I normally do but that doesn't answer the question just changes the subject so I will take it you have no answer.
No, you agreed with the OP and the conclusion was eugenics. Do you not understand what you are saying? The OP definitely has no clue but believes he is god and can determine the fate of another that is none of their business. I would say that his understanding is no worse than yours.
Well you're right, I don't really have an answer to your question since your question had nothing to do with what I posted. I've not been posting anything about European greatness. You basically posted an irrelevant question and I ignored it, but since you asked, there is your answer: Because you asked a stupid, irrelevant question. I hope you find that answer satisfactory.
Rather than make things easier for such people, it would be better to support them to catch up to the cohort. Not because 'everyone should go to college', but simply because any improvement to receptivity, cognition, retention, work ethic, etc etc ... will be of enormous benefit regardless of what they do in life.
Sounds about right. It’s like George Carlin said; Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize about half of them are dumber than that!
I know what I wrote. I simply explained the way IQ tests work. It's just a method of ranking people, and I'm against eugenics--I'm a nurture vs. nature believer.
Well obviously it would be better if everyone could catch up, but we've spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to do that with little to show for it.
Not really, just begging the question again. For clarity I have bought forward your statement. So is it that you are lying or just no clue what you have posted, I lean more toward the latter. Stupid and irrelevant, when you find out what that means, let me know. Hint, it has something to do with the maker of such a comment and ignorance.
The OP posted eugenics as the solution and you agreed. Sound familiar now (in case of confusion, see above). Explain how IQ works, to explain how something works you must first understand it. IQ scores are based on a comparitive scale of mental age to chronological age, to wit: An individuals IQ can vary as much as 10 points test over test, hence one standard deviation is normal. Just what is nurture vs nature believer, one of those new age religions?
No, it has to do with context, which I freely admit is often a bit too "high falutin'" for the usual forum denizens. In the post to which you are referring, I was replying to LafayetteBis, who is a Euro-phile. In spite of your insults, it's obvious that they come from a point of ignorance, since you just pulled a comment out of context without understanding the players involved, what was said, the meaning...well...everything about these posts. So on that account, I forgive you your rudeness.
This isn't about "players", it's about words. I don't know you nor really care to and you don't know me which I prefer. However, you made a statement you don't seem to have the ability to back as all I have received are two excuses why you should not answer. Ignorance, are you not aware of how and why you say something? The Europe remark was yours, not anyone else's. So how do you leave this, you didn't have a clue or a defense of your remark?
I don't have to "defend" my remark. You don't understand the context, even when it was explained to you. It seems pointless for me to go any further.
EGREGIOUS ELITISM The ranking is necessary only to find those who are slipping in the ability to learn. I agree that IQ-testing should not be any Great Criteria for selecting those fortunate-few who make it into so-called "exceptional schools", like Hah-vahd. Which is a sort of Egregious-Elitism that is getting out-of-hand. We are educating an elite-class who think it is their natural-destiny to obtain high-income jobs and live thusly high-off-the-hog. Which simply means that a select few (about 10% of the American population) earn MUCH, MUCH more than the rest - but more importantly also that there remains a significantly large portion of the population eking out a living below the Poverty Threshold. We are rebuilding in the US EXACTLY the same kind of class-system that existed at the turn of the 18th century - except that there is no monarch (unless elected to the presidency) but there is a social-class that strives to preserve for their own benefit a higher-class of income earners. We have built in the US an economy that ressembles in many ways that of 18th century Europe. The world then was in the Agricultural Age and land was the primary means for creating Great Revenue for a European aristocracy. All that was destined to change when evolved the Industrial Age in the 19th century! And we are now exiting that age (at tremendous speed) as we careen into the Information Age ... !
You may be right. It's debatable. (And that, of course, is why we are all in this forum.) You may not know, but American history is very, very light on the fact that Benjamin Franklin, John Paul Jones and Thomas Jefferson all met (whilst in Paris at the Procope Restaurant*) with some French intellectuals (Voltaire was one) who were discussing "liberty". Which was very risky in those days, when a King could have your head for doing so. And this was happening in the early 1770s, a while before the American colonies found the gumption to revolt in 1775. In fact, Franklin had met the French King once in 1767. And after the revolution, Franklin became the first American ambassador to France. For sure, the seeds of liberty were being sown in those discussions at Le Procope, and brought back to be planted then harvested in the US. Le Procope restaurant (started by an Sicilian immigrant to France) is still there. It is the oldest of any in Paris and located in the "Quartier Latin". If ever in Paris, have a look ...
Let's hope that is the only necessary answer. I think it is not. Because the same effect is happening here in Europe. This younger generation is taking "education" to be a necessary but brief passage. It is thus expecting more than a market-economy is willing to offer. So, they'll come back banging on the door to "get some ed-u-ka-shun". And it will be perhaps too late. The ages of 16/30 are the best years for education, whether vocational or intellectual. Afterwards, further education is an upward battle against conflicting objectives (personal, familial, etc.) ... So, let's get-em whilst their young. The second-chance may come a wee bit too late. I nonetheless think it should be available and at a very low cost. Being dumb is the worst condition of the human-mind and in a plethora of ways is counterproductive ...
National Health Care Service that lends to a longer life span? Tertiary Education that does not cost an arm and leg allowing more to find a better paying job? Just to name two ...
If they are to unintelligent to be a basic infantry soldier, that is the most basic job there is in the Army, what kind of work will they get as automation and other shifts happen even working at McDonalds requires around a average 100 IQ and other chains can't be that much better unless you count CiCi's or all you can eat buffets with largely standard menus. THAT was the point I was trying to make many jobs for the lower IQ persons are slowly if not quickly going away. Ditch diggers, boxing goods, baggers, dish washers and such are not exactly in demand. Now you get into a more average range say 95 you can cook, work in skilled nursing facilities in support jobs, be LPN's, and be trained in other work but still not high income work. Driving the staple job for this group might go to automation as well or not, it depends do you trust a computer to drive goods and people where hacking or other issues might make it unsafe without some kind of human to override the system and take over. What jobs will there be for this group say in 2050, 2100 and after with the current trends unless we can compensate for low I with ay a cybernetic enhancement or genetic engineering in higher IQ's? Noting even the armed forces will just get more demanding if the average soldier is in power armor and the operator needs tech aptitudes you might end up a smaller pool where one must be fit and have a 'skilled work IQ base of 110 or more' and the pilots might mostly operate drones and maintain the tech again a high IQ demand.
An economy which does not make room in its functioning for all of the people it presumes to serve is NOT sophisticated...and creating an artificial ecological niche called "welfare" which enables an unrealistically high reproduction rate by such individuals is a recipe for societal destruction.
If I understand Army recruitment clearly, they risk their sorry asses and if they survive THEN after their period of duty the Army pays for an education. Sounds like some idea out of Roman times, when the generals allowed the surviving soldiers a part of the booty of any place they conquered. Or, better yet, in the case of illegal migrants, it is offering them citizenship if they survive duty. American Death Rates from selected major military conflicts: Vietnam War - 58.2K Beirut - 266 Persian Gulf War - 258 Afghanistan - 2356 Iraq - 4489 Option: Stay out of wars. Use the DoD-money to educate the kids to live "normal lives". Save one helluva lotta money and lives minding our own business.
FREE, GRATIS AND FOR NOTHING All the more reason to skip military duty which rarely teaches them any real competence, and provide kids with free post-secondary education (vocational certifications, associate, bachelor, doctorate degrees). Any of those four degree levels will offer them the opportunity to find a job. If they are up to it, a free education will also allow them to progress up the educational ladder. Each step in the rung will allow them to return to the workplace to seek and presumably find a better job. And all that (as far as they can possibly go) before they are 25/30 years old ... IF POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION IS FREE, GRATIS AND FOR NOTHING ...
Replicant governments ALWAYS find some country to hate, somewhere that is a fundamental threat to the "Amurikun way of life". We must stop that waste - the expenditure in lives is a great loss in a venture that simply pays private-companies to supply the war effort whilst American families provide the warm-bodies to be maimed and killed. Moreover, we make Military Duty as some sort of heroic feat, which it isn't. It requires pure luck just to survive it! Let's concentrate on the challenge of the Information Age, which is far more crucial goal for Americans than saving-the-world. Because if we do not fund the necessary training/education we are going to have a great many unemployed who have no job-future whatsoever ...
10% of the U.S. population has an IQ lower than 83. 16% of the population has an IQ of 85 or less. And all of them support ......oh, I guess I better not say it.