are not used to from someone who is an elected representative. They have to play games, and tell americans what they think will keep them in good standing. Trump does not care, for he has a set of principles which he ran on, and the people voted for him and those principles. he sees the utter insanity of many of the policies enacted, from a pragmatic perspective, not an ideological perspective as you are used to. These people he attacks have not made America great, for if they had, we would not have had a CHANGE election, featuring sanders and trump, both ran on change. Dems still are clueless in regards to this. His supporters are sick and tired of PC. When the house is on fire, there is no time for PC rubbish. And the house is on fire from 40 years of selling out the American people, at least those who have to work for a living. All of the evidence is there to prove this, and ignoring it does not make it go away.

    This Press you speak of is not journalism. While the more astute knew this already, this election cycle proved it beyond a doubt to all objective minds, which of course would never include Hillary supporters. For this so called press was working for her, even in the primaries against sanders. Being a sanders supporter this drove some of us into disgust. And they were united against trump, with a couple of these bastards even admitting they were taking off their journalist hats and working against him, setting aside journalism, which they were not practicing anyways, in order to defeat his great danger to America. Which was utter nonsense. What is in danger is a corrupt media, and both parties which have sold out the average guy for campaign contributions from a powerful group of elites, banksters and MNCs. And the men who own both. We do not have a Press, which speaks truth to power. It is GONE. They are in blackout with anything that questions this oligarchy, including prior CIA agents, prior gov't officials, etc. Currently in blackout with the man who knows the insider who leaked the emails to wilkileaks, so they can blame it on Russia in an attempt to weaken trump and what he wants to do. To reverse what hollowed this nation out, and to get some sanity back into foreign policy, which is representing the interests of a group of very rich elites.

    Trump wants qualified men in his cabinet, in various appointed agencies who will reverse course on what has created all of our problems. You can bet your arse if they do not perform up to what he wants, he will fire them. Trump ran on what he has talked about and railed against since the late 80s. He has not changed in his perception of what is wrong. Being a businessman he is used to solving problems, to turning things around which you cannot say about the ideologue Obama who was exponentially less qualified than trump. The problems this nation has was created by politicians, our career ruling class who are like the inbreds in old Europe who had (*)(*)(*)(*) for brains. Much of our trouble comes from these men who live in bubbles, and spend their lives in those bubbles, and have never had the intelligence to run a business. They are driven by ideological beliefs, where trump is an American pragmatist, and is not corralled by having to remain true to ideology. Much like our earlier presidents who performed well for the people.

    Trump actually cares about this nation and her people. He wants to fix what these bastards in DC have broke, as much as he can. Obama lied about doing this, and changed his spots as soon as he got into office. He served the MNCs, the banking cabal, for he owed them, as every president has for a long time. Trump ran in a hyper divided nation, in part thanks to Obama and the dems who practice identity politics, divide and conquer. Trump ran against both parties and the Press, MSM who worked hard to take him down, spinning everything he said in the most contrived negative manner. This was so easy to see if one had any objectivity at all. And against these forces he won. And he won because he ran as an agent of change, for average americans have suffered economically enough. Sanders appealed to like minded people who wanted change, change away this ONE party with two heads, who are both neoliberal and neocons. His win will go down in American history, as beating an entrenched system that no longer represented the common man. But you do not have to like it.
  7. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I would correct your errors- but I don't think you made any. Nailed it. All I can do is applaud!
  8. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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  9. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Trump doesn't understand anything. That is why he will create this war against the press to cover his own ignorance. It will get to the point, that if you do not ask him third grade questions, he'll just dismiss him or her asking the question.
  10. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    And being in this state of total ignorance and misunderstanding- he took out the democratic party, the Clinton election machine, about a dozen primary opponents, made almost every talking bobble-head in the media eat their own words, did all that with one-third the money and one-third the staff of Clinton- something totally unprecedented in history. .

    Guess he was just lucky.- or perhaps you weren't paying attention, and missed something?
  11. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    All Trump wants to do is return power from Washington back to the people.

    Only a liberal would have a problem with that.
  12. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The media has given Trump unlimited and unedited press and TV coverage. He hangs himself, plays victim and rages at the press for showing the public what he says and how he says it.

    What you do you think of Trump pretending to be his own publicist?
  13. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    If he plays the media for fools that they are, blame the fools not him. And now he is exposing them as liars and lazy, corrupt, manipulative hacks that they are to the American people 70% of which already mistrust the media and the number will soon be 95%.
  14. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    People who hang themselves do not pull off the greatest upset in American history. He hung himself only for those people who would never support him regardless if he made their lives better or not.

    IMO, these anti trump people, the way they have reacted to losing is such infantile and adolescent behavior, and certainly shows a total lack of maturity. Having once been a democrat, and having to leave that party under Bill Clinton when he helped to move this party away from the party of FDR, the party of the common man, it pains me to see what this party has become. And it pains me to know that trump supporters, many of them at one time would have been democrats when it was the party of the common man, the working and middle class. Trump looks more like the old democratic party than the establishment GOP, in many areas.

    These modern democrats are some kind of mutated aberration, who do not even understand what the DP is. The incoherence is that the DP is neoliberal, owned by the banking cabal and MNCs, yet you have leftists supporting this far right wing type of collusion with these elites. If this isn't incoherence then what is? It looks like some tale told by a madman. I cannot comprehend it, unless democratic voters are just dumber than a bag of hammers. What else would explain it rationally? It has to be that the perception of the average American who is a democrat, is totally wrong when it comes to what the DP actually is. They think the party is one thing, when it is actually close to 180 away from what they think it is. Which would still make them dumber than a bag of hammers. How can you fool that many Hillary supporters? How can they be so naïve and outright gullible. I say this as a prior long time member of the party of FDR, and JFK. Like many americans I feel that trump is a breath of fresh air, if he keeps his word, even while not voting for him. His non traditional behavior does not bother me, given the shape of this nation when it comes to working people. What matters is if he can do something to replace part time, working poor, service sector jobs with living wage full time manufacturing jobs So that when I need to buy something it says Made in the USA. Then our teens can find part time work again for the adults will be making what we consume.
  15. SlightlyToTheRight

    SlightlyToTheRight New Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    That's one part I do like about Trump, he'll call out the media in a heartbeat.
  16. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I view any talk of Trump's policies as begging the question, because from what I've seen, he doesn't really have policies. Just empty and incoherent statements and promises. He's in waaaay over his head and we have to hope that the rest of his administration can come up with something useful.

    I'm not normally an advocate of prayer, but in this case....

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another empty statement. What does it actually mean? In what way are we getting power "back" from Washington? It's a freaking platitude. Trump would have made a great Democrat the way he carries on.
  17. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Giving power back to the people means drastically fewer federal regulations and Executive Orders. And fewer federal laws. Let the states and local municipalities handle the governing because they're closer to the people.

    We don't need Washington to micromanage our lives. Washington just needs to protect our borders.
  18. Sam Bellamy

    Sam Bellamy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Political correctness is censorship. It's a tool of the bureaucrats to control the narrative, and everyone should be allowed to voice their opinion. Even if it's not a popular one. Enough of silencing the First Amendment.
  19. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I sure hope that's what we're getting - a significant paring down of federal scope and power. It really has grown into a monster, something I've noticed and made note of in the past. I recall someone posted about this earlier, too, now that you mention it.

    At least with Trump in office, I can actually have some faith in this happening! This will definitely be interesting.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Yes, you're right. Who would want to vote for a horror like Donald Trump? He says things that NOBODY could possibly appreciate and points out problems with Democrat and MSM misconduct that cannot possibly be true . . . or could they? Trump got coverage from the MSM because they couldn't come up with a plan to avoid it; he was just too big a story. However, their reporting did involve every possible opportunity to make him look bad while they tended to move quickly past the obvious indications that Obama is a racist. RACIST? In case you don't remember, there was an incident in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I think it was, between a white police officer and a black professor in which the professor got out of line with the cop and got arrested. Without knowing any details and finding out that the cop was following correct procedure in an unknown situation and the professor was responsible for his own problem, Obama called the police "stupid". Black Lives Matter, Democrats saying that blacks should be able express their frustrations by burning their town down, and cop killings on the present scale did not exist eight years ago. MY GOD! WHO WOULD WANT A HORROR LIKE DONALD TRUMP AS PRESIDENT? Oh, wait.
  21. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    # 1 on the best seller list thanks to Trump:


    If you love your children and grandchildren, you better give them a big hug today because you may not be seeing them tomorrow thanks to Trump and his Armageddon.
  22. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    The OP was filled with valid points. My take on the three points is a bit shorter:

    1) aversion to political correctness. — This is simply because trump is a no-class bully and loudmouth.
    2) aversion to press coverage. — Corrupt, unprincipled, people do their best dirty work in the dark.
    3) desires successful people running agencies. — He wants the One Percenters to fill their pockets. Then they’ll “owe him” when he leaves office.

    trump is the worst thing ever to happen to this country. It’ll take decades to undo his screwups and the destruction he leaves behind.

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