you are supposed to get me a pass for 1 month to play with it, then I will demonstrate for you. LOL The fun stuff isnt published with the us gubmint goodhousekeeping seal. - - - Updated - - - sorry man, didnt mean to steal your fun He was wrong about so much that he said about I guess I was on a roll LOL
I didn't go anywhere. I asked you a question, not him. If you were more observant you would have noticed that I don't respond to him. Do you have an answer for the question?
You don'r have the qualifications to be turned loose near equipment like that. I don't even think anyone with a brain would let you cvhange the oil in their cars.
When you can site a rational source for your claims of what HAARP can do, get back to me. You are clearly out of your area of expertise here. (Next thing you know, this guy will be selling us "morgellons" as a serious public health hazard.)
come on man spare us the drama queen act. Aside from correcting some of the crazy ideas fang had I never made any claims about it what so ever. I simply said I would have a lot of fun with it. (and I would!) You people do not think for yourselves and need someone to tell you all the answers. much of what haarp can do is not available to the public koolaide kids and the someones aint giving you the answers so you are sol. not that they would let me do what I would want to do with it anyway LOL.
Like I said, I know you think you're contributing......... Junk science, low res gifs, copypasta, disingenuous and outright false statements, etc, do not a contribution make. In the real world, that's called TROLLING.
coming from someone whos posts are nothing short of a total wasteland. LOL more unsubstantiated boilerplate attacks, in so far as photos are concerned lets see your tack sharp video clips. Oh thats right you dont have any! Thats what troughers are about. yours is FLAME BAIT plus TROLLING in every world Oh still waiting for your trace of the paint
Rubber/Glue defense? Keep waiting on my trace of the paint, because I have no idea what you're talking about. Double lol from you koko. Keep tilting Don.
see what I dont even know and you admit you do not know what the last issue being discussed on this topic is about. truthers only need to sit back and watch troughers debunk themselves! lol
You have totally derailed the thread already with your blather about HAARP. You have done nothing to show us that Jones and Harrit are not just playing with paint chips. Show us how paint chips would react differently in the same tests or admit that the chuckling twit from Utah and the European space cadet are charlatans.
I did not derail the thread with haarp. I corrected the several mistakes made by one of the troughers and that post was not responded to so stop trying to use me as your scapegoat. accusing me of derailing the thread is dishonest in the least. especially since I have been demanding the trace for the paint since the beginning! where is it?
to understand that the burden of proof is still squarely in the truthers field. Your claim is that it is thermite, but you have not proven it. I showed you a trace of epoxy, it was far closer to the DSC of the red/gray chips than thermite ever will be, especially chips which could never contain more than 3% thermite truthers, defending junk science by shifting the burden of proof. After all, why should Jones/Harrit take responsibility when koko can make excuses for them all day long?
The big bad wolf ate up the buildings. Hey, if you can't prove he didn't, then the original statement is true. Personally, I think it was all magic. Can't prove it wasn't? Must be magic.
no you didnt and you big time fail again if you think there is only one recipe for thermite. - - - Updated - - - [video=youtube;WTbgsoHDc24][/video] it fits.
of which he claims to prove, by using fraud and junk science to convince the gullible and weak minded, like koko. koko creates excuses and runs with it, but yet still hasn't read the paper