I'm a Conservative Ask Me Anything.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by MDG045, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Well then....we must scrap the whole thing!!!
  2. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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  3. The Mandela Effect

    The Mandela Effect Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    I thought people had to be disabled or over 65 to get Medicare. You might be thinking of Medicaid and I think only people making less than 20k with less than $2k in cash can get it. Even then they have to pay for it in some cases after Obama cut funding from it to pay for ACA. What should happen is government cut's what insurance must cover in extras that don't have to do with saving peoples lives, allow cross state buying, make all prices transparent so people are told how much it will cost, get rid of the HMO providers and make it costly for people that abuse the ER.

    Also charge people more for insurance if they smoke, drink or are greatly overweight. As those are all choices that make health care cost more. Japan does it like this and there people are the more healthy for it.

    We also need to limit the amount people can sue doctor's for as this will greatly reduce the overall system cost. Then I think all health insurance should be non-profit with a cap on what leadership can earn so they don't give them selves ever bigger bonuses by sucking people dry.

    I would roll the long term and short term capital gain's tax together and make it %35 so that it comes closer to the current highest tax bracket. We don't export much as China makes just about everything so I really wouldn't care about losing our small amount of export's. We must find a way to levy huge massive tax penalty's upon businesses that replace humans with mechanical devices as it's the only way to keep the current system stable. Globalization is why we have such poor income inequality as only the most rich profit off it. We must counter it or roll over and just deal with the natural result of ever worse income inequality.

    I thought I listed bio-fuel. Wind has mixed result's and wouldn't be worth having the government invest in. Hydro can be good but is very limited as to where you can build them. Hydrogen fuel cells might have a roll in the future, but for now it seems like it would be wasteful to count on them. Someone in my family actually is working on a new kind of fuel cell that could yield great usefulness as a local power plant, but it gets way too hot for cars.

    I know it's going to take a long time to reduce the debt. Some taxes will need to go up, other spending needs to be cut. I listed getting rid of the federal reserve because it's partly a private bank and we really need to get them out of the money printing business and out of regulating interest rates. Interest rates would naturally rise and while people would spend less our system would become much more stable with out trying to keep supporting an artificial bubble. Because the fed would be done so would the trillions going into the QE program that is really just welfare to banks.

    My main worry is taking care of the artificial credit bubble we are in, then I would focus on the debt as if it's not taken care of we risk being Spain or grease.
  4. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Yes, I meant Medicaid. Obamacare expanded it to 133% of the poverty level. That would be about $27,000 per family with two parents and one child, and I think we should expand it even further. I think the public option should be available to everyone and see no need to restrict it to the poor.


    Thats already legal in some states, however it is almost never done by insurance companies because healthcare is mostly a local thing by its nature. I think we need it to make it a lot easier to gets drugs and procedures from foreign countries since they are a lot cheaper, and have that covered under insurance.

    Totally agree with you on this. We need to have a healthcare.gov for hospitals and clinics and make hospitals charge for procedures in a simple way that can easily be viewed, instead of the complex process today.

    Can you expand on this point?

    Already is. I abused ER last year and wound up with a $1,000 bill.

    I think people are healthier because of the culture over there just like China. I think we need higher sales taxes on junk food just like we have with cigarettes, and I do agree with the higher insurance premiums for them.

    That is a good idea, the problem to consider is that malpractice happens far more than you think and is far more rampant than it should be. Also, Texas tried limiting those lawsuits and didn't get much savings from it.

    The problem when we try to meddle with executive wages and profits is that this has unintended consequences and meddling with the market too much can get us into trouble. The healthcare industry is full of bureaucracy, waste, inefficiency, monopolies, and price fixing and these are at the root of this problem that we need to fix.

    The larger the insurance companies the better prices it can bargain for since it has more potential customers for the hospitals. European nations take that to the extreme with there being one insurance, the government, with all the customers, and is a big reasons their healthcare is so much cheaper.

    We export 2.2 trillion dollars every year which isn't a small amount. We need to be careful about how we hurt trade. Herbert Hoover tried making tariffs and this backfired making the depression far worse. Whenever tariffs are done they are often damaging. We need to be careful about how we do them.

    Our society is already very mechanized and digitalized and if we taxed businesses for this we would end up destroying technological progress. The engine of economic growth is making production more efficient and this is done by replacing human labor. I suggest instead that we use taxes to directly redistribute income from the rich to everyone else to get us back to 1970s levels of income inequality. We can cap the work week to ensure universal employment and provide free access to college to ensure the workforce has the skills necessary.

    There are just so many alternative options but the problem is that they still aren't there yet in quantity and price but the price of wind and solar power and other sources have come down dramatically. I would end all taxes to alternative fuel companies and boost research to these companies.

    We had a similar problem at the end of WWII with a national debt far higher than the GDP. All we did was have low deficits and inflation will reduce the value of the debt all by itself. Inflation devalues the currency by 25% per decade.

    We can probably tighten regulations on credit and borrowing to make it harder to do.

    I really like you ideas and the logical way you approach these issues.
  5. PinkFloyd

    PinkFloyd Banned

    Mar 4, 2017
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    What is your take on Paul Ryan? What is the most important aspect (or policy) you want accomplished in the next 4 years?
  6. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Paul Ryan is a cuck, who needs to get another career. Also, in terms of policy that I want to accomplish. I would say the education system. I am currently in college, and after leaving High School 4 years ago, I can tell you our current public education system is horrible. It doesn't teach critical thinking, all it does is teach people how to be a walking robot with no advanced cognitive functions what so ever. I want to reform the education field by giving people the ability to go to any school they want and not having to be tied down to a school based on where they live, and also(this is just a theory on my part), but I think more privatization in the education field might make the education better.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
  7. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    The NEO Cons in my point of view have some ideas that are merit worthy and well intentioned. But as evidence shows, I think they ultimately don't work when put into practice.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
  8. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I don't think it's a problem with conservatism. I just decided to take the great philosopher Plato's advice, "A truly wise man knows when to admit he doesn't know." I could be getting that quote wrong. But you get the idea. I would rather admit I am wrong and swallow my ego, then give some bullshit answer for something that I have no prior knowledge to use to come up with an answer.
  9. The Mandela Effect

    The Mandela Effect Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    I guess my main issue with that is that I don't like systems centralized more than they need to be. The well off are likely going to buy private insurance and the cost of covering everyone under government insurance and keep up our super power status isn't likely going to happen without having the highest taxes in the world.

    I am in agreement with this.

    HMO providers are really horrible and get many people killed due to how cheap they are. My aunt nearly died waiting for them to approve life saving treatment. It easily could have been the death of her. I could expand on this point more if you wish but my two main goals in health care are to save the most lives and keep cost down. In this case the cost saving's that they do isn't worth it and promotes nearly 3rd world health care in a 1st world nation.

    It could work with government health care, but I think the better system would be decentralized restructured non-profits running the show. I think if pricing was transparent that would make for better bargaining than the government doing it on there own. The private sector often makes better deals than the government does cost wise.

    Many country's have tariff's much higher than we have and do fine. It didn't work well back then because our back bone was export's now it's mostly a service based system. I agree on being careful but I think the result's will be much different due to how the goal is get manufacturing and other kinds of jobs back.

    They will just move the funds overseas if we make the tax rates high here, that's why we must tax the import's so they will try there hardest to keep there money here.

    What would really help is to break up the biggest banks as the banking system has become too centralized and prone to failure. I believe in a free market like I do for the right for people own weapons but we don't allow our citizens to own nuclear weapons and the banks shouldn't be able to nuke the whole world market place just because a few of them made bad choices. I think both Ron Paul and sanders had the right idea about what the issues were with our credit and banking system. Though I think Sanders was a bit too much of an idealist with how to go about fixing it.

    I say that because many small business owners I know would be killed if the min wage were to become $15 an hour tomorrow. Many could handle $10 but $15 would honestly be harmful in many places like you wouldn't believe.

    I try to be logical when I can but I will admit that not every position I hold is logical. I borrow idea's from others when I think they would logically fix a current issue no matter what party that idea comes from.

    Honestly only 8 years ago people would have said I am clearly a left winger. But because of Trump I am now a flaming right winger for saying much of the same stuff I said 8 years ago.
  10. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Name a single or three Neocon policies you regard as "conservative".
    Specifically. Gracias

    Hope you enjoyed the video above. :woot:

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    Unfortunately, the Conservative Policy on :flagcanada: is laissez faire
    like everyone else.
    Just the way they like it.
  11. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I know that you personally don't know but conservatives in general deny climate change, offer no good solution on healthcare, deny income inequality is a problem, and their policies increase the debt as much as liberals and mostly benefit the rich and the military instead of the poor and middle class. Is it no wonder that the economy does better under democrats?
  12. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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  13. harrisnkleboldbadmmk

    harrisnkleboldbadmmk Banned

    Apr 20, 2017
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    What's your take on bike lock professor?
  14. Xenamnes

    Xenamnes Banned

    Mar 3, 2015
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    The concept of climate change is not supported by sound science. Instead it is supported by what the public is being told amounts to sound science, when it is not.

    So long as the federal government is involved in the matter of healthcare, no good solutions can be had.

    And what pray tell do you propose to address this matter?

    Meanwhile it has been shown that policies supported by those who align with the liberal mentality most benefit those who are in the united states illegally. Illegal immigrants receive all manner of financial assistance, even when it is acquired with stolen social security numbers, while citizens of the united states are left with nothing at all.
    MDG045 likes this.
  15. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I don't really think it's all conservatives that think or believe in the things you have mentioned. I think it's mostly the religious part of the conservative movement that thinks that.

    As for myself and other secular conservatives, I don't deny the fact that the climate changes nor do I deny that humans have had an impact on the planet that we live on. But, I don't think the effect that humans have had on the environment is as bad as people say. There is this really fascinating guy named Randall Carlson who is a scientist that has been doing research on the climate of the earth and the changes of the climate over time, and has been arguing that while it is true that humans have had an impact on the climate of the earth, it's not as simple as that and we as humans need to do more research to try to truly understand the climate of the dynamic and complicated planet that we live on.

    As for healthcare, I do not deny that there needs to be some form of healthcare reform in some form or another. But, the ideas of politicians such as Bernie Sanders don't really make sense nor do they appeal to my libertarian sense of resisting unecessary government overreach. As for what solution there should be, again I specialize in history and philosophy in terms of my education so far so I have no reasonable knowledge to truly give an educated or coherent answer on what to do about healthcare.

    In terms of income inequality, I find this issue to be somewhat problematic for me. Because, while there are indeed some very wealthy people who gained their wealth through illegal or immoral means and screw over other people. I don't think all rich people are greedy scumbags who are crooks. A lot of them earned and worked for what they earned, not all of them , but I think most of them did. So I don't think it's entirely unfair that some people are rich and others are not so rich. We all make choices in life and those choices have consequences. So if someone chose to go to college and get a good job, and someone else chose not to go to college and work at Mcdonald's, well that was their choice. Now there are scenarios where someone is poor for shitty reasons and there is someone who is rich because they did some shitty things. But that doesn't mean we should enact government programs that make the rich, "Pay their fair share". To me this is unjust and completely illogical.

    as for the last point of your post you did kind of provide evidence so I can't really dispute it. But, when it comes to helping the rich and not helping the middle class, I think that can apply to both sides of the fence in terms of politicians that screw over the people they are supposed to represent. It happens just as much on the Democrat side as much as it happens on the Republican side.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017
  16. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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  17. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    As I have mentioned, the neo conservative ideology doesn't line up with my own brand of right wing libertarian conservatism, so I can't really say for me that they have any policies that I agree with.
  18. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Yeah, I get it. You think morality is something inculcated in the individual by society, which means you have no idea what morality is. This being the case, you have no damn business calling yourself a conservative, because you don't believe in the one thing that is most worthy of conservation in any society.

    One begins to see the problem.
  19. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Is that to say,
    Neocons are Not Conservative.
    I mean you are conservative, so I asked the first upload of our discussion
    are Neocons, Conservative.
    Please, a declarative answer. If conservative beyond name, how so.

    Moi :oldman:
    Paulist. And I don't mean the Christian kind :lol:

    r > g

    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
  20. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I will say that they are part of the right wing conservative movement in America yes. However, I find their ideas stupid and I find them to not work.
  21. MDG045

    MDG045 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    If you have read my other posts you will have read that I am actually a right wing conservative libertarian. Meaning, that I am a libertarian, with certain conservative views. However, I am mostly a libertarian. But whatever man. You can think whatever you want. I hold no ill will and I wish you the best.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  22. Jack Inthebox

    Jack Inthebox Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    The history of the black people in this country consists of slavery, Jim Crow laws, defacto segregation; then, after "the people' stood up against the police and the national guard in the 60s, and forced the representatives (who would not do their job and honor their vows and represent their constituency, but rather represented the moneyed interests who paid for their campaigns) to pass civil rights laws - after these were passed, and bussing of school children was started (in order to ensure that the children would not turn out as bigoted and racist as their parents, but rather would get to know each-other and obtain somewhat equal educations) - after these efforts, the right wing in this country rolled them all back. So, I respectfully inquire, how can you equate "black racism," the anguish of a long-discriminated-against minority, with white racism, an injustice engaged in by slave-owners (Washington, Jefferson, etc., etc.), and practiced in various unconscionable ways by massive blocks of white people (the vast majority) since the civil war and up to the present? Your man Trump's campaign ne promised - and has been keeping his promises - to defund social programs (NEA, NEH, etc.etc.), to tax the poor, to take the tax burden off the rich minority, to vastly increase the military budget. How can you say that any of this is the people's will? I respectfully wish to know. The US commercial interests abroad have a long history of backing foreign nationals who are bigots, who treat their people terribly (The Philippines, Iran, Panama, El Salvador, etc., etc.) How can you admire, support, vote for a guy who wants to deport the victims of people like Pahlavi, Somoza, Noriega, rather than give succor to refugees? I respectfully request an answer. I have never heard any "conservative" justify the actions of the Republicans - of Reagan with his deregulation of business, of the Bushes with their trumped-up wars (to save slant-drilling Kuwait, over lies of yellow-cake, etc., etc). I respectfully wish honest answers. Conservatives are largely hard-working, self-disciplined people. I too am not without a graduate degee - but mine (MA English, 1984) won me a Jr. College Instructor credential which was worthless because I stood up to corrrupte police in riots in the 60s-70s. I do not regret having done so; in fact, I'm proud of it. Why do conservatives hate me for that? I respectfully wish to know.
    Tonja D Marshall likes this.
  23. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I love that conservatives try to twist the basis of global warming into being politics when according to multiple surveys 91-97% of climate scientists believe human activity is the primary cause. Just look it up. If you disagree what do you think the primary cause is and how do we determine what the primary cause is?

    Specifically what has the government done to make healthcare worse? Our healthcare system is a privately run and most people pay insurance themselves, so why on earth are you blaming the government?

    Actually trying to find solutions that will work and emulate countries with good systems and not taking options off the table simply because they involve the government.

    What a bunch of craziness. What percent of illegals have stolen social security cards? They pay tens of billions in taxes every year and aren't elegible for welfare benefits. You can thank them for taking jobs Americans refuse to do and at lower wage lowering prices.
  24. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Interesting that you DISPARAGE the service of those who were willing to put their lives on the line for this nation. I doubt that your ancestors would have been as ungrateful to have them alongside them in the lines. Records back then did not include religion so it is possible there were others.

    Secondly there were a TOTAL of only 80,000 who fought on the American side. FTR one third of all Americans fought on the British side in the Revolutionary War.

    There have been Muslims serving in the US military in every major war.
  25. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    And yet you embrace Libertarianism that doesn't work in practice.

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