Survey; Israel killed 35 Palestinian children in 2016

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by moon, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Chris Knight

    Chris Knight Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    This isn't about me Alexa. This is about global justice. Now it is well documented in recorded history that the Muslim Arabs ethnically cleansed the subject region of Jews. Muslims currently have 10s of millions of square kilometres of land. Jews have only 10s of thousands of square kilometres of land. How many times would Israel fit into the Islamic World?

    The fact is that the Muslim Arabs are greedy and want the destruction of the Jewish culture as is written in their Islamic scriptures. It seems that you also want to see the destruction of Jews. Have you no shame? Have you no morals and ethics? More importantly has the international community no shame?
  2. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    It isn't about me and you but it is about you trying to shift the topic from what I aswered to which was

    which I replied with

    This was appropriate to your answer. Now if you are saying that the massacres and ethnic cleansing which happened when the state of Israel was formed and all subsequent events including those which have not yet happened but which you hope will happen allowing Israel to ethnic cleanse the rest of the Palestinians and leave the people of Gaza to die in an area which the UN believes will not be for human habitation by 2020 due to it being bombed back to the stone age so often is justified because after Zionist Jews massacred and ethnic cleansed over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs, Muslims and Christians, the situation with Jews in Arab countries changed - due to a mixture of suspicion and many wanting to leave then that has to be the most back to front argument I have ever seen. Early Zionists and no doubt later ones wanted this transfer of people. Some arab jews had become Zionists and wanted this. Others were well integrated into their societies and most certainly were not zionists. Hmm that reminds me of what Netanyahu said after he had been to France and they had sung the French National Anthem as a response to him telling them their home was in Israel 'we will get the Jews who are not integrated. The integrated will stay'. Zionists wanted the Jews out of Arab lands - particularly after the holocaust. The Arabs did not and it is no excuse for going against International law or for what Israel has and is doing to the indigenous people of Palestine.
  3. Chris Knight

    Chris Knight Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    You have a serious perspective issue. You forget that Islam started this, and we need to go back when this first started. You want to delete ~1350 years of history to fit your argument. Sorry but it wouldn't hold up in real court of law. There are 2 billion Muslims of which a significant portion want to see the Jews eradicated. What is it that you expect the Jews to do? Just let the Muslims kill them. This is a war Alexa. It is a war for existence. There are only 20 million Jews left in the world and you want them to die because there a Muslims (which already have 10s of millions of square kilometres of land) who want to live on Jewish Land. Unfortunately when your civilisation is under an existential threat from hostile neighbours and a hostile ideology that want to wipe you off the face of the planet, measured responses are required.

    Islam during its infancy swept across the Arabian Peninsula beheading people which is why today we see Muslims chanting to behead people. It is estimated that Islam is responsible for the death of 240000000 people over 1400 years. Yet you are so focused on a tiny aspect of this complex issue. Gaza will be fine provided they don't harbour terrorists and fire rockets into Israeli civilian buildings. You need to look at the bigger picture, not just a small corner of it Alexa
  4. Chris Knight

    Chris Knight Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    How come the Druze people can live peacefully in Israel, yet Muslim Arabs can't? It is the Muslim Arabs that are causing this problem in Israel and it is the majority of Muslim Arab states in region that are making this issue worse.
  5. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Those ' Muslim Arabs ' are Israeli citizens attempting to enjoy the same equalities which you enjoy in your country- and which are denied them in theirs,
  6. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    To each his own. The United Nations has departments which attempt to address all of the world's wrongdoings. That's its job. My own primary concern is Israeli fascism and the dangers that poses to the Palestinians and to world peace- and ultimately to me. International law prevents war- and Israel scorns it. That's why it's a rotten and dangerous society which should be scorned as it scorns justice and the rule of law.
    There are no exemptions for criminals because they are Jewish- although I can appreciate that many Jewish criminals wish that there were.
  7. Penrod

    Penrod Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Talk about irony
  8. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Two things, alexa. First, one cannot bomb Palestinians back into the Stone Age and second, if Gazan Palestinians continue procreating with their customary speed, Gaza "will not be for human habitation" even before 2020 - the UN is too conservative :)
  9. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Your perceptions of Muslims in general and cherry picked depictions of earlier M.E. history are too fanatically distorted & myopic to begin to address in one Post.

    For example, apparently you are unaware of frequent Christian - Muslim collaboration during the Crusades in which Muslim & Christian Crusaders would fight other Crusaders, each other & Muslims would join Christian Crusaders to fight other Muslims etc.
    You would be well served to read more balanced & scholarly books like "God's War" by Tyerman for facts that dispel the simplistic "Evil Muslims - Poor Jews" Christian Zionist mythology you seem to embrace with such fervor.

    Early M.E. history is not as simple as the glut of canned NeoCon / Christian Zionist distortions would have you believe.

    In dealing with the current Israel - Palestinian imbroglio, what happened centuries ago is irrelevant to more recent realities in Palestine that are at the core of the one sided conflict that is, in fact, Zionist Genocide & criminal land theft.

    Simply put, the Arabs inhabited Palestine first & have been forcibly displaced by FOREIGN militant Jews & Zionist terrorist gangs just as the Ancient Hebrews "swept across" Canaan, slaughtering, stealing & essentially being the ones who "...started this...".

    Can you name ONE example in history in which a Native Population has not resisted a foreign invasion & ruthless Occupation? Such is the case with Palestinian partisans resisting the oldest & most brutal, foreign funded Occupation in history.

    The Jewish community in Palestine comprised only 2% of the overall population and got along reasonably well with their Muslim neighbors until the catastrophic arrival of murderous & grasping, FOREIGN, Zionist Terrorists who came from afar for "Free Land" & ruthless persecution / extermination of Palestine's Native Population.

    For example:
    EXCERPT "The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies."CONTINUED [1]

    The continued massacres, executions destructions and savagery of Zionist terrorist gangs was as extensive then as it is heavily censored today.

    [1] “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”
    Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region.

    Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land."CONTINUED
  10. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    In spite of desperate efforts by Israel’s Multi-billion Dollar, Hasbara Industry & apologists for Zionist Genocide, it has long become clear to the educated world that "Israel" wants all Palestinians and / or all non Jews dead or gone for a Theocratic, Zionist State.

    The Israeli government is accomplishing that goal via means both insidious and overt:

    ---- Just a few examples of Israel's overt Genocide:

    1. The routine & systematic mass slaughters like "Operation Cast Lead" as well as previous and subsequent massacres

    2. The deployment of Genotoxic, N.D.U., D.U., Experimental, Chemical ordinance and D.I.M.E. bombs that sterilize living inhabitants & ensure birth deaths & birth malformations of children not yet born. [1], [2], [3]

    3. Extermination of Food gatherers, growers & producers. I'll only cite 2 of the countless documented murders of Gaza's fishermen who are wide-open targets for genocidal IDF members to enjoy murdering during an afternoon of easy "fun"[4]:

    “Israel fires at Gaza boats, kills Palestinian fisherman: hospital officials”
    Reuters zbCT54DK.99

    EXCERPT “The Israeli navy opened fire on boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing one Palestinian fisherman, Gaza hospital officials said.
    Citing security concerns, Israel keeps a naval blockade on Gaza, .....and has designated a six nautical-mile fishing zone off the enclave's coast."CONTINUED


    “Israel Sprays Farms In Gaza With Poisonous Chemicals (Video)”

    EXCERPT “Israeli pesticide planes sprayed Gaza’s agricultural lands east of Gaza in recent days causing huge damage to the crops in a very short space of time.

    “When I arrived on my farm on Wednesday morning, I was surprised when I saw an Israeli farming plane crossing the borders towards farms inside Gaza,” farmer Ahmed Badawi said. “The plane started to spray unidentified chemicals.”

    Mahmoud Dalloul, another farmer in a different area near the border, said that this was not the first time that the Israeli occupation sprayed poisonous chemicals on their plants.CONTINUED

    ---- A Few Examples of more Insidious Zionist Genocide that are quiet, just as deadly & less like to make headlines.

    1. Use of raw sewage as a Bio / Chem. weapon[5] Food depravation along with the destruction of fresh fruits, vegetables & fish guarantees disease related to malnutrition [6]

    2. Relentless home demolitions exposes the youngest, oldest & most vulnerable to the elements:

    “Father Finds Five-Month-Old Son Frozen to Death in Gaza “
    EXCERPT “A grieving father has recounted to NBC News how his five-month-old son froze to death after the family’s Gaza home was bombed by Israel. Sami Abu Khesi is among the Palestinians who have yet to rebuild in the wake of last summer’s conflict which left more than 2,100 people dead.
    The ministry has confirmed four children have died as a result of hypothermia this winter …

    According to the United Nations, more than 18,000 homes were destroyed or severely damaged by the summer conflict in densely populated 139-mile-square Gaza. More than 100,000 people were left homeless, the U.N. said, and countless more continue to live without heating or running water. This year's harsh winter has forced many to survive by building campfires inside the exposed shells that once were their homes.”CONTINUED

    3. An additional example of the more insidious forms of Zionist Genocide in Palestine is the destruction of life-sustaining infrastructure such as the targeted destruction of Gaza's only power plant.[7]

    If you're reading this, it is very likely that you enjoy the luxury of a reliable electric power source that preserves your food & sometimes, water supply. You only notice how much you rely on that reliable electric power in the rare instances in which it is occasionally interrupted in which case you are only briefly inconvenienced.

    Imagine life in Gaza where, if your home is not destroyed one night, you are rarely with the electric supply on which you rely for food preservation, water, cooling, heating & in the case of the very old, very young, or hospitalized, your life depends on that life sustaining requirement.

    The list of fatal forms of torment by Israel's Zionist regime are endless and range from "Relaxed Live Fire Rules" [8] to recreational executions "for Fun" [9].

    What is most revealing about the Genocidal agenda of this Zionist State is the widespread societal support for "Ethnic Cleansing" [10] in which "expelled" is, in reality, exterminated or consigned to a Real "Concentration Camp" like Walled & Blockaded Gaza in which IDF members can exercise & boast about their homicidal hobby [11]

    Occasionally in this forum Israel's Raison d'être, an event popularly called "The Holocaust®", is discussed. A popular motto accompanying the memorializing of that event is "Never Forget".
    It is a tragic irony that is has not so much been forgotten in the current Zionist State as become a real holocaust for the systematically exterminated Native Residents of Palestine.

    Whether "The Holocaust®" actually happened, as advertised, remains a point of debate.
    However, the sad reality remains that, while we can do nothing to avert past tragedies, we can work to prevent today's current Genocide in historic Palestine.



    [2] “Gaza sees more newborns of malformation”

    [3] “The DIME Bomb: Yet another genotoxic weapon, Part III”
    EXCERPT “ Since early July, Israeli forces have been using a new weapon in the Gaza Strip that inflicts strange and deadly wounds....
    .......DU & NDU bombs are converted to micron-sized particles that sicken and kill and murder the next generation in the womb.”CONTINUED

    [4] “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”


    EXCERPT “(*)Israeli settlements are illegally dumping wastewater onto Palestinian villages, farmlands and agricultural lands. This practice has devastating effects on the Palestinian lands, both reducing and preventing any agricultural production, livestock farming and infecting previously safe drinking water. The accumulative effect of these issues has resulted in an economic downturn, increases in disease and health problems, an increase in poverty and often the slow migration of Palestinians to other areas where they have more potential for earning and farming which only further compounds the issue of internal displacement.”CONTINUED

    [6] “The Israeli Campaign To “Starve Palestinians Into Submission Is A Crime”

    [7] “Gaza's only power plant destroyed in Israel's most intense air strike yet”
    EXCERPT " Amnesty International said the crippling of the power station amounted to "collective punishment of Palestinians". The strike on the plant will worsen already severe problems with Gaza's water supply, sewage treatment and power supplies to medical facilities.” CONTINUED

    [8] “Israel relaxes live-fire rules against Palestinian stone-throwers”

    [9] “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

    [10] “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”
    EXCERPTS “ Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

    [11] “Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Dead Palestinian Babies, Bombed Mosques”
    EXCERPT “Dead babies, mothers weeping on their children's graves, a gun aimed at a child and bombed-out mosques - these are a few examples of the images Israel Defense Forces soldiers design these days to print on shirts they order to mark the end of training, or of field duty. The slogans accompanying the drawings are not exactly anemic either: A T-shirt for infantry snipers bears the inscription "Better use Durex," next to a picture of a dead Palestinian baby, with his weeping mother and a teddy bear beside him.”CONTINUED
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    It is equally well documented that the Ancient Hebrews invaded Canaan with the bloodlust you attributed to Muslims. More recently, it is well documented that Bolshevik Jews helped massacre millions of Christians.
    Neither of those old realities serve as an excuse to persecute Jews today.

    My point is that it is disingenuous to use past events as an excuse for today's atrocities such as U.S. funded blatant Zionist Genocide.

    Please see my Post #610 in which I have documented the manifold ways in which today's Zionist Occupiers are systematically exterminating Palestine's Native Residents, stealing the little land they have left & making Gaza uninhabitable due to IDF deployed N.D.U., D.U., D.I.M.E. bombs & Genotoxic weaponry with the intent to poison Gaza's existing residents, inflict birth deaths & malformations among the persecuted survivors.

    It should be obvious to all but the most obtuse and/or intransigent Zionist apologist that the Right Wing Element in Israel wants to slowly & insidiously erase all evidence of a previous culture as outlined in the Zionist Plan Dalet[1].

    Fortunately, not all Israelis support this U.S. funded horrific agenda & many ethical & decent Israelis risk their lives to oppose the very actions that make Israel among the very most unpopular nations on the planet.

    Your argument that because Muslims have more land than the Jews, the Israelis, somehow, deserve all of Palestine is both ludicrous and an aberrant notion embraced by some of the planet's ugliest ideologies.

    The simple reality that you seem so desperate to obfuscate is that the Palestinians were there first & there for generations.
    Meanwhile, well funded, heavily armed Zionist Terrorist Gangs including the Nazi funded Haganah[2] came later to massacre Palestine's innocent farmers, fishermen, craftsmen etc, steal the land they had owned, slaughter their families & drive them from their homes.

    Sadly, the Right Wing Zionists continue to do so with the unconditional support of the U.S. Government, Israel's network of trained, paid, scripted, State supported Hasbara Trolls, professionally duped Zionist apologists & other fervent Islamophobes.

    If there is any dearth of "shame, morals & ethics", it belongs squarely in hands of those who would serve as apologists for the world's most ruthless, foreign funded Genocide occurring today in historic Palestine.


    [2] "Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army"
    EXCERPT "In his 1988 book "Blowback," Christopher Simpson says captured SS records documented a covert agreement between the SS and the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force.
    "Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine."CONTINUED
  12. Penrod

    Penrod Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    No they were not. This is their big lie
    Also no one ever suggested that Israel have all of Palestine, most of Palestine already belongs to Jordan
  13. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    1. Re:
    If the Palestinian Arabs were not the indigenous population of Palestine prior to the massive influx of Zionist Terrorist Gangs & militant Jewish Colonists, then who were the native residents of Palestine........the Chinese?

    According to the British Survey & Census of Palestine done in 1922, there were about 600,000 "Moslems" living in Palestine and 90,000 Jews [1]

    2. Re:
    Wrong again, countless Zionists Terrorists make their Ethnic Cleansing agenda perfectly clear:

    "Zionist Quotes" Quotes.htm
    "Obviously, there is no need to be discrete and circumspect when people are doing good or acceptable things. Here are other Zionist leaders who clearly advocated ethnic cleansing, without bothering to be discrete or circumspect. In fact, in one of its first acts as a nation in 1948, Israel created a Transfer Committee to supervise the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians! The director of the Transfer Committee was Yossef (Joseph) Weitz, who also kept a diary, so we know exactly what he was thinking and doing, in his own words. And they are chilling:

    "It is our right to TRANSFER the Palestinians!"—Transfer Committee director Yossef (Joseph) Weitz

    "We must work out a secret plan based on the removal of the Arabs ... [and] include it in American political circles."—Weitz

    "There is no other way than to TRANSFER the Arabs from here to neighboring countries, all of them."—Weitz

    "Not one village, not one [Arab] tribe should be left."—Weitz

    "If the Arabs leave, the country will become wide and spacious for us [Jews]."—Weitz

    "Only after this TRANSFER will the country be able to absorb millions of our [Jewish] brothers."—Weitz

    "The TRANSFER of Arabs from the Jewish state [serves two aims]: to diminish the Arab population and release Arab land to Jews."—Weitz

    "There is no Zionism, colonization, or Jewish state without the EVICTION of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."—Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

    "The interests of security demand that we get rid of them."—Prime Minister Moshe Sharett

    "TRANSFER [ethnic cleansing] could be the crowning achievement, the final stage in the development of [Zionist] policy."—Sharett

    "We are equally determined to explore all possibilities of getting rid, once and for all, of the huge Arab minority."—Sharett

    "[Land is acquired] by force—that is, by CONQUEST in war, or in other words, by ROBBING land from its owner."—Menachem Ussishkin

    "If there are other inhabitants there, they must be TRANSFERRED to some other place."—Ussishkin

    "Regarding the TRANSFER of the Arabs, this is much easier than any other TRANSFER."—Ben-Gurion

    "We came to this country which was already populated by Arabs, and we are establishing a Hebrew, that is a Jewish state here ... There is no one place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."—Moshe Dayan, from an address given to Technion University students (March 19, 1969), a transcription of which appeared in Ha'aretz (April 4, 1969)

    Israel's system of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and brutal repression of Palestinians begins with the "Iron Wall" dogma of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, as explained by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who once said, “We all grew up as faithful to the doctrine of Jabotinsky." Jabotinsky was the spiritual father of the Likud, and he was a staunch advocate of "transfer" or ethnic cleansing. "CONTINUED

    Feel free to read innumerable other more recent quotes that disprove your contention that:

    [1] Total Population By Religion and Sub-District (1922 & 1931 Census) in Palestine before 1948 (Nakba). British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine: Volume I - Page 149. . Chapter VI: Population: B. Geographical Distribution of the Population:
  14. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    oh ho ho.... so much for your claim people got ethnic cleansed by the arab conquest.
    You dropped that like a brick by quickly changing the subject. lol
  15. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Oh... nothing compares to the Christian/Jewish west. They raged war across the entire globe during those last 1400 years. Gassing people en mass, dropping atomic bombs on civilians, enslaving the world. The bulk of the weapon industry is still in the hands of those butchers.
  16. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Nothing you rant puts a dent in my previous argument.
  17. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Well if they are going to drown in gas anyway they might as well fight, sure.
  18. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Just for the heck of it, I checked out "Dr. Bill Warner", an alias for Bill French & found the following:

    "Anti-Islam group finds fertile ground in Nashville"

    EXCERPT "French is a former Tennessee State University physics professor who writes under the pseudonym Bill Warner and runs the Center for the Study of Political Islam. He has no formal training in Islamic studies and doesn’t speak Arabic.
    He recently was listed as a member of “The Anti-Muslim Inner Circle” by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s(*)Intelligence Reportmagazine, along with Gaffney, ACT founder Brigitte Gabriel and David Yerushalmi, a Phoenix attorney who drafted Tennessee’s anti-Shariah bill.CONTINUED

    It's no wonder that ignorant hate mongering disciples of "Dr. Bill Warner", aka Bill French, are such frothing Islamophobes.

    I spent 10 - 11 months hitch-hiking, walking etc through the Islamic Middle East and experienced only kindness, warm hospitality & generosity from my many Muslim hosts.

    It's been my experience that people who know the least about Muslims are the ones who hate them with the most fanatic fervor.

    I have no desire to live under Shariah law but have no reason to hate those who chose to do so.
  19. Penrod

    Penrod Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    First of where do Arabs come from ? It couldnt be Saudi Arabia could it ? Its certainly not Palestine. Jews where there long before Mohamed was even born. You seem to want to cherry pick a moment in time that suits you. I showed you one of their leaders telling the truth you refuse to believe. The place was practically empty until the Jews started moving there

    The quotes you have are not speaking of all of Palestine. Jordan is being left out.
  20. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I only chose the 1922 British Census & Survey of Palestine because it is the first modern & most accurate accounting for the Region & dispels the myth that Palestine was an empty wasteland until the sudden influx of FOREIGN, Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants from Europe, etc beginning in 1880.

    Briefly put, before 1880, Palestine was primarily non Jewish according to Crusader accounts & the excellent book "God's War" by Tyerman. Meanwhile most of Palestine's Jews were Sephardim, lived in Jerusalem & are genetically connected to Palestine's other Semites who descended from the Canaanites, Phoenicians, the Philistines etc.

    As I noted in an earlier Post, the Palestinian Arabs & native Sephardic Jews coexisted relatively well [1] until the invasion of FOREIGN, Ashkenazi, Zionist Terrorist gangs & militant Ashkenazi Jewish Colonists.

    You're probable equally misinformed about who actually "made the desert bloom"

    In fact, while Zionist Terrorist Gangs were free to go massacring Palestine's native population & stealing their land, it was the Germans who, in reality, "....made the desert bloom"[2], [3]
    The Germans built all 3 of Israel's early power plants, grid-work, Israel's entire railway system, including "new-fangled German-manufactured trains" & over 60 ships.

    Much to the misfortune of the neighboring Muslim States, Germany GAVE Israel the sophisticated weaponry they used to defeat demoralized, out-gunned & poorly led Arab armies when others were reluctant to even sell to them.[4]

    Essentially, the Germans built Israel and, today, the US supports it & provides much of the stolen technology and, yet, the Israelis still cannot support themselves without Foreign "Aid" for more provocative settlements, Land Theft, Wall building & genocide.

    Those quotes & countless others like it disproved your additional misperception that:
    Additionally, this thread is about Occupied Palestine / Israel & has nothing to do with other countries except for those that support the expansionist Zionist State & its genocidal agenda (Please see my Post # 610 for details about Israel's Right Wing Zionist Genocidal agenda)

    Meanwhile, Israeli society has become so extremist that nearly half of all Israelis support Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine's native residents:

    “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”
    EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found.

    A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre(*)found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.(*)
    The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.CONTINUED

    [1] “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

    Myth #1 – Jews and Arabs have always been in conflict in the region.
    Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land.

    The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies."CONTINUED

    [2] “The Reparations Agreement of 1952 and the response in Israel”

    EXCERPT “As part of the reparations, many goods reached Israel which helped the state economy to stabilize over the years. For example, Israel received new-fangled German-manufactured trains, which were operated for a number of years by the Israel Railways”CONTINUED

    [3] “Inside the Germany/Israel Relationship”
    EXCERPTS “Federal Republic of Germany laid the groundwork for Israel’s infrastructure—including roads, railways and shipping—while simultaneously rebuilding West German industry."CONTINUED

    [4] “German-Israeli Armaments Cooperation”
    EXCERPT “Israel profited from cooperation by having a reliable and quick source for spare parts and complete weapon systems – even in times of war, when other nations like the United States, Great Britain and France were more restrictive in supplying arms to Israel. Another advantage was the willingness of the German government to pay for these exports to Israel."CONTINUED
  21. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The Palestinians have always been in that area. They just integrated into Arab culture.
    You know what integrated means?
  22. Chris Knight

    Chris Knight Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    Indeed Moses did invade the land of Canaan that was settled by the Phoenicians or the like (known as Canaanites). Just so you can get a grasp of the numbers, Islam is responsible for an estimated 240000000 dead over 1400 years. This doesn't come close to any other religion, faith or ideology. So nothing is equal when comparing the brutal, intolerant and savage ideology of Islam throughout history. The main issue is this ideology is still intact today, and now must be reformed or removed. Defend fundamental Islam if you must, but I would advise against it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Your continual failure to read and understand history is alarming. Muslim Arabs were not always in that area and Palestine has never been a country.
  23. Chris Knight

    Chris Knight Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    As I said earlier, the Druze seem to be able to live in Israel peacefully. Why do the Muslim Arabs have such a problem? It must be the fundamental religious-political ideology of Islam that is responsible!
  24. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    That part of the world has been called Palestine since ever. The ancient Egyptians knew it like that. Hence there always have been Palestinians as far as people know. And than, those people integrated into Arab culture and became muslim. And the failure of you not understanding that people can adopt a different culture and start using a different religion is just hilarious.
  25. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Neah. The Jews have a fundamental religious-political ideology that is fanatically hostile towards others. According to their believe, the Jew marched over the corpses of the totally innocent first borns of Egypt with their happy faces, to go to Canaan and commit genocide against those civilians, to thieve their land... because their God supports that.

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