ADHD medication for VAIDS

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by cjn3, May 12, 2022.

  1. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    I am told this spiritually. It´s a little confusing now and then but one thing is 100% clear.

    ADHD medication will help people who get sick from the vaxx.

    Goddess Kali have told me ADHD medication will help when people become sick from the vaccines.

    Looks like they can make the immune system stronger.
    So i guess the problem is what they discuss here: AIDS (VAIDS) like symptoms from the vaxx.

    Perhaps there is scientific proof? These studies may help.
    "The COVID-19 infection rate is nearly 50% higher among individuals with unmedicated ADHD compared to individuals without ADHD"
    "After controlling for confounding factors, the results indicated that influenza risk significantly reduced in the group of ADHD patients who were prescribed methylphenidate for 90 days and more"
    "In the new study, the investigators were able to show that the massive redistribution of immune cells throughout the body was orchestrated by three hormones"

    This professor probably know more.
  2. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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  3. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    "Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with several autoimmune diseases (AD), both within individuals and across relatives, implying common underlying genetic or environmental factors in line with studies indicating that immunological mechanisms are key to brain development. "
  4. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Before we can draw any conclusions, we need to know if the rates of infection are higher for ADHD patients than the general population.
    It might be that the hyperactivity symptoms of ADHD lead to higher rates of infection. A lot of people with ADHD may breathe intensely and carelessly place their hands on everything.
    Last edited: May 13, 2022
  5. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    Yep absolutely. Looking for more studies.
  6. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    "Manor also discussed a population-based case-control study in which she and her colleagues examined the rates of infectious disease in children and adolescents with ADHD compared to a non-ADHD control group with similar demographics. They consulted the electronic medical records of 18,756 patients with ADHD and 37,512 controls without ADHD, all aged 5 to 18, with attention to the exposure categories pediatric ID, anti-infective medications, and number of physicians’ visits. Results showed that the rates for all 3 exposure categories were significantly higher in the patients with ADHD than in the control group. According to Manor, this means children and adolescents with ADHD experience higher occurrences of childhood infectious diseases, receive more prescriptions for anti-infective medications, and have more visits with physicians and other medical experts, suggesting a clear connection between ADHD and childhood infectious diseases.1"
  7. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    Should soon get more information and will post it here.
  8. cjn3

    cjn3 Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2022
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    "Summary: The BA4/5 sister variants currently dominate two countries: South Africa and Portugal. South Africa is barely vaccinated (only 35% had a vaccine, 5% had a booster), whereas Portugal is 95% vaccinated and 70% boosted.

    The situations in these countries could not be any more different: while Ba.4 and Ba.5 were mere blips on the radar in South Africa, these same variants are driving a deadly wave of Covid in highly-vaccinated Portugal, with deaths among the Portuguese nearing January peak and showing few signs of abating."
  9. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I believe the discussion about a link between allergies and immune defficiencies, covid 18 and adhd comes from articles like this:,inflammation and immune‑associated disease.

    I understand when you read such articles the connection seems to be there and thus the comments on this thread.

    However none of these studies suggests a definitive link. All they suggest is possible higher risk of comorbidity with adhd so it is extremely premature to conclude auto immune disorders or even allergies cause adhd. That is just not what has been shown so far and it will take far more studies to prove any causal link and not just coincidental rates of increase in adhd.

    Here is what is known. Adhd is more likely to repeat in families suggesting a genetic link but that is not by itself definitive and again only suggests there are higher increases of adhd in children of people with it.

    It has been also linked to irregularity with the development of the front lobe and specific brain tumours and injuries. It can be induced by specific exposure to drugs or chemicals as well.

    There does seem to be a higher co-morbidity between certain kinds of adhd and depressive illness, anxiety disorders, and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. It can be related to metabolistic disorders such as hyperthyroidism and vitamin deficiencies and diets with high levels or processed or natural sugars, msg, certain colouring agents and other food additives.

    It does appear to also be related to defective neurotransmission and/or dopamine levels and some think seratonin levels in some cases.

    The fact is neurology has no definitive cause for it. The fact is neurology still knows very little of the chemicals found in the brain and how specific structural anomalies might effect the brain's functioning and so for example a slight lesion or curve or inconsistency in the thickness of brain tissue could trigger an illness like adhd.

    I have had it my whole life since I was 66 combined with since I was a child severe depression, anxiety and a specific type of ocd. The adhd was diagnosed very early but the other issues were not diagnosed until I was an adult. In my specific case an sri inhibitor (citalopram) is of immense help. I was given amphetamines as a child which then was refined into ritalin but it had little effect. Wellbutrin another anti depressant works with some. In terms of natural aids, I find coffee or gin seng a help but only at no more than two cups each a day. I also found dexadrine very helpful but do not take it.

    Ideally a diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables, low carbohydrates, lean meat and lots of water helps. So does exercise. Most people with adhd will have some kind of learning difficulties and be agitated. SO sticking such a child in a crowded environment, in front of a computer or in a closed space is not compatible which is problematic in today's world of computers and cell phones and schools doing away with recreation not to mention music and art.

    Adhd can have poor eye to hand coordination and so sports of any kind, gardening, learning to work with one's hands, eyes, if it works with musical instruments are all helpful. Adhd do not work well with 2 dimensional pictures-if they can work with 3d or 4d projections they do far better, Flat surfaces can get distorted as well as left to right and vice versa.

    To learn I never read a book from beginning to end. My mind would take me to all places in the book. I would also have to put books in a circle and read bits and pieces of each one while there was a slight noise in the background and I could move around while I read.

    I can hear much better if my body is moving or I can move my hands or legs. If I am required to sit still I can not hear as well. To read numbers I need to put each number in a shape or use a 10 colour code.

    Our brains are wired differently. We lack an impulse to not blurt out what is on our mind-our inhibition which comes from the frontal lobe is not there like other people. We don't think twice about what we say.

    Now me I went on to get two Master's degrees and two Bachelor's degrees after being labelled mentally retarded because I had adhd. The only reason I succeeded is by inventing my own way to learn. I struggled as many do with adhd to find a job I could do. I have Master's in Psychology and and Master's in Law and post graduate education and after many struggles found I was a natural as a professor and mediator. I can tell you I came close to suicide having to sit in offices and in long meetings. We adhd adults remain silent and reluctant to talk about it. I now do and give talks on it with doctors to parents, teens and adults and children with it as a volunteer. I felt ashamed with it and thought I was a bad person and ******* for years for having it. I thought I was a trouble maker and idiot and stupid. I hated myself.

    I now can learn because of the citalopram I take along with two cups of coffee a day I figured out and years of learning to identify and manage stress triggers. I have dogs and dogs or cats with adhd people are again a lot of help as they can help calm us down and serve as a tool to help us focus. I also learned to meditate.

    All these things I help adults with and children and I have allowed myself as a senior now to be used in experiments with various techniques. Pediatricians and pediatric neurologists can and will help you with children and if need be special education instructors, psychologists and child psychiatrists can be part of the team. With teenagers its very difficult because at puberty with all teenagers the frontal lobe expands in size and as it does there are mood swings and symptoms very similar to adhd. Also certain drugs teens take mimic the conditions like speed, cocaine, meta-amphetamine, crack and teens showing possible early stages of bi polar disorder, schizophrenia or other disorders like ocd or Tourette;s syndrome could display similar symptoms.

    I hope that is all of help on this discussion. Please the studies you refer to are real and do suggest what you say but its very early. Do not be afraid to give children the Covid 19 vaccine because of it, I h ave had my four shots. If you are worried about adhd and Covid 19 speak to a pediatrician and they can if necessary involve a pediatric neurologist. Don't worry.

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