Issues That Favor Republicans - Crime

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by RedStone7476, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. RedStone7476

    RedStone7476 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    At this point in time, crime is an issue that seems to favor the Republicans over the Democrats. That is, it seems that the majority of voters think that the Republicans would do a better job at handling this issue than the Democrats.

    We definitely have a problem with crime in our country.

    Unfortunately for our nation, the Republicans in our government (AKA, the Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs); AKA, the Pro-Coup MAGA-Republicans) are better at selling lies, than the Democrats are at selling the truth. As a result, we are bombarded with RRR disinformation about our crime problem that blames it ALL on Biden and the Democrats, and we hear little from the Democrats to counter that disinformation.

    • The RRRs like to say that the Democrats are “soft on crime” and “pro-crime”. However, there is significant evidence that Trump and the RRRs are “soft on crime” and “pro-crime”. Note:

    > Much of the crime in our country involves gun violence. The Democrats want to combat gun violence. However, the RRRs have repeatedly refused to do anything to combat gun violence. (Apparently, when it comes to gun violence, the Democrats are anti-crime and pro-life, and the RRRs are pro-crime and anti-life.)

    > As for murder rates in our country: A March 2022 study by some fact checkers found that the 25 states that voted for Trump had a murder rate 40% higher than the 25 states that voted for Biden.

    > Trump and the RRRs are inciting violence against election workers and election officials.

    > Trump and the RRRs are inciting voter intimidation at polling sites and drop boxes. That is, they are inciting Trumpers, including heavily armed Trumpers, to behave like thugs and to illegally intimidate voters who they don’t want to vote.

    > When Trump was the Divider-in-Chief, he incited violence during the Covid crisis, with the full support of the RRRs. For example:
    * He incited violence against Asian Americans, when he used various anti-Asian terms to describe the Covid virus.
    * He incited violence against healthcare workers who were fighting to save American lives from Covid.
    * He incited violence against the governor of Michigan when she took steps to protect Michiganders from Covid. (These were steps that were recommended by the CDC.)

    > Trump and the RRRs praised a guy who killed two unarmed people with an assault rifle, and attempted to kill a third unarmed person. These people were peacefully protesting the unnecessary deaths of black people at the hands of certain police (e.g., George Floyd and Breonna Taylor); and the killer was looking for unarmed people to threaten and terrorize with his deadly weapon.

    > Trump and some RRRs are attracted to a group that wants mass executions of people who that group falsely accuses of doing evil deeds. In other words, that group wants to commit mass murder of people they don’t like.

    > A number of RRRs colluded with Trump to illegally overturn the 2020 election that Biden legally won; for example, they tried to replace legal slates of electors with illegal slates of electors.

    > The RRRs support and praise the rioters who illegally stormed our Capitol on Jan6; and who destroyed and pillaged government property; and who bashed in the heads of Capitol police; and who killed a number of people, and wanted to kill many more people; and who wanted to illegally overthrow our government and install Trump as our dictator, and thus destroy our democracy, and our nation.

    > When Trump left office, he stole documents from our government:
    * And then, he refused to return the stolen documents, after the government repeatedly asked him to do so for well over a year.
    * The stolen documents included documents that contained classified information that could put our national security at risk, and that could get our intelligence people killed, if that information was seen by the wrong people.
    * Trump stored the stolen documents at Mar-a-Lago, which is NOT a secure location for classified documents. Thus, the stolen classified documents may have been accessible to people who want to put our national security at risk, and who want to kill our intelligence people.
    * At this point in time, we don’t know what damage Trump did to our national security and to our intelligence agencies. The government is now doing a “risk assessment” to determine what damage he did. Trump impeded that effort for a while; but then the Supreme Court stepped-in, and the risk assessment is now proceeding as it should be.

    NOTE: As we can see from a number of the items above, not only are Trump and the RRRs “soft on crime” and “pro-crime”, they appear to have committed crimes.

    • The RRRs like to say that the Democrats want to “defund the police”. Note:

    > The phrase “defund the police” is a reaction to the unnecessary violence against minorities at the hands of some (but NOT all) police. That phrase became the basis of sloganeering and policy for a small number of progressive activists who were frustrated with that violence. That was VERY unfortunate, because it did a lot of damage to the Democrat Party. For example, in response to that sloganeering, the RRRs falsely claimed that “defunding the police” was a policy of the Democrat Party as a whole; and unfortunately for our nation, MANY voters believe that false claim.

    Bottom line: The claim that the Democrat Party wants to defund the police is another Radical Right Republican myth. In other words, that claim is another Big Lie.

    > Some fact checkers found that large cities with Democrat mayors spend far more money on policing, and hire far more police officers, than large cities with Republican mayors. For example:
    * The 25 largest Democrat-run cities employ 75% more police officers than the 25 largest Republican-run cities, on a per capita basis.
    * The 25 largest Democrat-run cities spend 38% more on policing than the 25 largest Republican-run cities, on a per capita basis.

    > Biden and the Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan. That plan provided $350 billion that local governments can use for their police departments (e.g., to hire more police). Most of the RRRs voted against the plan.

    Bottom line: The RRRs like to falsely accuse the Democrats of wanting to “defund the police”, but the RRRs don’t want to “fund the police”.

    > The RRRs actually want to defund the FBI. Why? The answer: Because the FBI enforced our laws. That is, the FBI retrieved documents from Mar-a-Lago that Trump stole from our government; documents that he was illegally storing at Mar-a-Lago; documents that he illegally refused to return, after the government repeatedly asked him to do so for well over a year; and included documents that contained classified information that could put our national security at risk, and that could get our intelligence people killed, if it was seen by the wrong people. (Bottom line: Not only are the RRRs soft on crime and pro-crime, they don’t care about our national security or the lives of our intelligence people.)

    • In conclusion: The Democrats really need to improve their messaging strategy in order to combat the Radical Right Republican’s success at selling lies. And they should have been doing that many months ago.
    Alwayssa, MJ Davies, cd8ed and 2 others like this.
  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    That's Fake News. Everyone knows that the Felon-Friendly like Fetterman are all running under the Democrat banner.

    GOP is clearly the better choice on crime, this is known. And it's not unusual. The nation has long turned to Republicans when there are crime problems. Rudy for example, cleaned up New York's crime faster than Joe's Biden nose dropping into a nearby ten year old's pony tail.

    What's new, is that voters are also turning to the GOP for Education, and that's Big Big Big, bigger than Hunter's thirst for more crack after he has been out for a few hours.

    The Tide Is Turning in GOP's Favor on Education Issues
    AARguy likes this.
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    "We're All Struggling": Michigan Voters Have Winter on Their Minds

    Crime, Prices, Time for new Leadership?

    'SAGINAW, Mich.—A spike in home heating costs means the upcoming winter is shaping up to be a tough one for Michigan families struggling to make ends meet in a weak economy, a grim reality that could exacerbate Democrat losses in the House.'

    Hard Working Families Can't Take Much More

    'Heating oil and natural gas across the state is projected to cost roughly 30 percent more than last year, one of the largest one-year spikes ever recorded in state history. The average Michigan family, according to the Department of Energy, can expect to pay nearly $2,500 to heat and electrify their homes this winter.'

    My Goodness! On top of everything else?

    A New Choice For Governor. Fresh Faces, New Solutions.
    AARguy likes this.
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Fake News. The Court carefully reviewed the monitoring of drop boxes and ruled it perfectly lawful citizen monitoring to prevent election fraud.

    Right to Videorecord in Public Places Includes Right to Videorecord Voters at Dropboxes.
    AmericanNationalist likes this.
  5. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Thats because Democrats have little to combat with.
    Remind us again who was shooting Republicans on the softball field
    Remind us again who were murdering Americans and cops in the streets during 576 leftist riots
    Remind us again who burned down and looted billions in American businesses
    Remind us again who was attempting an assassination on Kavanaugh
    Remind us again who was burning down federal court houses and police stations
    Remind us again who attacked the SCOTUS to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation
    Remind us again who took over the city of Seattle
    Remind us again who attacked the White House where they had to use gas, horses, dogs, and a helicopter to push the rioters back
    Remind us again who was illegally destroying statues
    Remind us again of the 24/7 hatred from leftist media for 4 solid years

    Half of Republicans support stricter gun laws, a double-digit jump in a year


    No such data exist


    No such data exist


    No such data exist


    Calling it the China virus doesn't incite violence.


    You have no data to support such lunacy


    You have no data to support this

    Rittenhouse was attacked by a pedophile, a wife beater, and a lunatic with a gun who were out setting fires and destroying property.
    He was found not guilty once the video showed they were no peaceful protestors but attacking Rittenhouse unprovoked.


    No such group exist

    There were no false electors. They publicly and legally had a hearing on what they perceived as voter fraud and the judge turned down their request


    Nobody has voiced their support of the DC rioters.


    Never happened


    No protestor killed anyone


    You wouldn't have any clue whats in those documents unless you have so secret clearance nobody knows about

    FAKE CLAIM #16
    Democrats have supported defunding police and have voiced it on leftist media until it backfired in their faces. Everyone knows this

    Yet there are hundreds of videos showing Democrats calling for defunding police
    Go figure

    In conclusion, its fake information like this that will show you the results from this midterm. Voters don't buy into the lefts fake claims any more.
    And you will get to know what American voters think about your post in just a few days.
    CKW, AARguy and FatBack like this.
  6. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Sadly, the liberal democrat MSM do little reporting on the rise in crime or the rise in inflation or the millions who have illegally crossed our southern border. It's mostly Fox News that bring these facts to the public.
    AARguy likes this.
  7. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Check your GPS, it's failing and has caused you to turn into the cornfield..... reducing you visibility to a few feet, and what you see to the debris on the windshield.
    Just saying that's what it looks like.
  8. RedStone7476

    RedStone7476 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Actually, my GPS steered me away from a serial liar and a con-artist. Did yours?
    MJ Davies likes this.
  9. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Mines been doing that well for 40 years. Before I fixed it though, it led me through a lot of trash....

    And of course in doing that, it told me the good roads were bad- and the bad roads were good.... Don't ever trust one that puts you on roads like the one we're on today.
    What their doing is actually that best their capable of, and it can only get worse.
  10. RedStone7476

    RedStone7476 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Obviously, you live in a Trump/Fox alternative reality (AKA, a land of BS and gibberish).
  11. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Yet you can't dispute a single claim I made
    How telling
    All you have regurgitated is leftist media propaganda and have no clue or idea how to defend or support it.
    If you think everyone on this site has fallen to same indoctrination, you're wrong
    CKW and spiritgide like this.
  12. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Good leaders, good government, ones that really want a free country- will work to improve the strength of the individual citizens, promote their independence, reduce their dependence, give them power over their own lives. That's where freedom rings true.

    That concept intimidates poor leaders. They know strong people with good values will reject the incompetence of their limitations- and the way to stay in power is to weaken the people; dumb them down, confuse them to where they question their own judgment.

    If you can understand that and can honestly look at what these leaders do- you should know you are also looking at the motives behind their behavior, which are far more important to understand, because they tell you what the real objectives are, what these people are trying to do- for you.... or to you.

    Freedom is only real when it is in the hands of the people. All the people.
    Mrs. b. likes this.
  13. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    That should be engraved on the face of the Capital.
    If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong) wasn't that JFKs stance? Not those very words but his message?
    Can you even imagine if JFK ran for president today?
    He would have to run on the Republican ticket.
  14. YourBrainIsGod

    YourBrainIsGod Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Actually, I was even surprised to find out that was true. Seems the media has a right-wing Republican bias.

    "We found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban."
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I'd never heard that said before; and I was a follower of Kennedy. But I've been writing a lot of political copy lately for our soon to be public effort to fix this mess. It just fit in with the work I'm doing.
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I didn't mean to insinuate you were plagiarizing JFK. I meant it was pretty much his message. You just captured it in a different way.
    Ask not what your country can do for you, and other great speeches he made.

    I am quite familiar with your post and I appreciate the tolerance and skill in which you make your points.
    You are quite gifted in your debate technique and I enjoy reading your post.
    spiritgide likes this.
  17. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I never took it negatively at all- and if JFK didn't say that, I'm sure he understood it and may have said something to that end.

    I am particularly fond of the "Ask not" quotation- I was watching him on TV when he said it, but at the time I suppose too young at 20 to grasp the relevance. That changed over time. I'll never forget it.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
  18. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I was only 4 when he was assassinated but I remember it. Only because how it effected my parents. It scared me. First time I had seen my parents openly weep. I remember sitting in front of the TV feeling so gloom watching his casket being drawn down the street. I was only effected because my parents were but I new something really bad had happened.

    We were stationed at McCoy AFB in Orlando and were there during the Cuban missile crisis. Both my parents were conservative but both had voted for JFK. Being surrounded by it, I had a love of aviation and eventually joined the Army to fly but I always attributed our moon missions to his legacy. We drove to Cape Canaveral to watch the launch and I watched the Armstrong moon walk on TV from an underground bunker with my Dad.

    Due to my companies relationship with NASA, in 2013, I visited Houston and was given a personal tour of the original mission control and sat at Gene Kranz desk. They don't do that very often because its a historical monument and (This is pretty cool) a backup mission control in case of an EMP strike as nothing in those tube controlled computers are effected.

    I was memorized beyond explanation. When I visited Dealey Plaza for the first time, in my head I was hearing,
    We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,
    I never heard anyone say the word decade with his accent before. Always stuck in my mind.

    Of course my Mom was in the Jacqueline fan club until the day she died. Even my wife is still a Jacqueline and Princess Diana follower.

    For whatever reason I have always held this reverence for JFK that I never did for anyone else. Not even Reagan. The guts it must have taken to employ that Naval blockade and stand his ground isn't even imaginable while against not only the Soviet Union but his own General staff plotting against him at the time.

    I could tell by your post you are a man of history and we have seen a lot of changes in our lifetime. And the advantage is we got to live in America's best times as far as I am concerned. Its really too bad we didn't get to see JFK Jr follow in his dads legacy. Can you even imagine what might have been if he won the presidency in 2012 or 2016.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
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  19. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I was 22, standing in line at dairy queen, when an employee suddenly announced that the president had been shot. The man in front of me exclaimed, "I hope they killed the sonofa B****! Both the news and that view had an overwhelming emotional effect for me. My wife and I watched it all unfold in the days following. While I've always been conservative, I voted for JFK, as I have several other democrats when I felt they were the best choice.

    One of the things that struck me profoundly in those days following was the increasing feeling that we were witnessing far more than an assassination by one lunatic. In those days, my capacity to trust any entity of government was forever destroyed. I consider those dark times, tainted by deception at the highest levels. 60 years have passed- and the files and records of those events are still being kept secret by government, with Biden recently extending the deadline to release them- again. There is no legitimate excuse for that. The only reason that could exist would be that release would indict the very people who investigated it.

    There are some things we rarely see from any politician. One is the recognition and admission of their own mistakes or failures. The other is that they have a vision for the generational future, and have the courage to ask the people to join in that and help us make it happen. JFK- asked people to step up to the plate, to contribute and go to bat for their country instead of just eating off the plate known as the public trough.

    Most politician's vision extends only to their next election. We've got to do better than that.
  20. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    "Ask NOT what your country can do FOR YOU... ask what YOU CAN DO for your country".... President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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  21. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Before long- we are going to ask that question too- and we are going to show people what they can do; ask them to help . Stay tuned, it's coming.
    AARguy likes this.
  22. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I don't disagree that Faux covers these issues incessantly. The question is whether they cover them in a factual way, leaving their audience with an unbiased view. I suggest if it did, and if the rest of right wing media did, we wouldn't have instances like this.

    Crime: Red Delusions About Purple Reality

    During last week’s Oklahoma gubernatorial debate Joy Hofmeister, the surprisingly competitive Democratic candidate, addressed Kevin Stitt, the Republican incumbent, who — like many in his party — is running as a champion of law and order.

    “The fact is the rates of violent crime in Oklahoma are higher under your watch than New York and California,” she declared.

    Stitt responded by laughing, and turned to the audience: “Oklahomans, do you believe we have higher crime than New York or California?”

    But Hofmeister was completely correct. In fact, when it comes to homicide, the most reliably measured form of violent crime, it isn’t even close: In 2020 Oklahoma’s murder rate was almost 50 percent higher than California’s, almost double New York’s, and this ranking probably hasn’t changed.

    The gist of the article being the beliefs about crime being a problem in blue states of Dem's making are factually incorrect. But as the author points out in the OP, conservatives do a great job of getting their dishonest message out and a better job of getting people to believe it.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
    Hey Now likes this.
  23. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    We are reading about New Yorkers being thrown from a platform into the path of an oncoming subway almost every day. Does Oklahoma even HAVE a subway?
  24. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Does that unsubstantiated anecdote refute the facts I provided? No, it does not.
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You have to be careful when you interpret statistics. The numbers can be accurate, but what they point to way off if you are not keeping things in balance.

    The murder rate by state is far more strongly connected to the racial mix in that state than its politics. This is because the rates of murder by black people is vastly higher than that of whites.

    In 2020, there were 17,754 murders in the USA.

    The distribution of race in our population is 13% black. If murders were in proportion to population share- blacks would be responsible for 2308, while all other races combine be responsible for 15,446.

    However.... instead of being responsible for 13% of all murders, blacks are responsible for 53%- a full 400% or FOUR times their population share, and whites responsible for only about 60% of what would be their population share. So the level of the crime of murder is closely related to the racial mix in a state. That doesn't mean that states with lower murder rates are safer from all crimes; because the more sophisticated criminals are- the more devious their ways of destroying people become. Some, like California, chose to kill their own bread and butter sources, meaning high-income people and large corporations, by taxing them to death, to fund things like super-trains that never get finished and forming regulating agencies to enforce their laws against allowing cows to fart freely. They are succeeding at it.

    Of course, the left never misses an opportunity to distort truth and blame their nonsense on others. Stock in trade.
    Condor060 likes this.

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