Sweden's far-right makes its mark on the political map

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Midnight Express, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. dancle

    dancle New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
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    Well the main thing is probably the language. The language is the key to the society. There are free language course for immigrants, but they are not very good! I have friends who have had to go through them, so I know! The system could be a lot more efficient! When people don't know the language it's impossible to get a job! So it's really important the language courses are efficient.

    Another thing is that immigrants are put together in the same areas, segregated from the areas Swedes live in. This means the friends these people most likely will get are immigrants. What is wrong with that? Nothing else than that these immigrants now have lost another chance to get to know the Swedish culture, society etc..

    Why is it important that immigrants get to know the country they move to and adapt to it?? Well first of all to show respect to the country they have moved to! This country is spending a lot of the taxpayers' money on them, so that really is the least they can do! And of course for their own benefit, their lives will naturally look so much brighter when they're integrated. Because when they're, the natives will respect them a lot more, simply because they're respecting them. Of course there will always be racism, but racism always originate from missunderstandings. So if people get educated, also the natives, racism will decrease radically.

    No one is saying that these people should suddenly forget their culture, history and where they came from. But they have respect the new country's culture, history and society that they have moved to. And if they don't do that they don't deserve to live there..

    Now before you think I'm blaming the immigrants, it's important to know that many immigrants do want to get integrated, but aren't given the opportunity to do so. And many don't even now what demands that are on them i.e. that they get integrated, that they learn the language and respect the natives and their culture! Before the immigrants are given opportunity to integrate, I think we can't blame them. But afterwards and they are given all opportunities possible then we can blame them, but not before!
  2. Midnight Express

    Midnight Express New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Good post

    I agree with you.
  3. LoveToyota

    LoveToyota New Member

    Mar 14, 2008
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    Right wing are not anti muslim, but anti non white! they go for white power...!

    This muslim thing is a Distraction to there reel agenda!

    Remember the only white policy Australia,England,South Africa had!:omg:

    Take a look at the colonial times, because it might happen again!
  4. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Except that Europe is being colonized instead of colonizing.
  5. LoveToyota

    LoveToyota New Member

    Mar 14, 2008
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    So you think you can invade africa,asia and not get people in return?

    European wealth is from stolen gold,silver,Gas,Oil... from africa, you owe trillions to africa..

    African leader Ghadaffi said that European colonial powers need to compensate for what they have stolen.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0MxuRiDq10&feature=PlayList&p=581968997418A3EC&index=3"]YouTube- Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations Sept 23, 2009 pt.4[/ame]
  6. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Ghadaffi also said that Switserland should be disbanded. Ghadaffi is a fool, and a despot.

    Most European nations are not build on colonial empires, that time has long be over.

    We do not have to compensate anything, we have paid hundreds of bllions to africa in the form of foreign aid, we have removed their huge debts to us worth hundreds of billions in most cases entirely. Also we have let in tens of millions of Africans who work and live here and send money to Africa.

    If Africa wants to prosper then they have to work. and Crush their mostly corrupt governments. And more.

    European Wealth is coming from a stable economical climate, stable politics ( when was the last war which involved France Germany etc or any other central western or south european nation)proper schooling etc.

    Europe was bankrupt and ravaged after WW2 and Europe recoverd, but not due to their colonies but their own will and planning.

    Look at Africa, 10 percent of the land is being hired to Arab / Chinese / European / Indian business to grow crops and export meanwhile their population starves and requires international aid to survive, coming from the very same nations. In Sudan as much food was exported overseas as was brought in by the WFP and other organisations to bring food to starving people.

    We owe NOTHING to Africa. not now, not ever. Ghadaffi also forgets to mention that the arabs also exploited the Africans, but hey that is allowed.
  7. LoveToyota

    LoveToyota New Member

    Mar 14, 2008
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    So you refuse that European colonial powers need to pay compensation to africa?

    So slavery is ok?
    So stealing gold,diamonds,Silver,oil,gas, minerals.... is oK?

    But Blacks didnt have the right to education as white did, you cant blame bad shape of africa on africans, it was the European colonal who destroyed africa!

    It remain me of what the white race have done to native Indians around the world...

    How can this be accepted?

    Is this how you bring peace around the world?
  8. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    We payed hundreds of billions in foreign aid. That aid is stll flowing by the tens if not hundreds of millions a day as we speak. If find this pretty generous, even more so considering Africans, in my eyes, look not really like the type of people to fix their problems.

    No its not. You want Europeans to pay africans how? Most cant proof they aredescendants from slaves. have you gotten compensation from the Arabs for the slave trade and stealing of resources ? They did the same mind you, only diffrence was they based it on religion and not skin colour.

    You want to find out how much Europeans got out of Africa in the colonial time? Best of luck with that. Europe is going bankrupt there is very little to get.

    Africa was not exactly happy paradise. blacks sold blacks to white, one tribe were slaves to others. You act if the average African kid went to school before the Europeans came. Not the case dear sir.

    For which native americans have gotten certain privileges now, what else do you want? You want the Americans to start paying for something that happend 300 years ago? My god you must be kidding.

    You wont get anything else, You dont deserve it you never sufferd under European rule. Europe has given hundreds of billions since the 60's, made schools, hospitals and more. Dont act like Europe has never given africa anything that can be considerd compensation...

    Doesnt exactly bring peace to Africa by giving huge bags of money with no strings attached, we already did that you see, its called foreign aid and your leaders used it for fancy cars, palaces and such.
  9. Roadvirus

    Roadvirus Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    It's the same situation with the BNP in the UK. The BNP is gaining in popularity and the Powers That Be in the gov't can't understand why. If you actually have to ask why, then you are truely an idiot because it's obvious to everyone else.
  10. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    The best way to combat these so called extremists is by solving the problems which make them vote for these ' extremists'

    If people see bad things on the street on a daily basis and also see their current government fail to adress these problems ( hell even talking about it seems to hard) then those people will go to a new party, one which might be extreme but atleast talks about it and might even fix these problems.
  11. HillsOttfam

    HillsOttfam New Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    And therein lies the reason the Bosnians were performing their "ethnic cleansing." Muslims have a well-proven track record of taking over countries the same way the mexicans are taking over America--sneak across the border (or come into open arms like the moronic French are doing), squirt out as many babies as the human body will allow in as short a time as possible, and in as little as one generation, <poof>, the national heritage of a country has been trampled and replaced by a hostile foreign invader.
  12. Eldedu

    Eldedu New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
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    No one's going to lose their country. As far as I can tell, the United States is not a suburb of Ireland.
  13. -FiX-

    -FiX- New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Unlike all lefties and communism supporters we are not willing to live under sharia law.

    We do not change our minds as easily as you do and we are willing to stay and fight instead of going somewhere else like you would do.
  14. Eldedu

    Eldedu New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Stay and fight? Right. Sure you do. The left advocates education and economic support to succeed, the right advocates deportation. Who was it that was staying and fighting?
  15. -FiX-

    -FiX- New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Good luck becoming educated in the Koran and succeeding to make every woman wear a headscarf in your Islamic ghetto.

    Well, it certainly isnt the left wingers.
    My grandfather was in the resistance during WW2 and he didnt knew one left winger that was in the resistance.They rather joined the nazis or accepted the situation instead of fighting for their believes.

    Thats why I know you will change your 'Viva Lenin' into 'Viva Koran' without a second thought when the time comes.
    HillsOttfam and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Eldedu

    Eldedu New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Right, your grandfather, if he was even in the resistance, is a historical authority on the actions of left wingers during WW2.

    I believe it was the USSR who actually won WW2? Not your grandfather...
  17. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Pretty sure it were the allies who won, which involves the US UK and more.

    I wonder how well the USSR would have done if the Germans did not have to worry about North Africa, Western Europe etc..
  18. Eldedu

    Eldedu New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Actually, considering the Germans had already occupied Western Europe, pretty much the same I would imagine
  19. -FiX-

    -FiX- New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    My grandfather knew who was his friends in that time and my grandfather also never forgot the sacrifices the Americans made.

    Funny that you mention the Sovjets,I agree they did do a large part in defeating the nazis but they also made a deal with the nazis and split Poland up in 2 and only waged war with the nazis because the nazis betrayed them.

    I see you and other leftist make a deal with Islamists just like the Sovjets made a deal with the nazis.
    Leftwingers dont have a heart and will sell all their believes for peace,they will even accept sharia law if that brings peace or they will move somewhere else.
    And now imagine how WW2 would have ended if America wasnt there.
    If that was the case then there would be no democracy today at all,we all would have been fascists,communists or nazis.

    I know that you are a communist so you dont care but a lot of us do and we do respect the role of America in our history.
    On the other hand I also imagine we would have no troubles from islamists if the nazis or the Sovjest became the dominant force after WW2.Unlike America they would have ethnicly cleansed the arab world and if they keep this attitude up then I give America 5 decades before they loose patience and they will think about a ''final solution'' for the islamists problem.
  20. dancle

    dancle New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
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    What kind of cynical drivel is that? The left is actually looking further than its own nose (unlike the extreme right) and seeing that perhabs we're are just as much to blame as the immigrants, for the failed integration! The extreme right on the other hand is extremely shortsighted and their logic is highly disturbing! "Immigrants live on welfare, immigrants steal!" therefore "immigrants bad and evil people!", that is what I call caveman logic! Pathetic!
  21. Straight Life

    Straight Life New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I think your ganddaddy was either joshing you on that one or told it to you after senility set in. All of the resistence fighter were left wingers they were resisting AGAINST the right. It was the right who sent their boys to the Nazi. In case you didn't know it it was the German and Italian right that helped Franco (right) against the Republic (left). Now you are trying to tell me that the entire Republican Army and the Lincoln Brigade joined the Nazi en masse. What a crock. Read Hugh Thomas on the "Spanish Civil War".
  22. -FiX-

    -FiX- New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    We were not joshing and he wasnt senile.

    Maybe you dont know when in that time most of Europe was controlled by dictators,nazis,communists my country remained one of the few democracies.
    The nazis were extreme right, we are not and our left wingers are cowards.
    Besides that I have the Lenin statue standing 500 meters from my house right now for some kind of educating project of Lenins views and most leftwinger/communists there hate the Islam as much as as many rightwingers do.

    I did read something about the Spanish civil war but I also read that we were at war with Spain for 80 years.
  23. SifuGun

    SifuGun New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Well it is definitely not funny. I know you are highly intelligent. So, you do not need me to point out the obvious. Muslims and immigrants have trouble assimilating in European countries. Because both sides are not willing to embrace each other. Whites cringe at the site of dark people. And Dark people are perplexed at Whites arrogance. Ultimately I would say that White people are less dysfunctional than dark people. So, if the white people can get over themselves and make more efforts to assimilate the darker people. We would have a better world. Or should we revisit Hitler as the UK is doing with The BNP?
  24. DutchClogCyborg

    DutchClogCyborg New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    evil white people spend billions on welfare and opportunities to help integrate them to no avail.

    They refuse to learn the nations language to kids first, creating a huge set back for any immigrant kid.

    They refuse to learn their kids basic aspects of a society, equality and respect.

    Deport those who have no business being here, those who stay are already successful and can help create a nice future alongside the rest of the decent folk.
  25. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Immigration from Muslim countries to Northern Europe has been a disaster. Sweden is ruled by social democracy. Even the 'right of centre' party is basically social democrat and all have bent over backwards to accomodate muslim immigrants who have demonstrated their gratitude by commiting crime at levels vastly outstripping the indiginous population and brininging rape to a level never seen in Modern Swedish society. For all intents and puposes rape is a crime committed by Muslims against Swdish women who their imams have told them are worthless.

    In Sweden Norway and Denmark over the whole area most rapes are commited by Muslims. In Oslo where they differentiate between aquiantance rape and 'attack rape' all attack rapes as of april last year had been commited by Muslims.

    The scandanavian aurthorities have long been trying to cover up this crime wave- just as the Uk authorities covered up the multiple child rape gangs made up of Pakistani muslims.

    Sweden heads the European rape statistics and the reason -well check for yourselves here:http://muslimrapewave.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/swedish-media-desperately-twists-facts-to-cover-up-the-muslim-rape-wave-2/http://

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