I'm beinging to agree with (what I assume) is Shinebox's position: Edmonds can shed some light on the OP questions about 9/11 Trutherism and Holocaust deniers. For instance, Edmonds was interviewed by Holocaust Denier and twoofer Kevin Barrett on Buzzsaw: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/27/buzzsaw/ Brussels Attack False Flag Theories Explored with Sibel Edmonds & Kevin Barrett Enter The Buzzsaw 20,209 49,240 views Published on Mar 25, 2016 Was Brussels a false flag terror attack that has been blamed on ISIS by Europe, the US, and Israel? We explore the familiar playbook of the “terrorists” in Belgium, connect the dots with Paris, 9/11, and Operation Gladio in this uncensored discussion with Sibel Edmonds and Kevin Barrett. Why a supposedly credible sounding Edmonds would give a Holocaust denier the time of day is baffling. And Barrett is a Holocaust denier; anyone familiar with the subject can see it in his article here: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/22/holocaust-history-denial-a-clear-and-present-danger/ One can read more on this Barrett guy's lack of credentials at the remains of his wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Kevin_Barrett/Archive_1 It definitely appears, while all "truthers" aren't Holocaust deniers, Holocaust Deniers are a dime in trutherism.
I'd like to hear responses to this... http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=474495&page=6&p=1066649157#post1066649157 ...from WittySocrates, l4zarus, Soupnazi, Margot2, Jonsa, Shinebox, and Betamax101.
I don't really wish to get too involved in this debate, I have strong Jewish connections and find the whole thing abhorrent in the extreme. I will say this:- Your claim is basically saying Hitler makes a speech and says "x" therefore that is what happened and why he took the German army into Poland and Russia. Therefore where USA historians decree it was for a less honorable reason they were lying. Therefore because they "lied" about this, then they could lie about a whole host of reasons. Therefore some gibberish about holocausts and inside jobs! I think your brainless logic and conclusion is so stupid it takes my breath away.
so then what do you think of this holocaust? [video=youtube;qkQ6J5F01Do]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkQ6J5F01Do[/video] its totaly documented and on the record.
Every holocaust/genocide is a human rights atrocity. It is the height of human savagery. One holocaust does not justify another holocaust. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were another holocaust just as unjustified as they all are. Today's fake war on terror under pretext of 9/11 is yet another holocaust. There is no denying the German holocaust, the Jewish holocaust, the Russian, Armenian, Chinese, American Indian, Southeast Asian, Japanese, Sudanese and many other holocausts that have taken place throughout history. This isn't about a holocaust contest, the idea is disgusting.
well I just find it odd that one man is demonized and his people are all hung, others who committed much worse atrocities are not only praised they are promoted and even go on to become president of the US.
What is a "much worse atrocity"? There is no good atrocity, it's not something that's measurable. It's not about quantity, it's about the act. A murderer is a murderer whether he kills one or millions. "I'm very good at killing people." - Barack Obama. I don't find it odd at all. The winners are always heroes and the losers are always villains. That is how history is taught to the indoctrinated kiddies. God bless America, everyone else is inferior, the Nazis were not the first nor the last to pitch exceptionalism propaganda.
Again, why? Should Alex be similarly worried if he got a cable news subscription? Because paying $16.50 a month for a news service is oh so taboo? Sometimes I -really- can't understand OCTers. This is one of those times -.- You seem to think that everyone is cowardly and would never do anything to attract attention if they believed that government officials were involved in 9/11. Assuming that's the case, I have absolutely no clue how you explain Alex Jones' Infowars website.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Americans are taught that the German people and soldiers had world conquest in mind as they were fighting. Anyone who listens to those two speeches of Hitler's can see that this is totally false. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=474495&page=6&p=1066649157#post1066649157 They thought they were defending their territory and righting old wrongs. The were not thinking of expanding their territory. I don't rule out the idea that Hitler lied to them to get them to support an imperialist invasion but that's not the issue. The issue is what the soldiers and people were thinking. What Americans are taught is a pretty clear lie. Please address this issue satisfactorily. Here's some more info for those interested. The War That Had Many Fathers (WW2 Revisionism) by Gerd Schulze Rhonhof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFMtUVtGNuk
Satisfactorily? My god man, you want to take the word of Hitler as your evidence! Your obsession and persistence is just as pathetic in this as, in all your internet spamfests.
Dont lose sight of the fact that you are on a board that has many members and there socks and their socks have socks that do nothing more than deny all truth to uphold statists agendas. Look at how ridiculous the 911 arguments went. You wont find one engineer here, just rhetorical drama queens in total denial parroting the state agenga ad infinitum.
You're being deliberately obtuse again. I made it clear that I didn't simply believe what he was saying. The issue is what the German people and soldiers were thinking as they were fighting during the war. Americans are taught that they were thinking that they were fighting to expand German territory. Hitler's speeches make it pretty clear that they were thinking that they were fighting to right old wrongs and prevent an invasion of Western Europe by Russia. Of course Hitler might have been lying but that's not the issue. Please address the issue of what the German people were thinking. Yes, I know but we can't let them bury the info we post. Also, if they just talk to each other in front of an audience that hasn't seen the revisionist and truther info, they can have a lot of success. We have to continue asking real questions that they avoid when they just talk to each other so that they'll look silly when they try to obfuscate the issue. Their success rate goes down a lot when they have to deal with real issues put forward by truthers.
You pathetic person with your alternate language. You accuse me of being stupid because I don't agree with your latest spam topic! So now you presume to know what the entire German people "were thinking" because of a speech made by Hitler? Which medium do you think his words were transmitted to the general populace? There is simply no way at all for you to gauge what percentage of the German people read or heard his words. This aside, what number actually believed them rather than followed the political line out of fear. Your simplistic grasp of history and your repugnant reliance on youtube fools for your so called evidence is the height of ignorance. There is not a single aspect of debate in any subject where you can classify yourself as a truther. You are to truth as Hitler was to diplomacy. On this issue you repeat rinse and repeat the same hogwash without ever thinking through the mechanics of your claim.
I'm an engineer ... I'm a neutral party licensed PE for building turnovers specializing in MEPs and foundations ... better known as a 558 engineer ... I deal with other engineers, architects, developers, general contractors and (*)(*)(*)(*)ing sleazebag lawyers ... catastrophic (*)(*)(*)(*) happens in buildings and the cause cannot always be found ... granted, I only deal with buildings not settling correctly causing slab cracks and PTC failures, massive leaks and (*)(*)(*)(*)ed HVAC systems ... and in every case, the as built drawings are never as in reality ... corners cut and people paid off ... that's the reality of high rise buildings ...
The thing is, none of that explains what happened to the 3 towers on 9/11. And if you were really an engineer, you would readily know you've been scammed, that the OCT is impossible: http://www.wtc7evaluation.org/ http://www.politicalforum.com/9-11/458597-nist-9-11-scam-exposed-all-its-glory.html Many real architects and engineers far more qualified than you (and I) know we've been scammed and have done a masterful job explaining the scam in highly technical but very understandable detail. It's really not rocket science, even to a non engineer.
I think there is a greater commonality between Holodomor Deniers and One-World Gov./Globalist/Illuminati types. Don't you fit that perfectly?
If they believed him, letting the people hear those speeches would have been the best strategy Hitler could have used to give them the correct attitude. It's logical and there's also stuff like this online. World War II justified by former German soldiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQdDnbXXn20 http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v19/v19n6p40_Michaels.html#8612 (excerpt) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning the Führer, through Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels, issued a proclamation to the German people in which he explains that after months-long silence he can finally speak openly to the German people about the dangerous machinations of the Jewish-Bolshevik rulers in Soviet Russia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are you so against it? You don't even seem to think it's plausible. Anyone who does any real research knows that US sources have no credibility. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=401955&page=5&p=1066548138#post1066548138 Yet, you seem to base all of your stands on what they say. If we suppose that Hitler gave those speeches but didn't let the German people hear them, he still gave those speeches. Why don't we hear them in History class in junior high school and high school? Please address this objectively.
I'm running out of ways to make this clear to you. You claim the people were all aware of his speech, that none of them thought it a lie, that none of them were scared to say anything and that the entire nation heard it all. That is just hogwash. And they all heard this and believed it. Why are you so pro it!? You don't even consider that it is not plausible. What percentage of people heard the speech, what percentage read the speech, what percentage even cared, how many thought it political crap etc. etc. Translation: Only super-sleuth so called truthers can uncover this. My stands on idiotic conspiracy crap do not dismiss my own dislike for foreign policy and incompetent government, your observations as always are false. Why should we be taught the ramblings of a madman who caused such carnage and suffering. He lied, why should this be taught? More importantly, why do you believe this hogwash?
A lot, when they hold their hand up like that it means they disagree with hitler. They held elctins and hitler won the popular vote in czechoslovakia! Pain and suffering? You talking about the joint holocaust of eisenhower and churchill? [video=youtube;qkQ6J5F01Do]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkQ6J5F01Do[/video] What historically vacant questions, have you read any history?
Hey Betamax You should read the OP's posts on this thread. http://www.politicalforum.com/histo...tton-after-ww-ii-we-defeated-wrong-enemy.html There's a lot of good research there.
You seem to think that I give a crap about your views. Post #4 in that thread tells me the level of research this guy works at. Churchill rejected the peace offers when he wasn't even the prime minister! Bother someone else, I need to vacate this thread now, I have nothing more to say on the matter.
I think that there is an objective indicator. This is coal. It should be a lot of coal to burn the corpse completely. If they brought a lot of coal to the concentration camp, it means that the Holocaust was. If coal was brought in low amount, the Holocaust was not.
I've watched several videos on the Holocaust. On one of them that argument was put forward. It was pointed out that the aerial photos taken by the allies didn't show the huge piles of coal that would have been necessary to cremate all of those bodies. I don't remember which video it was though. I think it was one of these. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=one+third+of+the+holocaust https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=auschwitz+why+the+gas+chambers+are+a+myth https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=BUCHENWALD+A+Dumb+Dumb+Portrayal+Of+Evil+&sm=12