‘We need to end war ASAP’ – Zelensky

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Bill Carson, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    :no: Please tell us how you manage to tell the difference between a Ukrainian grave and a Russian one from low Earth orbit? Or are you insisting that no Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine because .... well that's where the all fighting is and Russia has been doing rather a lot of attacking there. Not very successfully I grant you (but hey, an A for effort). Just asking for a friend BTW.

    Also the M46 and the M777 both have the same effective maximum range i.e 40K they just require different types of specialized ammunition to reach it. No need to thank me.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2024
  2. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    No, I said they had lots of artillery, just not lots of new artillery coming out of the factories. I also said the problem was they were wearing out the guns they do have at a rate faster than they can be replaced (once the stockpile is gone). That's entirely different.

    As for NK? They might be able to supply some guns but not nearly as many as you think. Firstly they produce very little if any new stuff most years for economic reasons. But secondly and most importantly artillery is one area where the North Koreans have managed to obtain a degree military parity with the South. They have literally thousands of pieces emplaced along the DMZ threatening Seoul and northern SK . They represent a clear and present danger to the South. North Korea literally cannot afford to give them away in large numbers. Ammo? Yes, for a while but again there are limits to how much and for how long because again they don't do huge production runs of new stuff every year.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2024
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  3. Bill Carson

    Bill Carson Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    The ranges are public information and the M777 falls short, which is no surprise given the mass and caliber.

    You made claims that US satellites have high enough resolution to differentiate between tank models and artillery. If what you are saying is true, then surely those same satellites can count ukie graves.

    How do you know if they are ukie graves? Look in ukraine for a field of flags - yellow/blue and red/black, the latter being attributed to a certain nazi.

  4. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Point 1) NO The publicly available information I have access to states that the maximum effective range of both guns is the same i.e. 40 kilometers provided both systems have access to 'special ammunition' i.e. guided munitions. For the M-777 that's the Excalibur. You can research the Russian or foreign made equivalent yourself because I don't know what it is.

    Point 2) NO. I claim any modern commercial photo reconnaissance satellite has that capability, not just ones launched by 'western' companies. The people doing this work are civilians who by and large purchase the imaging data themselves (or else have other people contribute money to help them). They do not have access military grade images unless those images have been officially released by the government concerned for public consumption.

    Point 3) NO. As I said earlier and you seem to have conveniently ignored - a grave is a grave, is a grave! That being the case? Even if commercial satellites can detect individual graves (assuming they know where to look) how the hell is a satellite supposed to differentiate between one containing the body of a Ukrainian and one containing the body of a Russian? You tell me! And while commercial satellites can easily detect large burial plots depending on the model they may not have the resolution to image individual graves. Not that his matters because they can easily detect large burial plots and you can work out approximately how many graves (not bodies) such a site contains once you calculate it's dimensions. The fact remains however that graves are a lot smaller than tanks or artillery pieces! (one assumes you would know this but apparently not) and many or even all of the satellites in question simply may not have the resolution required - or if they do it's very expensive to purchase.

    As for 'How do you know if they are ukie graves? Look in ukraine for a field of flags - yellow/blue and red/black, the latter being attributed to a certain nazi ' :roflol::roflol::roflol: Have you been drinking? How the hell is a satellite orbiting 1000 kilometers or more above the Earth's surface supposed to detect the color of individual flags planted vertically on top of individual graves! This is commercial satellite imagery we're talking about not a James Bond movie. :roll:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2024
  5. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    I can certainly see the argument for the Military Industrial Complex, though a lot of people who would blame them in the context of Ukraine still support them when their weapons are sold and used elsewhere.

    I'm not sure why "globalists" would want division and conflict in the world, but then that is an intentionally fuzzy and inconsistent term (especially when randomly capitalised). People lumped under that label might want a specific outcome, but they'd generally still want the war to end as soon as possible.

    And I don't see where Biden personally comes in to this at all. I'm sure he'd love to see the war end under his administration (even if he had nothing to do with it), for the same reason Trump made a big thing about his ability to end the war the moment he gets in to office (though interestingly, not as much as that possibility becomes more imminent).
    Monash likes this.
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Dude .. we are hearing all the time .. throughout this conflict - Russia doesn't have his .. are no good at that .. weapons no good .. missiles don't work .. soldiers don't want to fight.. which is typical of the losing side .. "Mirroring" their issues onto the other side .. Russia has no problems with artillery guns or shells .. no shortage at all by relative comparison .. The side that has been plagued by constant shortage .. and never did have enough to begin with .. is Ukraine .. Desperate to get their hands on any kind of artillery .. the NATO - USA had no surge capacity and their available stockpiles have run out .. Ukraine now receiving only as much as can be produced .. which is ~ 30,000 shells a month .. or 1000 per/day .. which is a small fraction of what the need .. Russia firing 10,000 + per day .. Uki is also out of short range air defense .. no more Javelins and such -- again for the same reason .. the US Military has no surge capacity.. producing under 1000 of these weapons per year .. and most of this production already spoken for ..
  7. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Everybody know Ukraine is short of artillery rounds and guns. Everybody know Russia has lots. The problem is the rate of usage and the source of the Russian guns. A large % of the guns in use have been drawn down from soviet era stockpiles. This is undeniable. They haven't been stolen from their gun parks by pixies, they've been sent to and used in Ukraine. It's also a fact that guns wear out their rifling with use. The more rounds put through them in a given time period the faster this happens. This is also a fact. It happens with Uki guns and it happens with Russian guns and the Russian guns deployed to Ukraine are being used a lot more heavily that Ukraine's guns are because they have both the ammunition and for the moment the tubes.

    Furthermore assuming as you claim Russia has plenty of new barrels? Fine, there's no problem is there. Those new barrels can replace the old ones fairly quickly and easily behind the lines in field repair depots (at least with towed artillery they can). But that's not happening and we know this because the draw down of old stocks is still continuing apace. The photographic evidence proves it is. Meanwhile we also know that the number of guns deployed by Russia in Ukraine is not rising in tandem with draw downs from old stockpiles e.g. the draw down of say five hundred old guns from a depot is not leading to an increase of 500 'new' artillery pieces in the field. So do the math yourself. Either Ukraine is destroying Russian artillery at a huge rate or Russian guns are being withdrawn because their barrels have worn out and are not being replaced quickly. (Which they would be if there were really plenty of new barrels just waiting to be used as you claim). So which is it?

    And P.S US shell production is set to triple by 2026 and increase six fold by early 2030. The rest of NATO is increasing their own production apace with the US. So that problem is temporary.

    And to remind you the issue I raised is the apparent shortage of new Russian gun barrels and the imminent exhaustion of it's old stockpiles of same. Not munition shortages in Ukraine which are well documented and being addressed as quickly as possible. Pointing to the 'other' sides problems is NOT and does not answer or solve your sides problems.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2024
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  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Please stop this nonsense .. Russia has plenty of barrels .. both new and old .. to hammer Uki to a pulp on the front line.

    Russia is pumping out 100 new tanks per month Brother Mon .. do u understand ? Has been on a war footing for over 2 years .. do u understand ? ..Has absolutely no problem producing new gun barrels .. ands your claim about uki destroying artillery ??? With What ?

    Do you have no memory of the "Counter-Offensive" .. when Uki was all armed up ready to go .. was gonna take back Crimea ya know Right !?

    What happened ? They failed to make a dent in the first line of defense .. over a 1000 mile front line .. U Understand ? .. now they out of artillery .. and barrell's cause US-Nato don't care enough to be on a war footing .. no short range air defense .. Russia in control of the sky .. Ukraine running backwards kilometers per day over most of the front line .. taking heavy casualties -- and replacement meat getting very difficult to find .. On the other side Vlad has yet to get through the criminals - mercs - and Radical Islamist Jihadist fighters left over from the war in Syria to give his regular army much of a chance to see combat
  9. Bill Carson

    Bill Carson Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    I wonder what diversionary topic they'll focus on when this conflict is over and ukraine has much less territory and thousands upon thousands more graves than they do now?

    Take back Crimea? :laughing: Never gonna happen.
  10. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Ukraine running backwards "kilometers" per day?

    That means the Orcs should be in Paris by now?:laughing:
  11. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    This nonsensical propaganda thread dies in the light of day.

    Ukraine Conflict Updates

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated that Ukraine will not compromise its sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for a diplomatic resolution to Russia's invasion. Zelensky stated during an interview with French media on August 1 that Ukraine is willing to pursue a diplomatic solution with Russia, but that Ukraine will never make territorial concessions to do so.[27] Zelensky emphasized that the Ukrainian government does not have the right to unilaterally renounce Ukrainian territory, stating that this would violate the Ukrainian constitution because this decision must take into account the will of the Ukrainian people. Zelensky noted that the Ukrainian government would have to hold a referendum to formally renounce any territory but did not suggest that the Ukrainian government or population has any interest in or intention to hold such a referendum. Ukrainian officials have repeatedly stated that Ukraine will not violate its sovereignty and territorial integrity by conceding any Ukrainian territory to Russia, and recent polling suggests that most Ukrainian citizens do not support territorial concessions.[28] Zelensky reiterated that Ukraine will have a plan for a second Global Peace Summit by November 2024 and that Ukraine's plan has wide international support. Kremlin officials, meanwhile, continue to demand complete Ukrainian capitulation and the revocation of Ukraine's NATO aspirations while engaging in information operations intended to portray Ukraine's commitment to its sovereignty and territorial integrity as an outrageous ultimatum.[29]
    USVet likes this.
  12. Bill Carson

    Bill Carson Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    azov zelensky need not refer to the constitution of ukraine unless he wants to talk about how he's no longer president according to the their constitution.
  13. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Ah, Bill. You're always good for a laugh. Thanks.
    zoom_copter66 likes this.
  14. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    You don't read do you? I've already said Russia has plenty of barrels (for now) but one more time if they had 'plenty' of new ones why reactivate 40 year old antiques? Answer that question, stop evading it, answer.

    As for your claim that Russia is 'pumping out' 1000 'new tanks' a month? Simply not true. Produce the reports you base that figure on. Go on. Do it - now!

    The problem Russia has is that the only 'new' tank in production in Russia prior the start of the war is the T-90 series. There was a contract issued for 50 modernized T-80BVM versions signed in 2020 but even that order wasn't complete at the time the war started. Which gives some idea about how hard it was for the plant in question to restart production after such a long hiatus. Why? Because NO new T-80s had been manufactured in Russia in almost 25 years! We know the plant in question has wound down production capacity and laid of hundreds of skilled workers because the companies annual reports told the world they did. Now? It's struggling to produce even single figures of new tanks if that! What we know it has been doing is renovating as many older models taken out of storage as it can as quickly as possible. But even then most aren't being given upgrade packages because of the bottleneck in components needed for those upgrades, you know things like modern night sights and targeting computers etc. These are also needed for new T-90s so there simply isn't enough to go round. So most of the 'new' T-80s showing up on the battlefield? Are almost all 40 years old and have been given little more that new coat of paint. And Ukraine knows this because new kills are being picked apart and exmamied.

    There are no production lines or jigs left for the T-72 series. Any one of them turning up in Ukraine now is a museum piece.

    All of which is not to say Russian heavy industry is not pulling off a herculean efforts in an attempt to replace the thousands of pieces of equipment Russia has lost. It is. But faced with the same number of losses that Russia has suffered over the past two and a half years? Even America which has 10 times Russia's economic capacity couldn't replace al the lost material as quickly as you claim Russia is managing. As I said above show us all where your figures are coming from. Your problem we can see and count the number of 'new' T-90s and modified T-80s showing up in combat and I don't mean just counting destroyed vehicles. They being counted and typed even if they're not being fired on.

    For the rest? Just the usual act fee propaganda you always spout. We all know Ukrainian counter offensive in the south failed. What does it have to do with what's happening now. Do I need to remind you of the absolute cluster f&%% that was Russia's invasion effort in the first 12 months of the war? Both failures are irrelevant, all that matters is what's happening the now. And now? The numbers don't lie. That bucket of 'spare stuff' Russia kept locked up in it's shed all these years? Is almost empty. And the clock is ticking Gifty tick, tock.....

    So toodles Gifty & happy dreams. Soon they will be all you have left..
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What a joke .. why not use the old ones ?? and so what if they do .. does not reflect on the fact Uki is outgunned 10-1 .. and finally - how do you know that your silly claim is true .. as there are hundreds of lies like that out there .. all of these lies coming out of the Pro-Uki Camp .. and .. OHHHHH .. was your source a pro uki source .. Right .. but what ever .. I did not challenge your source to begin with .. just educated you with information contrary to your false conclusions.

    The Tank issue has already been settled with Durdl -- support posted .. and it is 100 tanks per month ... not 1000 .. and look at yourself crying out "Simply not True" -- as if you have defacto credible info that 100 tanks a month is false.

    Russia Can Build 100 Tanks a Month, Retains Capacity to Replace Losses: Intel
    Russia has retained the capacity to replace battlefield losses in Ukraine as it can produce 100 main battle tanks per month, according to a recent UK Ministry of Defence intelligence report. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/01/31/russia-tanks-replace-losses/

    "In late January, the British government estimated that Russia could likely produce around 100 main battle tanks a month to prop up its armored assaults. Domestic Russian tank production has increased fivefold since February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in February"

    There you Go mate .. Pro Western Sources . Now go out and find pro western sources claiming Russia is having trouble producing tanks / keeping up with battlefield losses .. as Durandal was doing .. when reality came crashing down.

    Get to it .. produce this information leading you to defacto tank claim .. and come to the realization that you were gulping down the spiked kool-aid .. and how much of it you been gulping . unawares .. crying out "Prove it .. Prove it .. Simply False"

    We await your refutation of the British Gov't Intel .. January 2024 .. "Domestic Russian Tank production has increased fivefold since Feb 2022"

    CNN - (most trusted source in news) Russia is producing about 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or about 3 million a year, according to NATO intelligence estimates of Russian defense production shared with CNN, as well as sources familiar with Western efforts to arm Ukraine.
    Bill Carson likes this.
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Your math is really bad Zoomer .. in addition to your logic .. how do you figure Orcs should be in Paris by now with uki running backwards (2 kilometers/day) over most of the front line ?

    Your battlefield assessment skills and of the geopolitical chessboard in general are wanting Zoomie .. playing "gotcha" games without frontiers. .. speaking of which .. another name that tune moment you will fail .. having learned a different tune in band camp -- growing up in Eastern Europe .. and so not familiar with the local hits back in the day.

    You go around asking others the nation in which they were born .. in some Ad Hom fallacy horn .. after giving your calculation and logic -- tell us where you were born ... and by which comes this Partisan storm : )
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
    Bill Carson likes this.
  17. Bill Carson

    Bill Carson Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    It's a knockout :laughing:

  18. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    2 kms per day ....900 days for a 3 day op.....1800 kms....or 1100 miles.....so the Orcs should be somewhere in German/French border?....gifty,:)

    Already told you....gifter, born in Milwaukee, raised in Sdak....

    I suspect you're British since you use "lads", "Kilometers" regularly.....here in the US it's usually "fellas" , "guys" ",dudes", and miles for distance.
    Durandal likes this.
  19. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Sure thing. Happy to help. Latest assessment as of July this year.

    The 1500 tanks referred to as being 'produced' your article? And even the authors note that number doesn't differentiate between 'new' (in the dictionary definition of the word) tanks and refurbished 'old' tanks. Where this other article digs more deeply into the numbers for tanks and guns. And its not good news - for Russia.

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
  20. USVet

    USVet Banned

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Russia was only producing about 10 T-90s per year in 2022 and it would be amazing if they could get production to 100 but I doubt it because it can't get the foreign made parts. I do have to laugh at the stupid lie that "Russia is making 100 tanks a month" because anyone with half a brain can figure out that if that was true they should have 2400-3600 shiny brand new T-90s right now. Instead the untrained conscripts are getting blown up in 70 year old T-54 rust buckets .

    The orcs are so low on armored vehicles and IFV that they have to resort to using cheap Chinese golf carts, old motorcycles, and some crappy Soviet van from the 1960s. All the modern stuff is gone because Russians can't build anything modern without foreign parts and systems. That is why the only things they can field are ancient Soviet garbage with carburators.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
  21. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Horrible logic and reasoning skills Zoomer. and of course math. No one told you 900 days .. there is no 2km/day for 900 days Zoomer -- that is made up nonsense on your part.

    I explained to you my familiarity with flapper-land Zoomer - a low information region to be sure. Someone educated in phrases from other cultures .. and adopting such phrases does not mean one is from that culture Zoomer .. it is a sign of worldly-ness .. as opposed backwoods banjo playing deliverance crowd

    "Use of Kilometers" .. Ohh Zoomie .. such funnies .. since when do the Brit's use miles for distance ? .. everyone else in the world uses km .. sans the "Low info" crowd Zoomer .. .so when one is citing material .. such as how many Kilometers the front line has advanced .. that material is often going to use Kilometers Sherlock Holmes you are not .. nor much of a Dr. Watson .. nor a "Scientist" for that matter which we already guessed on account of the math deficiency .. and nor a Philosopher .. due to the endless fallacy but that is another matter.

    But Zoomie .. "IF" you were a scientist like me . who is worldly as can be ... having lived and worked in a number of countries .. (as opposed to stuck in deliverance movie for all ones days) you would be very familiar with the metric system .. cause that is the language of science .. as opposed to the "imperial system" for dummies .. and there are many reasons for this .. however .. you need not concern yourself with that .. just know that thinking use of the metric system a sign of not being from USA --- gets the big Donut award .. along with use of colloquial and well know terms such as "Lads" .. like you have never watched a James Bond Film .. Not surprising for the back wood breed but not a resident of Milwaukie .. Did they not have Bond films at the theatre or on TV in Milwaukie Zoomie ?
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What part of 100 per month did you not under-stand friend .. after crying out NO NO NO .. you have been shown up Bro .. that Russia may be running out of old stuff not relevant even if it did have basis in fact .. unlikely given your propaganda source.

    I gave pro -western sources friend .. Do you understand that you coming back with a pro western source is a laughable joke .. U understand the joke ??
  23. USVet

    USVet Banned

    Jan 1, 2018
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    100 month is the old garbage that has been sitting in a field rusting away for 40 years. Sure, they pull it out, spray some new paint on it, and see if they can get it running but, no, that is not a newly built tank.

    It is ancient trash which probably breaks down constantly, isn't fit for purpose, but is all the Russians have so they are forced to use it. You know that, I know that, and the difference between us is I am honest enough to tell the truth.
  24. USVet

    USVet Banned

    Jan 1, 2018
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  25. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    You mentioned orcs advancing 2 kms per day...over 900 days of invasion....that's over 1100 miles....and half way across Western Europe....gifty.

    Never said Brits used ....miles.

    "Everyone else uses kilometers" in the rest of the world.

    Yes....I know, let me know when some or one of them lands on the moon like we did or places land rovers on Mars. Using miles,feet,pounds, ounces, inches, yards,tons, Fahrenheit works for us!:)

    You're a "scientist"??....of what?....scientology?:laughing:

    Milwaukee is a good German town....just like Chicago (or some of it), there's more GDP in the Milwaukee,Chicago,St.Louis line than all of Mafiosi combined ....notsogifted.:)
    Durandal likes this.

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