True culture is godless and creativity is connected with the natural sciences

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Interaktive, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Interaktive

    Interaktive Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    True culture is godless and creativity is connected with the natural sciences
    do you agree
    peoples live best where they do not think about God
    Germany Denmark Sweden Norway
  2. Hey Now

    Hey Now Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Have you tried Chat GPT?
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  3. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    That can only be true if mankind is the architect of all things, including the universe, galaxies, our solar system, earth, and our very lives. So how can we esteem ourselves and say we have no need or use for God, when it is by a power beyond ourselves that we even exist. Which begs the question, to what or whom that we call God, do we owe the honor for it all, when it is certainly not ourselves, and God is nowhere to be found.

    So then in the richness of our existence we begin to honor ourselves and one another for this and that. We honor the catcher of the rain and pay no heed to who sends the rain or who established the laws by which the rain comes. We honor the artisans and farmers, but not the provider of the earth wherein the materials are gotten. Clearly mankind has been made rich, but by whom. Can we truly say that we don't need God when even our mouths to speak are not of our own making.

    When we die, do we take the world with us? So while we live, how can we say that it is ours and that we have no need of God when gratitude for it all should be the order of the day. Therefore, if we are godless, it is by our own neglect. And a culture built on neglect or on the failure to employ gratitude, will break down by virtue of failing to abide the law of reason. If reason states that the gear of gratitude must be included during fashioning to engage at some point to query the reservoir of oil, then the machine will fail. And when dealing with a civilization, the result would be catastrophic.
    mswan likes this.
  4. Dirty Rotten Imbecile

    Dirty Rotten Imbecile Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2016
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    What is “true culture”?
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  5. Interaktive

    Interaktive Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    a culture that is not built on the Bible, but is built on a reasonable foundation
  6. Interaktive

    Interaktive Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    true culture in godless liberal Netherlands and godless social democratic Germany
    the technology of these countries is the best in the world
  7. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    If you are godless, then you say what you don't have. So what DO you have besides technology. To me, true culture is built on the light of conscience to know right from wrong or good from evil. Otherwise to what is one beholden. Nature and the solar system has the sun and the laws binding it all together. What has Germany and the Netherlands. Are their no finer values to revolve around? If the patriarchy of God is a threat. Then is it better to be lawless and flung apart? Where is grace and the betterment of mankind in that? How is science advanced by its undoing along with the undoing of man.
  8. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Science, in your theology, is the Tree of Knowledge. Scientific knowledge is WHY we no longer live in the Stone Age. The "betterment of mankind" has occurred because Science enabled us to pass along our "forbidden knowledge" from generation to generation. From there we learned to replicate and share our knowledge so that ALL mankind would be lifted up and out of the Stone Age.

    Our Scientific Knowledge provides us with a HISTORICAL path as to how we EVOLVED from the subsistence level, short lifespan of the Stone Age to our CURRENT global technology that reaches into the HEAVENS and enables us to see BEYOND "creation" and into the REALITY that is our Universe.

    Mankind developed our understanding of Science WITHOUT the aid of Stone Age superstitions and myths. Science was a REJECTION of those HINDRANCES to the advance of mankind that STILL try to drag humanity back into the Stone Age of ignorance, superstition and FEAR of our world.

    Does mankind make mistakes? Of course, because that is how we LEARN right from wrong. Science ENABLED us to BUILD upon the learning experiences of those mistakes. How many mistakes did Edison make BEFORE he achieved a successful lightbulb, something that everyone takes for granted nowadays while FORGETTING that Edison had to work by CANDLE LIGHT to free us from that DARKNESS using SCIENCE.

    Religion in America is DECLINING because it has NOTHING to offer that is RELEVANT to the generations now inheriting the planet. The ADVANCES in Science INCLUDE knowledge about OURSELVES and what makes us HUMAN. We have a better understanding of who and what we actually are than ever before in the ENTIRE history of mankind.

    So having established that MANKIND has LIFTED itself OUT of the Stone Age using Science and Knowledge WHAT does religion have to OFFER instead?

    Same old myths and superstitions that applied to the IGNORANCE of the Stone Age? Some mumbo-jumbo about an "afterlife" where you IMPOVERISH yourself for something that magically happens after you are dead? Ask yourself WHO benefited from your impoverishment? The RELIGION is the beneficiary and when they do this MILLIONS of times over and over again those religions become WEALTHY and POWERFUL. Those at the TOP of the religion PYRAMID scheme understand that in order to keep MILKING their human cash cow they must SUPPRESS all Science and Knowledge from mankind. So they INSIST that the Stone Age myths and superstitions are the ONLY path of this IMAGINARY "salvation" and "afterlife".

    So the CHOICE is between ENLIGHTMENT and DARKNESS. Religion is the path of POVERTY, ignorance and darkness while Science is the path of KNOWLEDGE and enlightenment for mankind.

    Little wonder that We the People are REJECTING the darkness of religion and EMBRACING the ENLIGHTENMENT that is Science and Knowledge. Our Constitution never mentions any deity but it mentions Science TWICE because our Founding Fathers understood that the path to a better future for mankind can ONLY be found using Science and Knowledge.
  9. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Speak for yourself. People in every generation have forgotten and rejected God and murdered his servants. So your stone age unbelief and malice is nothing new. With the advancement of the science of the internet, I am able to say that God is real, that he lives and is divine. He is the same today as thousands of years ago. I can say with certainty and without shame that true life is in him, rather than in ourselves or in our lives alone. Science is a gift from God, to whom and for which we should be thankful, rather than to be bedazzled like ignorant savages at a glittery thing and esteem ourselves superior. But it is only by his charity that I am awakened to the knowledge and remembrance that he lives. So to him must go, and to whom belongs the glory by my hand and words, as it is all that I can do in truth. Credit goes to where it is due, as much as it is given to one to know the source of ones blessings. Man is not omnipotent. So to say there is no God is the actual myth.
  10. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Yet another MEANINGLESS sermon RESPONSE because you could NOT refute the FACTUAL reality that it is Science that has ENABLED humanity to shed the BONDS of religious OPPRESSION.
  11. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    You're late to the event. About 250 years ago, after about sixteen hundred years of scientific advancement, our Declaration of Independence stated that it is self evident there is one God from whom we all spring. From him comes our endowment in freedom, rights, and is the essence of our equality. From that comes our Constitution, with the divine concepts inherent in it. Our independence isn't based on science, but on God given rights. So religious liberty isn't a matter of whether or not God lives, but what we intend to do as individuals with the fact that he does. That is the voice of America, regardless the deafness and ignorance in which many now exist. Dismissing and going away from the truth doesn't change it. It only puts one at a distance and at odds with the truth.
    mswan likes this.
  12. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    So you FINALLY attempted to make an ARGUMENT instead of those INANE sermons, Too bad the content of your argument is based upon the IDENTICAL superstitions and myths as your sermons.


    Your god is NOWHERE to be found in the Constitution which is the LAW of the LAND!

    There is a PROHIBITION against using your god, or any other, in the Constitution's Bill of RIGHTS.

    EVERYONE has a Constitutional RIGHT to Freedom FROM Religion!

    Your sermon based argument FAILS again.

  13. Swensson

    Swensson Devil's advocate

    Dec 16, 2009
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    I do not agree. "True culture" is not "living best", nor is it "natural sciences". You're missing a lot of steps.
  14. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Laugh away. The absence of integrity and refusal to comprehend and give honor where it is due, is yours. That you simultaneously love the gift and mock the giver is an absurdity. We are constitutionally free from the religions of men, not from God or his judgments. Religious liberty is an acknowledgement of God and our right to worship him, not a question of his existence. And his providence over all is stated clearly by our founding Fathers in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence. It is the conception of our nations birth. And without it we would not be. To ignore this in judgment or review of the whole is an abortion of reason.
  15. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Assbackwards "abortion of reason" noted!


    Did ANY of the Founding Fathers walk on water or turn water into wine or rise from the dead?

    Because that is the GIST of your screed above and it FAILS all REASON because the FF were MEN of REASON!

    They KNEW that the "authority" of KING George rested on the biblical MYTH of the "divine right of kings" and that MANY American settlers BELIEVED that nonsense.

    So when the FF wrote the DOI they had to DISPELL the myth and they intentionally CHOSE to CHALLENGE that biblical myth by INVENTING their OWN biblical MYTH about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. They PRETENDED that those RIGHTS came for the SAME imaginary god upon which the "divine right of kings" was based. To question either automatically nullified the other. Either BOTH myths were true or NEITHER of them was.

    It was a CALCULATED construct to provide "equal justification" for DEFYING the myth of the "divine right of kings". It made the FF appear to be "virtuous" while DEFYING your god and his appointed vassal. Had the FF failed they would ALL have been HANGED for BLASPHEMY and TREASON.

    The FF were NOT the "servants" of your god, they were the LEADERS of Freedom FROM the OPPRESSION of RELIGION.

    They prevailed so that ALL Americans have the RIGHT to Freedom FROM Religion.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
  16. Injeun

    Injeun Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Your parroting of your cultish dogma in an attempt to turn a blind eye to the truth is clear. The DOI reads: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal by their creator" For you to look at this say that it says "there is no God", is delusional. Apparently you too steeped in deceit to see it, transitioning from one cult to another cult, from a hierarchical arrangement of divine kings to the equity of godlessness, from one lie to another, You can't even see that our founding Fathers found the middle ground, which is that we are equal in God. And they spelled it out in plain English. Why won't you acknowledge the cause of our nations existence?

    God and religion are not the same thing. It is the difference between the sun and the acts of men under its light. Are the evils that men do, a condemnation of the sun? God is the constant in life. And what men do are the religions. Our founders, in harmony with God, made us a free nation and people, free from false religions. But rather than free from God as you suggest, they made us free in God, free from mens religions. They honored God, and God blessed them with the Revolutionary victory, a Constitution, and a choice land in which to dwell.

    Read George Washington's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, and witness the fertile ground of our nations beginning, and what it means to be a true American. Before you suggest that our founders lived in a fantasy, I will say that the truth is that you live in a fantasy. This generation hasn't excelled or advanced in enlightenment. We have gone away from it and are brimming with crime, deceit, and debauchery. If science is our excellence, then we are encapsulated rot.

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