The Mainstream Media Have Forfeited All Respect

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Wehrwolfen, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    By Steve McCann
    February 21, 2017

    The inevitable conflict between the mainstream media and Donald Trump has come to boil just four weeks into his presidency.(*) The media are beside themselves that someone would castigate them at every opportunity and use hyperbole such as “enemy of the American people” and purveyors of “very fake news” to get under their skin, as their narcissism and sense of self-importance knows no bounds.(*) They fail to understand why they are held in such disregard -- polling has revealed only 32% of Americans trust the [] media (down from 55% in 2000) and why so many cheer Trump’s visceral attacks.
    Over the past half-century, the mainstream media in the United States have evolved into interloculars for and the Praetorian Guard of the Ruling Class. (*)They constitute a segment of society which is overwhelmingly Liberal, wealthy, self-centered, isolated, and brimming with disdain for the rabble that lives in fly-over country.(*)(*) Thus, what passes for journalism by the mass media is essentially a defense of the ideology, lifestyle and supremacy of their fellow travelers in the Ruling Class.
    Nothing more reflects this mindset than the coverage of the Obama years.(*) While anger with the media has(*)been gradually building for the past fifty years, the Obama presidency more than amply explains why the current overwhelming level of disgust and mistrust of the media exists.(*) And why a Donald Trump was elected President.
    In January of 2009 the national debt of the United States stood at $10.6 Trillion, today it is $20.0 Trillion -- an increase of 90% (and projected to reach $29.0 Trillion by 2026).(*) On the other hand, despite the global recession of 2008-09, the debt of all the rest of nations on earth expanded by only 54% [] since 2008. Meanwhile the nation’s Gross Domestic Product grew by an anemic average of 1.4% per year (inflation adjusted) since 2008 the worst 8-year []performance since the Great Depression.(*) Yet Obama was given an eight-year pass, as the media chose to not question the administration’s blaming George W. Bush for all the economic ills of Obama’s two terms. Further, they willfully ignored or glossed over why the economy was not growing, while nearly every year of the Obama presidency claiming that the economy was on an significant upswing, and that mountainous budget deficits were not a concern.(*) In essence they assumed the American people were gullible dupes when many were not.
    Since the end of 2008, the working age population has increased by over 20 million. However, the number of those employed has increased just 8.9 million.(*) Meanwhile the number of those unemployed and no longer in the work force has jumped to a staggering total of 102 million -- or 41.2% of the working age population.(*)(*) This percentage rate has been essentially unchanged since January of 2009, a timeframe and rate approaching the tragic years of the 1930’s [].(*) The American public was deliberately kept in the dark about the extent of the real unemployment situation as the media chose to ignore the negative data and instead focused on whatever positive news, real or imagined, they could find to protect Barack Obama and blame others for his failed policies.(*) Nonetheless, the people knew the rest of the story – because they were living it.
    In 1988 there were 16 million immigrants (including fewer than 1 million illegal aliens) living in the United States.(*) Today, that number has skyrocketed [] to 42.4 million (including an estimated 12 million illegal aliens).(*) This enormous increase (165%) in the immigrant population (while the overall population growth was just 29%) has not only put pressure on a stagnant job market, but also has been a major factor in the decline of median income in the country as well as skyrocketing public spending. Rather than report the facts, the media chose instead to highlight human-interest stories about the plight of an illegal immigrant family whenever one could be found, to extensively and sympathetically cover immigrant marches and demonstrations, to highlight accusations of alleged xenophobia and intolerance, and generally be an ombudsman for the immigrant population.
    Since 2008, the Obama cabal has added over 19,000 pages to the Code of Federal Regulations. It is estimated that complying with federal regulations costs the economy over $2 Trillion per year and is, along with taxes and innumerable mandates, one of the principal reasons [] for the lack of new business start-ups and loss of jobs to other countries. Instead of informing the American people of the devastating impact of an out-of-control regulatory state, the media chose to constantly promote the false narrative of global warming and other hot button Leftist issues, all of which required more stringent regulations.
    The upshot of all the above is that since 2008 (adjusted for inflation) the household income of the top 5% has risen 12.0% [] and the income of the bottom 60% has fallen by 2.0%.(*) While there has been coverage of income inequality, it has been solely to blame capitalism as the culprit.(*) The real underlying factors have received little to no coverage by the mainstream media, as it would have harmed the narrative of the day -- that the Obama policies were working when a clear majority of the citizenry knew they were not -- and that the disastrous outcome was not the fault of George Bush or capitalism.


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    Who has the Main Stream Media really been working for? Have the media been the Fifth Column of Progressive Social Marxism? Colleges and Universities have been inculcating journalism students with Socialist ideology for more than three generations.If the Mainstream Media had been performing its Constitutionally protected function, both Clintons would be in prison, and Obama would still be a political hack in Chicago.
    About 10 years ago the Main Stream Media really showed their colors with their total abdication of truth, while Democrats created the Housing Bubble thanks to former Congressman Barney Frank.
    IMHO, Mr. McCann wrote an outstanding article spotlighting the criminal complicity of the so-called Main Stream Media aptly named the Lame Stream Media in the biggest fraud coverup in American history. One minor point, the greatest estimate of the unemployed during Great Depression maxed out at 25% of the workforce. We've hit over 40% and all we heard from the media during the Obama years was crickets while they extolled his feeble attempts to create "Shovel Ready Jobs" and "Lead From Behind" and incited racism, that's what I mean by criminal complicity. We need more spotlights on Democrat failures. It's easy. They're everywhere we look.
  2. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Nary a person can take the MSM seriously.

  3. PapaGeek

    PapaGeek Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    The media is only reporting what they actually see and feel about what is happening.

    The actual situation was annualized by the Center for Public Integrity. It found that 96% of the campaign donations by roughly 480 media donors went to Hillary. 430 media people donated $382,000 to Clinton while roughly 40 media people donated $14,000 to Trump.

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    Since the vote of the American people was roughly 50 50, and the media donations were 96 4, the problem is not the media being fake, it is the media being honestly bias!
  4. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Asinine post on your part. If we hit 40% unemployment, we will be in a full on depression. That's not opinion, that's an economic fact.
    So I'm simply going to call your post pure, unadulterated BS.
  5. usda_select

    usda_select Active Member Past Donor

    May 28, 2016
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    People have to remember that there are no intellectual reasons to support this boob in the white house. His policies are garbage, the man is a pervert, and even if you do agree with his policies of banning people because of their religion, deporting otherwise peaceful persons, and "rebuilding" the most lethal military machine to ever inhabit the planet for some reason; you're not thinking past your own biting xenophobia. Trump is about getting you pissed, telling you who to be pissed at; rinsing and repeating it. This is why there is no discipline in his ranks, people are fired hours after spokesditzs are sent out to show support for them, Generals are demoted and white supremacists are promoted. As long as we have people who buy BS, Donald will be there to sell it.
  6. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    The decline, as shown by the link exactly corresponds with the rise of FOX News. I do not believe that to be a coincidence.

    Most mainstream media hold themselves to a high standard of truth and hire trained journalists. They police themselves to a high standard as well. Take the NBC news anchor that embellished his reporting by stating that an RPG had hit the helicopter he rode. He was immediately suspended for 6 months. A harmless lie not unlike the darling of FOX News reporting from the front in Argentina without ever even being in the general vicinity.
    FOX news, on the other hand, had an anchor blatantly make up a story of a serious accusation of a presidential candidate a week before the election. His false story continued to be repeated on FOX shows after the accusation was proven false and made up. To this day not one of those people has been fired, suspended or even given a slap on the wrist for creating a false story that would have an impact on a presidential election and spreading it.
    So yes, MSM has a cancer and it is FOX News and unfortunately that appears to be where Trump goes for his news even though he has entire agencies devoted to providing him daily updates but those are just fake news reports in his world.
  7. katzgar

    katzgar Banned

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Lots of Idaho bunker posts on this thread
  8. therooster

    therooster Banned

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Did you get that info from the Congo times ?
  9. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Nah, don't trust them. I heard Rupert Murdoch owns them.
  10. PapaGeek

    PapaGeek Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Fox News is a perfect example of why your statement is completely wrong.
    If you are going to report on a single incident, what about the NBC staff, not just a single person, who altered the Zimmerman 911 call to make him look like a racist?
    The reality comes down to my previous post in this thread, 96% of the media contributions went to Hillary! For years and years, the entire news front was controlled by a liberal viewpoint that the Constitution is just a suggestion of how we should live and it can be changed on a whim.
    There was only that one viewpoint available until Fox News came along to give people a viewpoint that there are also conservative viewpoints.
    The election results are a perfect example of why Fox News is now the most listened to News outlet. The election was close to 50 50 as with almost every other election, a 55 45 election is considered a landslide. Half of our country is liberal and half conservative. So, half of the viewing audience can listen to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, and all the rest of the TV news outlets. The other half listens to FOX, they do not have a choice!
    One of the major reasons that Trump won was actually the bias news coverage. The media, except for FOX, got every poll wrong. They skewed the results for “likely voters” and did not even take into consideration that there were a huge number of people who had not voted is years because they felt there was no good choice. These voters saw someone who was not a political insider who would sell our country to the highest special interest bidder, Trump can’t be bought!
    The media lies about the polls made sure that all the liberals knew that Hillary would win easily, so no need for a huge get out the vote push, she’s going to win if I vote or not. The Trump supporters were totally committed to his “Drain the Swap” ideas. They totally love that for the first time in a very very long time we actually have a president who is working hard on fulfilling his campaign promises.
    Trump does not fit the old joke about politicians, you can tell when a politician is lying because their lips are moving!
    I, like many other Trump supporters, did not like a lot of what he said on the campaign trail, or how he said it, but from day one I believed that he was going to do what he said he would do! As for Hillary, I knew she had a staff who did the research on what words would get her the most votes so she said those words even though she knew she would never do it!
    Seth Bullock and Gatewood like this.
  11. RedWolf

    RedWolf Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    When the media decides to start acting like a real news organization then I'll start taking them serious. Until then I see no reason to trust any of them.
  12. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Excellent points about Fox News, which serves as the SOLE media outlet counterpoint striving to BE Fair and Balanced in comparison to the far Left tilt of ABC, CBS, NBC/MSNBV, CNN and working FOR the Left and the DNC.

    But at the risk of straying off topic I wanted to point out that the final paragraph of yours that I kept in the quote-box pretty much illustrates my perspective and why I (reluctantly) ended up voting for Trump.
  13. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Their radical left position has made them a laughing stock. Its their way or the hiway, and the truth be damned.

    They broadcast all their fake news and out right lies, and then whine if they are not called on during news conferences. How stupid can they get?
  14. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    The media has it's obvious biases and spins, but in a conflict with Trump, they have the moral high ground.
  15. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The MSM moral???????????? Thanks I needed a good laugh to start the day.
  16. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    My advice to president Trump via Taylor Swift:

    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate
    The fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake
    Just shake it off, shake it off

    He should just continue to keep his promises as best he can----he has the support of most Republicans, Independents and Democrats who are fed up with their party being hijacked by out-of-control crazy Liberals. He should just go about his business, because no one listens to or believes anything these Liberal media outlets have to say. They are liars.
  17. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Fox news is not the most watched, it comes in at a distant fourth. ABC, NBC and CBS news all have much higher viewer ship. This is yet another example of their lying to you and you falling for it.
    FOX has no shame nor honor.

    The rest of your post should be reviewed by you in that vein if you are not to spend the rest of your days in ignorance. That's how FOX likes its viewers ignorant and pliable.
  18. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Full on TDS. Doubt many on the left can think straight anymore.
  19. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    After you are done, you might want to look up the phrase "high ground."
  20. Sampson Simpon

    Sampson Simpon Active Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Even if it does have the highest ratings, it doesn't make conservatives look good. They just watch things they want to hear. Conservatives get their marching orders from one source. Liberals go to many sources, hence why Fox may have the highest ratings. Fox has brainwashed them for decades about the stupid "mainstream media" nonsense. Fox news, time and time again, has been shown to lie, post incorrect images and comments, and completely spin. Executives even said they are an entertainment channel, not news. It's astounding how stupid conservatives look when they say things that are essentially "liberals are poopyheads" without any actual argument, facts, logic, or reasoning.

    Notice how Trump supporters never actually say anything to defend him at all. It's always "waaa butthurt liberals", "waaaa mainstream media". To claim the media, that is reporting on Trumps actual comments, his actual words, which are either on Twitter for all to see, or on camera, is not them being biased. Trump is a complete (*)(*)(*)(*) show, lying about everything. And the most ironic thing, his stupid Sweden comment he got from Fox news. That just shows the epitome of dishonest and lies from Fox news. That's all the guy watches.

    And then conservatives go around making stupid comments about the poopyhead liberals while they make themselves look stupid with their childish, unintelligent comments. Is there anything noble at all about any conservative and republican position?
  21. vanityofvanitys

    vanityofvanitys Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    It is people like you who are glaring reminders that we are facing a hopeless cause. You and they have gone off the deep end. There is no cogent explanation you have the guts or capability of comprehending. Here is your problem: EGO. Here is your other problem: You do not know God or you do not take Him seriously.
  22. RedWolf

    RedWolf Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    When you lie and distort then you have no high ground.
  23. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    You do when you generally make an attempt to correct your mistakes and when the person striking out against you is a rabid serial liar who is practically incapable acknowledging reality.
  24. RedWolf

    RedWolf Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) you. I just got that (*)(*)(*)(*)ing song out of my (*)(*)(*)(*)ing head and you got to (*)(*)(*)(*)ing post the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) lyrics.
  25. RedWolf

    RedWolf Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
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    No you don't. A lot of those mistakes is because they won't fact check because they have a rabid hate on for the person. If you want the moral high ground then stick to the facts and nothing but.

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