There's no explanation from you or anyone else why the bright flow from WTC 2 explodes against the facade as it falls. explanation why the testimony of minister of transportation Mineta or that of William Rodriguez was excluded from the report. ...the list goes on, but among others no clarification why you hold some FBI official you've never met as the source of light guiding your life.
So you do agree that the collapse of building 7 looked just like a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION, so much so that it "fooled" even one of the world's foremost demolitions experts, before he was snuffed out like so many other 9/11 key witnesses? I can sort of understand now why so few other demolition companies would be reluctant to step forward and give an honest appraisal of the 9/11 collapses, not that there is one on every corner to consult. And I wouldn't even go so far as to say that anyone would be afraid of making trouble for himself if he stuck his neck out on DeBunking media chopping block. No. No. A MUCH more compelling reason exists. If it became common knowledge that one doesn't really need to plant all those cutter charges and so forth to get a building to just fall straight down all at once, then people would stop paying them all that money to loaf around when all anyone has to do is knock a post out or two, set fire to the waste paper basket, run out of the building and wait.
Hey youskies, You haven't answered any of my questions at all. I guess you must have just overlooked them, so I am reposting them here for your convenience. That way you won't have to keep turning the page backwards in order to see it. So much gets overlooked that way. But I guess you already know that.
William Rodriguez? Are you kidding me? He's nothing but an attention whore at this point. Explain why his story changed as time went on. First it was "rumbling like someone was moving heavy furniture" and now it's "explosions that cracked the ceiling and heaved the floor upwards".
13 years....and the Nutters have yet to prove one Nutter point. You would think, after all this time, someone would be able to come up with some empirical evidence to support the Twoofers claims.
I'm telling you that the Zionist Cabal planned the whole thing using Arab patsies and Osama Bin Laden as the scape goat.
Thirteen years and the lying Debunkers still haven't thought up a reasonable excuse for anything. That's because they don't have any. It's a good thing their noses don't grow like Pinocchio's did. They wouldn't be able to sit and stare at their computer monitors.
Quote Originally Posted by holston View Post query: How many "coincidences" and "suspicious anomalies" (we won't call them evidences) have the DeBunkers had to debunk already? Can any one count them? Of all that information, how much was just "made up" by "conspiracy nuts"? For example; under the question of means, motive and opportunity. how much of the following information is "made up", or false? I anxiously await a reply from any of the overly qualified 9/11 experts on this thread. I know they are eager to DeBunk as much as possible. They seem to have made it one of their top priorities if not their life's mission. Why in the world they do this, even they cannot tell. Notice: I am asking whether the quoted material is true or false. A simple yes or no will suffice. Or you may simply respond with a yes or no as to whether the information supplied has been fabricated , or "made up", and has no basis in reality whatsoever. If so, I cannot help but compliment the remarkable job that the insane conspiracy theorists have done in creating a false web site for the non-existent Systems Planning Corporation and in framing the pure in heart, Honorable Rabbit Dov Zakheim with occupations that he never engaged in and titles that were never bestowed upon him.
Quote Originally Posted by holston View Post query: How many "coincidences" and "suspicious anomalies" (we won't call them evidences) have the DeBunkers had to debunk already? Can any one count them? Of all that information, how much was just "made up" by "conspiracy nuts"? For example; under the question of means, motive and opportunity. how much of the following information is "made up", or false? I anxiously await a reply from any of the overly qualified 9/11 experts on this thread. I know they are eager to DeBunk as much as possible. They seem to have made it one of their top priorities if not their life's mission. Notice: I am asking whether the quoted material is true or false. A simple yes or no will suffice. Or you may simply respond with a yes or no as to whether the information supplied has been fabricated , or "made up", and has no basis in reality whatsoever. If so, I cannot help but compliment the remarkable job that the insane conspiracy theorists have done in creating a false web site for the non-existent Systems Planning Corporation and in framing the pure in heart, Honorable Rabbit Dov Zakheim with occupations that he never engaged in and titles that were never bestowed upon him.
You've been watching 'the lone gunmen' again,haven't you kid?...up until recently,a complete automated control of a large aircraft hadn't been done......takes more to fly a 767 that a joystick..
debunkers are drowning in it but they are loony, why do you post their crap anyway? Do you have any idea how foolish they look?
You still haven't got it that whether what he says makes sense or not is not the point here. The point is that some testimonies were excluded and Rodriguez worked at the WTC for 20 years, was congratulated on live TV by Bush and other members of his administration, who also invited him into politics for having risked his life extensively until the last moment to save dozens of persons. I don't think he's a publicity whore since he treated his life as expendable and since he was invited into politics but eventually withdrew. It all changed when he started asking Bush more questions.
No, not really. They can't give straight answers to questions. They know if they do it will drive them into a corner. They KNOW that controlled demolitions were used. Their job is to deny, deny, deny.
We constantly give straight answers,YOU just don't accept them in favor of your own fabrications And NO 'controlled demolitions' were used,since there was no evidence of it found..
I'm not a debunker but more a skeptic with an open mind. The burden of proof is upon those who make the claim that 9/11 was an inside job... and so far I have not been given irrefutable proof that it was. With that said what is irrefutable proof to one is far from it to another. Point 2 of the OP is compelling but not irrefutable proof of anything. A BBC crew reporting may not know have known which building was building 7 and made a mistake... perhaps it was fed over the wires erroneously by someone who got the buildings wrong. I could probably come up with many reasons for the mistake but the conspiracy theorists cannot make a direct and solid connection to the government and some sort of coverup. I won't comment on the other points as I believe they all fall short as empirical proof of a government conspiracy. Like I said, the burden of proof is upon the conspiracy theorists and asking the debunkers to prove you wrong is a logical fallacy. It would be like a Christians screaming "God exists, look, it says it right here in the Bible" then demanding that atheists and other non Christians prove them wrong. IMO all the evidence provided by the OP cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt at the ONLY possible explanation. I am not saying the conspiracy theorists are wrong... I am saying that they have not been able to prove their point to my satisfaction.
As much as I love your Rock 'n' Roll Kitty Kat, I have to say that you are missing an awful lot. I think that if you were to study all the available circumstantial evidence for long enough and in enough detail the big picture would begin to set in your mind. Then one day you would realize the truth of the matter. I know that it IS hard to believe. Nevertheless, that's the way all the indicators point -> FOREKNOWLEDGE, CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS. It's hard to get people to realize this because it requires a great deal of time to digest all the available information. That is not saying that ALL the information concerning it is available. It is saying that of that information which IS available, there is a great deal of it which requires slow, careful, and deliberate processing. There is an awful lot that one has to say to an "unbeliever" before they may finally reach the point that they take it upon themselves to learn about things on their own. Many people simply do not have the time or the interest to look into the matter. They either do not understand why it is important or they do not care anyway. What gripes me about the Kosher crowd of ZogBots, is that many of them either DO understand or already have a good enough appreciation of the evidence TO SEE HOW the evidence points, but they REFUSE to admit it. Why? Aside from the ones who are actually culpable or are paid disinformation agents, the run of the mill Zionist crowd, APPROVES of what happened! Why? Because the Israelis and their US brethren are determined to control the middle east region and OWN Palestine, Jerusalem in particular. Why? Because possession of Jerusalem is essential the RELIGIOUS eschatology of JUDAISM. Their ZIO-xtian "allies" (Shabbos Goyim) are also bent on taking Jerusalem too, only for different reasons. They have a different take on how the end times will be, based on false interpretations of the book of Revelation. The Jews scoff at these ZIO-xtian ambitions. But the Jews have ambitions of their own so they don't care what the stupid Goy believe as long as they play the role faithfully of their big dumb ox who helps them trample all over the region. In addition to all that, you still have the "military industrial complex" which makes beaucoups of money from war, PLUS the oil industry which needs to protect their access to oil, PLUS according to neocon philosophy, military domination of the region is essential to retain their power. So you have several interested parties who all stand to gain something from being there militarily. The thing to consider here is NOT ONLY the MORAL ramifications of such actions, but ALSO the fact that the people who have brought about the whole mess have NOT done so in the interest of the US! The fat cats who are behind all this are only interested in achieving power and wealth for themselves. Not only do they not care about US sovereignty, they would rather do away with it in favor of a single entity, namely Canada, Mexico, and the US all under one roof so to speak just as they have done with the European Union and the Euro. What the brainwashed masses of ZogBots in the US are missing, is that none of this murder is going to profit them one bit! I have to say that because of the number of people in the world who really don't care how many people are tortured or murdered as long as it pumps them up in some way. The only way to get through to these self serving hedons is to convince them that what the globalist banksters and their accomplices, LED BY JEWS, are doing is ultimately going to reduce them to a third world status of servitude, whether they have a Patriotic bone in their bodies, or give a rats ass about right or wrong one way or the other! Such people deserve their fate as far as I am concerned. But the trouble is that I will be suffering the same fate as the rest of them. Nothing can be done to stop the plans of dictatorial, tyrannical, power mad, money hungry elitists, unless the masses act in unison to resist them. This can't happen unless they all act in one accord. To do that they need to be of one intent. This requires mass communication. But who controls THAT in the US? The ZIONISTS! That is why the facts of 9/11 have never really gone mainstream. People act like herds of cattle. They all go in the same direction whether they are being driven or are stampeding. The difference is that people just do whatever they think is the popular thing to do. And they get those notions from TV, movies, and magazines. 9/11 would never have been made an issue at all if it hadn't been for the internet. And you can bet your butt that when the powers that be can censor that completely, they will, just as surely as China does. The only reason they don't now is for the same reason that they haven't sent the National Guard around to confiscate firearms from the hands of private citizens. I have said this before and I suppose I'll have to say it a thousand more times. I do not wish to falsely accuse ANYONE. I am not lusting after blood, innocent or otherwise. I do not wish to harm others or even embarrass them unduly. But face it. There ARE many people in this world who will stop at nothing to get what they want. Do you need a mathematical proof to see that? Is there some reason to believe that Arabs are born lusting for blood more than anyone else? If you do then YOU are anti-Semitic. I am NOT a Muslim! The religion of Islam and Christianity are contrary to one another. Therefore it is not a good idea to mix them by force. Nevertheless these people got along well enough with each other and with the Jews too until this Zionist crap started with the Balfour agreement. That is mainly what opened this can of worms which led to 9/11 in the first place. There is no doubt that many Muslims hate the Jews and the US also. We must deal with that. The enforcement of the Talmudic, Machiavellian, NeoCon will on everyone is NOT the right way to do that. It's not good for the Muslims and it isn't good for us either! If someone hates you, you must be on guard against them. But murdering them in their sleep is not the way to do it. That is certainly not the Christian way to do it! Since you mentioned it, I must insert here that not all people who profess Christ do so through the circular reasoning which you described. I for one do not. But that is another matter which should be reserved for another discussion. I must insist though that your analogy is somewhat misplaced. For where it may apply to the arguments which SOME people make about Christianity or 9/11, NOT ALL DO. And more importantly NEITHER the case for Christianity NOR the case for CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS relies upon such fallacious reasoning. Do you see how much I've had to type so far? That's about a minimum needed only to prime the pump. You have to have people who are willing and able to sit still long enough before the real substance of the argument begins to flow. DeBunkers know this. They know they have the advantage of the bully pulpit, time, and human nature on their side. All they have to do is keep saying "taint so. Taint so." And you will notice that's about all they ever do. They WILL NOT address the evidence when it is given. They just ignore it, type over it to push it out of sight, or start a deluge of name calling. If you or anyone else is determined to not look and see, then all the evidence in the world can not change that. As they say, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Damn, we have video of planes hitting the twin towers and truthers continue this crap. We can't get a straight birth certificate out of our president and we are called "birthers." Can we have a video of Hussein being born here in the USA?