Representation in Congress is 100% a power of the state which comes under the category of states rights......I told you already that unless you have some sort of link backing you up, lets drop it. If you continue the "yes it is" argument, I will continue the "no it isnt". Hopefully you will heed my advice from last post but if you insist on bickering aimlessly, I will indulge you. - As I said, Puerto Rico and DC are not states. They are not given the same representation as states. Too bad. So sad. Especially with Puerto Rico they can go pound sand. They do not one thing for this country. You no doubt will love them because you figure they by in large vote Democrat. What a shock. I do not oppose them because of their voting pattern. I oppose them because they bring literally nothing to the party.
That's one side of the argument that was had over two hundred years ago. We chose the other side of the argument way back then. You should dedicate whatever it takes from yourself to try to change that if you feel strongly enough. You should do that. Yes, do that, all day, everyday, for the rest of your life. Good luck with that.
I know the flight patterns of o'hare, I used to fly for business in that airport twice a week home for 12 years and like I said I lived in Rosemont and elk grove village, plus Schaumburg that surrounded o'hare. There is no slums that one needs to open the windows at night around o'hare
It is fair, otherwise rural politics would be mute and the only voices heard would be city dwellers trying to regulate a water puddle in South Dakota, like Obama tried to do with his asinine EPA
It is humorous watching leftists constantly whining about the Constitution. You must find it inconvenient.
They do South Dakota has one EC vote for roughly 600,000 people so does Vermont one EC vote for roughly 600,000 people Both states have three 2 for the state 1 for the people
Do they really have a choice? Tell me, where are the jobs? Los Angeles, CA or Greensville, KS? Urban areas, or the corner of No and Where?
Dont know anything about Greenville Kansas But Greenville South Carolina I lived close to there for 14 years. It's becoming a manufacturing powerhouse. So many jobs they beg you to work for them
I lived in Lincoln Square, and every east west flight pattern went right over my condo. And yes, we open the windows in May and September. You suggesting that nobody lives under a flight pattern or opens their windows is a weird argument to take. But whatever.
The EC is a separate issue in the constitution. There ARE state's rights issues called out in the constitution. These are the issues that have been the central issues in civil rights, abortion rights, employment rights, public accommodation, marriage, education equality, etc., etc. Whether anyone thinks of the EC as a state's rights issue is irrelevant. The EC is not based on the same premises and it isn't argued in court based on being a right of a state. As for Puerto Rico and DC, it is still a fact that congress governs them without representation. That is one of the reasons that they suffer. And, it is a form of government that is so unacceptable that we held a REVOLUTION over it. America stands for representative government as the very most central issue. Saying "pound sand" on that issue is unbelievably anti-American.
I refuse to respond for the 4th time to the same response. We have both had our say. Lets move on. Yeesh.
Taxaton without representtion is just part of the issue. Our declaration of independence clearly shows that lack of representation is not even slightly limited to taxation (thought that is one issue). The Brits were making all kinds of other decisions for the colonies without the representation of the colonies. In general, government without representation is a clear justification for revolution.
What does convenience have to do with it? I'm merely stating my opinion, like most here. Your snarky reply was uncalled for.
Seriously, you are bothered more by airplane noises still thousands of feet over your head then city noises 40 feet below? Ohare is still like 12 miles away
You are correct. A technical writing class my wife took at university included an assignment requiring a technical description of an old fashioned egg beater/mixer without use of any diagrams or component comparisons to more common items. I hope you were paid well. You earned it. My acronyms are ones I’ve used here before on this subject. POTP denotes “President of the People” and POTUP is the acronym for “President of the United People “. Since words mean things, elimination of the EC (electoral college) would require a new title and resultant acronym for head of the Executive Branch of government.