O Donnell - Tea Party Favourite Walks off CNN

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Heroclitus, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Yes, yet again we see that the Tea Party are great at handing out abuse, but when it comes to answering questions on their abhorrent and bigoted views they lack the courage to defend them.

    I expect that is because people such as O Donnell are as thick as a brick and unless they are in absolute control of what they communicate they can't take the slightest pressure on them to explain their views.

    Now we will hear the disgraceful lies that will emerge to defend this incompetent village idiot that she is a poor victim of an aggressive "MSM". Just like the other fool running for the Vice Presidency of the USA who couldn't remember a newspaper title when challenged by the nasty aggressive and cruel rude monster Katie Couric.

    The truth is that O Donnell's a bigot who has hardly thought through her views and exists in a narrow world where everyone mutually congratulates each other on their twisted hateful views and never has to explain or defend them. Being asked to explain what you think is apparently "rude".

    Morgan, a British journalist associated with the populist Centre Right, must be wondering what he said. In part he has been trapped by the disgracefully low standard of probity offered by US journalists to guests who generally give them a free ride. By the standards of European journalists, who show no fear of politicians compared to heir American counterparts, Morgan's performance was as soft as a summer breeze. Having said that O Donnell's behaviour here is remarkable even by US standards of "spoiled brat politicians being asked difficult questions".

    Right wing extremists eh! They can give it out, insult whom they please, express as much bigotry as they can in the book they are plugging on CNN, but when it comes to actually answering a few questions, unless they can control the press Soviet style, they rush off in tears. Apparently its completely out of order to be asked questions about the content of a book which you are plugging on a TV interview.

    What these ignorant, stupid, bigoted scum would do to our freedoms if they ever got into power is terrible to contemplate.
  2. Death Grip

    Death Grip Banned

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Dupe thread... but yeah... after watching the complete clip she was nice, she tried to get the "host" to actually discuss the focus of her book and why she came on and when he continued down the ultra left wing P.C. path she politely ended the interview with a smile.

    It is likely the best ratings CNN has had in a long while.

    We get it too....

    All Conservative women are:

    • bigots
    • racists
    • sluts
    • idiots
    • murders
    • bad mothers

    It is a good thing conservative women are this strong in principle to put up with the outrageous vile attacks that liberals constantly hurl at them.

    .... and they are much hotter than liberal women... and smarter.
  3. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Yeah you carry on with your fantasy that Morgan is some sort of Marxist. The rest of us will carry on laughing.

    Your post suggests that the norm should be the politician controlling the content of the press and the subjects it covers, rather than the journalists. This is the way it is done in authoritarian dictatorships and communist countries. That's the way conservatives want it (or would a conservative like to come on here and defend Piers Morgan on this one to prove that they are not all party line zombies who line up behind even the most disgraceful conservative colleagues).

    A free press works this way with politicians. The press asks what it wants and the politicians answer. Only those who are too stupid, ignorant or autocratic can't handle that.

    I suppose Americans don't really understand that. Despite all the nonsense they splutter about distrusting the government when push comes to shove their journalists are as deferential as a North Korean apparatchik to the great and noble Leader when they get a politician on the show. "Politeness" and sugar sweet sickliness towards your politicans is more important than probity.

    Piers didn't let the gob(*)(*)(*)(*)e have an open mic to promote her book unchallenged. Well done Piers. She's a nasty bigoted empty headed numpty who got her comeuppance.
  4. Darth Desolas

    Darth Desolas New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    I don't want a compliant or polite media. I want an effective one.
  5. Death Grip

    Death Grip Banned

    Apr 8, 2011
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    They are polite and compliant when they have a liberal on.... but you put a conservative or even worse a conservative woman on... the you have a rude and condescending media.
  6. Defengar

    Defengar New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    He was being overbearing, but that was straight up cowardice on her part. she gave up on the whole thing after like 15 seconds of halfheartedly trying to change the subject...

    She should have manned up and either interrupted him and reprimanded him (not say, oooh can we plz talk about sumtin else, dis makes ma hed hurt)
    or she should have answered the questions.

    The Interviewer is the one who decides what to talk about, not her (although if she had actually tried she could have easily gotten off the hook).
  7. White House Insider

    White House Insider Banned

    Aug 17, 2011
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    She did the right thing to walk off the set.
  8. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Well I did predict it. It's not the control freak's fault but the nasty liberals who keep saying "answer the question please".

    We now find a new conservative - the one who thinks women cannot do anything wrong if they are conservative women and that anyone who points out a fault in conservative women must be a nasty sexist.

    That these same people have been bleating on about "pc" for years - even in this very thread - does not matter. They are shameless in the way they will defend the indefensible.

    It's a nasty dishonest tactic from conservatives. When you are at your weakest, make your attacks as dishonest and extreme as you can. If you're going to lie then make a it a whopper! Wasn't it Goebbels who said that?
  9. Death Grip

    Death Grip Banned

    Apr 8, 2011
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    We get it Heroclitus,

    You hate conservative women. I am sure you could not find a decent thing to say about Palin, Bachman, or virtually any other conservative woman.
  10. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Only to an American perspective. Why is it that in Europe where we are all supposed to be controlled by overbearing socialist tyrants, that journalists are tough and aggressive, really putting politicians on the spot, and really exposing the weaknesses in what they say. Morgan is a European journalist who in this performance was mild by European standards. What is this American obsession with politeness to the point of sycophancy?

    The American intolerance of being asked tough questions does not extend to the neocons (with the exception of that vile turd John Bolton). The BBCs toughest interviewer Jeremy Paxman used to regularly clash with neocons like Richard Perle and Paul Wolwowitz who seemed to relish the intellectual challenge of a tough interview. You get the impression that Slick Willie could take a bit of pressure too. But too many American politicians (Bolton demanded that the BBC fire a journalist who asked him a few tough ones), including this dozy wannabe, are just too stupid to handle themselves in a tough interview. They are used to having their own way, unchallenged and surrounded by arselickers. This O Donnell case is a truly pathetic piece of cowardice in my view. Piers Morgan might as well come home now if he is going to have his interviewing style curtailed by such prissiness.
  11. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Ad hominem (yawn).

    I hate conservative extremists. I particularly hate the snakeoil salespersons! That would cover Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Beck...

    And I certainly don't hate conservative women. I did launch a thread back in the good old days when the GOP was still to the left of Genghis Khan that praised Condoleeza Rice (she's smart) when she was SoS. But I expect Condi is regarded as a dangerous Marxist nowadays. I quite admire Ayn Rand, even if she can't write good fiction.

    I just tried to find that thread but this forum seems to only archive things for a year. Is that right?

    It's an easy slur though on your part. Easier than explaining why journalists should be pathetic wimps when interviewing politicians like O Donnell. Avoiding the subject and indulging in personal ad hominems against those who ask the questions is all that conservatives can do nowadays. Like your posts.
  12. k995

    k995 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    BS she talks abbout it in the books but apperently didnt want to talk about it on air. Quite strange , but what do you expect from a witch.

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