Sanctuary Country?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by TheGreatSatan, Apr 9, 2017.


Sanctuary Country?

  1. Allowing people to come and go unchecked/unregulated and hide out is dangerous and should be stopped

    11 vote(s)
  2. Without people coming and going unchecked/unregulated, we won't have a hidden class to exploit.

    0 vote(s)
  3. We should let anyone/everyone come and go unchecked/unregulated and hide out here.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Allowing people to come unchecked/unregulated is part of the fundamental transformation of America

    1 vote(s)
  1. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    In more recent years (since about 2008.) there has actually been a significant decline in the number of people making illegal entries. A big reason why people make illegal entries to begin with is because we have incentivised it with a process that can take up to 10 years to get a legal visa. If we make worker's visa's more accessible, we reduce the incentive to make an illegal entry to begin with, which overall would make it much easier to prevent the remaining illegal entries from taking place. Stealing a car is a felony, while illegal entry is actually a misdemeanor. People who make an illegal entry should be made to pay the legal fines, after that we grant them the opportunity to apply for a worker's visa. If they pass the criminal background check and it shows they are not a car thief(just one example), then we grant them their worker's permit. If they make no attempts to pay their legal fines or apply for a legal worker's permit, then we pursue them and deport them.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  2. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Oh... that makes it OK then. See, people can come here unchecked and unregulated and hide out here as long as we keep the rate down. got it...

    It's hard to get here legally... so coming here illegally is OK.... got it.

    Make work Visas easier. I agree. But what good is it when they have to compete with people who just walked in?

    Ah yes, pursue and deport them... like 20 times because they just keep walking back in. Got it... No immigration reform will work without a secure boarder. Boarder security is the first step to fixing this and keeping America from being fundamentally transformed into a global socialist police state by the left.
  3. Xtremenerd

    Xtremenerd Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    If someone wants to make their state a sanctuary one, fine by me, except whichever refugee they want to take in has to stay at their house
  4. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    We got sanctuary cities, now states, why not make the whole country a sanctuary country? I'm sure if Hillary had won, this would be in the works.
  5. Xtremenerd

    Xtremenerd Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Oh of course she would have tried that I have no doubt.
    TheGreatSatan likes this.
  6. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Once again, you can make preventing unlawful entry a whole lot easier by reducing the incentive to cross the border illegally. The reason why we have a hard time stopping illegal entries is because there have been too many to catch, if you create an easy legal solution, you reduce the number of illegal entries, which would make our border security agents' job a whole lot easier. Yes, reducing the incentive of unlawful entry makes our border more secure, it allows for our border officers to spend less time chasing migrants, and more time chasing smugglers. Also, people who enter illegally should be made to pay a fine before being given a worker's visa

    As for illegally entering the country after being deported, that is a federal felony that we mustn't neglect to act on.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  7. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    So you're saying that if we reduce the flow of people coming and going unchecked/unregulated, then hiding out in sanctuary cities everything would be okay. It would be a lot harder for terrorist to get in and you would maintain a flow of illegal aliens to exploit for slave wages.... Got it....

    This is a huge problem. Rather than catch these people and remove them, the left creates places for them to hide out, and illegally hires them for slave wages.

    I agree here, but why bother being legal if you can just come and go at will unchecked/unregulated?

    How about we secure the boarder with a wall so when we deport people, they can't just walk on in. Don't you think the boarder agents job would be a lot easier monitoring a wall, then a massive open space?

    This is why sanctuary cities are extremely dangerous. We deport a criminal, they just walk back in and hide out in one. Some do it over and over again. No immigration reform will work till we get our boarder under control. The only excuse for not securing the boarders is to continue a flow of illegal labor to be exploited for slave wages. Damn Republicans taking the lefts slaves away again...
    Homer J Thompson likes this.
  8. Homer J Thompson

    Homer J Thompson Banned

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I think we are only coveting what the Vatican has already done.
    TheGreatSatan likes this.
  9. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    1. Yes, if our border agents can spend less time chasing migrants, it will allow them to focus more on catching smugglers and potential terrorists

    2. The worker's permit solution is not a "left" solution, it's an idea being proposed by right leaning economists. The idea is to create an easy access work permit for migrant workers who would otherwise remain undocumented immigrants, and then focusing in those who do not apply for their permit, or who do not pass the criminal background check. Furthermore, people don't leave their native countries willfully to become slaves in another country, they only choose to work here if they believe they are better off than in their native country. That's not slave labor, that's providing a greater opportunity for them to IMPROVE their living conditions

    3. Coming in illegally should not go unchecked and unregulated. Again, those who enter illegally should be made to pay a fine before being granted their work permit. We should incentivize people to use the legal process by creating an easy access worker's permit, and then focusing in on those who make no attempts to apply for said permit. If we can create a greater opportunity for migrants to work here legally, then fewer of them will commit an illegal entry. Kind of like how fewer people made illegal entries back when we had open immigration

    4. Since 2009 more people have crossed back into Mexico than into the US, we don't need a multi-billion dollar exterior structure that costs billions of dollars to build and billions more to maintain. We ought to be spending those funds on infrastructure instead. Besides that, it would be more cost efficient to create a process which makes illegal entry unnecessary. We already have a wall at our border, and the parts of our border that do not are that way for a reason. Border experts prefer fencing in some areas because it works just as good as a wall, it requires less maintenance, and allows them to see what activity is going on around the other side. A wall is less cost effective, and has no investment value

    5. Criminal entry is part of the reason why we need the worker's permit solution, we create a system which would give the honest workers no problem getting a legal permit, we then use the application as a criminal background check, and then arrest and deport those who do not pass the criminal background check (either because they had a criminal record, or they never filed an application). This would be good for businesses and the economy, and would make our borders more secure. Increasing our border security is fine, but we need to be smart about how we do it. That means we don't waste money on projects that require heavy maintenance that have no payoff.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  10. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    See, like, I don't want there to be a group of people that can be exploited for slave wages. That's where I'm going here

    I agree, but without boarder security, it's worthless.

    NO WAY!! You tellin me people make money off exploiting people?

    I'm all for a "legal" system. As long as they compete on the same field, GAME ON!


    Here's a pass. Better luck next time...

    So... Ir's a trickle so it's good... Got it..

    I agree with your idea that we need immigration reform. There are all kinda's ideas in stuff and you discussed, like a bunch of them. But, in the end.. if we can't secure "our" country, we'll lose it.
  11. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    The worker's permit solution in itself helps make our borders more secure, as it allows our border security officers to focus on where there are real problems. I wouldn't call it slave labor because it is basically creating a condition that is similar to when my family arrived in the US in the early 20th century. That is we allow people to move to the US for work, but not for welfare. If the conditions of working here were equatable to slavery, then no one would come here. Again, people choose to immigrate to the US when there is a greater opportunity here than in their native country.

    As for illegally entering the US, the offense is, and always has been a misdemeanor, and should be handled accordingly. People who enter illegally should be made to pay the fine before being allowed any worker's permit. Once people have their worker's permit, we use their documentation to make sure they are abiding by our worker's laws and paying their taxes according to their income. The people we go after are the people who fail to apply for a worker's permit, people who fail the criminal background check, and people who committed an unlawful entry into the US after being deported. The idea is to incentivize people to voluntarily partake in the legal process, which ultimately makes securing our border a whole lot easier.

    As for securing our borders, the officials we ought to go to for guidance are in the Department Of Homeland Security, as the issue of border security is quite literally an issue of homeland security.
  12. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Okay. Australia started off as a prison and has become quite magnificent.
  13. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Does Australia let anyone/everyone come and go unchecked/unregulated?

    Your point... Australia was a prison, so people should be able to come and go from America unchecked/unregulated... BRILLIANT!!!
  14. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    I didn't say anything about America. I said, "Okay. Australia started off as a prison and has become quite magnificent."
  15. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    I'm all for people coming here that want to work, as long as they are checked and regulated. Not every immigrant comes here to work. Some come here to hide out, sell drugs, etc, and when they are caught and deported, they just walk back in.

    They are changing it to a felony, which it should be.

    If you come here illegally, you should be caught and deported. If our boarders were secure, you couldn't just walk back in.

    I agree. Open boarders are dangerous. We need secure boarders so we can make immigration reform that will work. Everyone needs to come threw the front door.
  16. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Did those prisoners sneak into Australia or were they brought there? Big difference. Australia actually has very strict immigration policy.
  17. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Now it does. Back in the day I am guessing anybody with a boat was welcome
  18. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    I'm not sure what their immigration history is, but why do you think they went hard line on it?
  19. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Politics of fear mostly just like everybody else
  20. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Why are people scared of allowing anyone and everyone to come and go unchecked and unregulated into their countries. If everyone is doing it, maybe we should too?
  21. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Politics of fear mostly.

    Is everyone doing it? Has anybody even said everyone is doing it?
  22. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    I do not believe illegal entry is being changed to be a felony, it is still a misdemeanor, but that isn't to confuse illegal entry after being deported. To reenter the country after being deported is definitely a felony. What I am trying to get across is that the worker permit solution doesn't in itself require tighter border security, because the policy in itself makes our borders more secure. That isn't to say that we cannot pass immigration reform and make improvements in border security, I'm just trying to get the point across that the work permit in itself does not make our borders less secure.

    Besides, why go through the process of paying to have each individual deported who committed an unlawful entry (about $12,000 a head) when we can collect revenue by having them pay the fine? If they fail to pay the fine, or make no attempts to apply for a legal worker's permit, then we will have them deported. Also, if they commit an unlawful entry after previously being deported, then we should take that offense a lot more seriously.
  23. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    It was in the news but I don't think it is yet.

    This is where people get deported over and over again.

    So let some come unchecked and unregulated... I think you mentioned that.

    You "assume" everyone comes here to work...

    Don't deport people, it's expensive...
  24. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    No one is saying to do away with deportations completely, but if a person's only offense is a misdemeanor, it is not unusual to suggest they pay a fine. Arresting every person who commits a misdemeanor would be both expensive and unreasonable. I don't believe what you're saying about it becoming a felony is accurate, I think you're confusing a report relating to people reentering after being deported.
  25. Jj4

    Jj4 Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    So if a person is found to be living in the US illegally and has no criminal record , would those people be allowed to stay? Just trying to make sure I get what your saying,Correct me if I misinterpreted

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