A rare lay press article that gets everything right regarding Delta

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by CenterField, Aug 5, 2021.

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  1. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Delta is surging and it is surging because of both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. Until the left accept this, Delta will continue to surge because they are opening the country back up to the vaccinated who are spreading Delta. Again, I urge the unvaccinated to get vaccinated because it is literally a matter of life and death. But Delta will continue to spread as long as the left naively believe that the vaccinated can’t spread it.
  2. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Tons of the vaccinated are unknowingly spreading Delta because they are asymptomatic or low symptomatic and are not tested so they don’t show up in your figures but are nonetheless spreading Delta on a large scale. If the science community had any brains they would randomly test thousands of the vaccinated and would be thoroughly surprised by how many would test positive. But they won’t do that because it wouldn’t serve their preconceived agenda and might hurt vaccination efforts so best to sweep it under the rug and blame everything on the unvaccinated.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  3. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You don’t even understand your very own post. 90% of what you posted is what I have been saying.
    1. There are many snapshots, more and more all the time. I’m saying that there are large numbers of the vaccinated who are unknowingly spreading Delta because they are either asymptomatic or low symptomatic and aren’t tested so they don’t show up in your figures.
    2. This is EXACTLY what I am saying if you would just reread your very own words. The vaccines do not prevent infection, they lesson symptoms and greatly decrease hospitalizations and deaths. Meanwhile the vaccinated are spreading Delta and it is far far far more than the 1% the left would have you believe.
    3. Again, this is basically what I am saying. Many of the unvaccinated are spreading Delta and it is exponentially more than 1% because the asymptomatic or low symptomatic aren’t getting tested but spreading Delta and yet here we are opening the country back up to the vaccinated at the very same time Delta cases are rising. Not to worry about it though because we will just blame it all on the unvaccinated.
  4. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    First of all I got vaccinated a long time ago and I highly recommend the unvaccinated get vaccinated as it will greatly reduce your odds of hospitalization and death.

    I find it interesting that you finally acknowledge that you should wear a good mask with a good seal as most of the left seem to think as long as you wear a mask you’re safe and you are given a pass by the mask police, no matter what kind of mask you have. Now if you could accept the fact that you are safer going out as little as possible because that is safer than going out with a good mask with a good fit we might get somewhere because masked people are under the delusion that all is safe if you have a mask. Masked people spread the virus and get Covid.
    I don’t listen to any “handlers” and , as such, not their talking points, but you guys do. You listen to the hard science and facts, which are always months or years behind where you need to be at and the reason why you are always being reactive instead of proactive.
  5. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    There are a whole bunch of the vaccinated and have Delta with asymptomatic or low symptomatic cases who are not tested and are spreading Delta, therefore they aren’t used in math calculations.
  6. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I understand my post. You don't understand my post.
    So, how do you know they represent some exponential number?
    As my question above...How are you arriving at whatever number you think they represent?
    Viruses mutate and the mutations spread. What is your solution for keeping the country running amid these mutations? While thinking on that, keep in mind that people have lost their businesses, jobs, homes, vehicles, savings, etc. Other people have lost loved ones who had their medical treatments put on hold because of the first round of COVID.

    How do you propose we effectively slow (it can't be stopped unless we all moved to individual bunkers and never saw anybody again) the spread and NOT destroy people's lives in other ways?
  7. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You've got to open up your eyes man. Delta cases are rising, rising everywhere, and rising faster. Most of the country is vaccinated. Even common sense tells you that this isn't happening just because of the unvaccinated. We get more and more of these articles coming out every day. Entire doctor's offices who follow infection protocols are testing positive for Delta. Two hospitals in SF, the highest vaccinated area in the country, and follow the most protocols (especially in the hospitals) are testing positive for Delta in massive numbers. It's not 1%!

    Well, you finally asked some valid questions there at the end. So, here goes:

    1. Yes, viruses do mutate. Now, if you could vaccinate the entire planet is say 24 hours, you might be able to stop most mutations, maybe. But, I'm sure you realize that that is totally unrealistic. Delta came from India. It is disingenuous to blame the US unvaccinated for Delta's rise in the US. You absolutely can't vaccinate the entire world in a short amount of time. It just can't be done. Therefore, mutations will always happen, always, so to blame mutations on the unvaccinated is just plain partisan politics and totally unfair.

    2. Well, finally, you seem to acknowledge that Trump was right all along in that the virus is what it is and that you can't just shut down the country and because people have lost their businesses, jobs, homes, vehicles, savings, etc. Trump came to the conclusion early on that he wasn't going to do this to America or Americans but the left attacked him for it. Trump not only realized this but he also realized that we need to work on vaccines and treatments while accepting the fact that the virus is what it is and that, eventually, it will wear out, maybe not completely, but nonetheless wear out at some point. And here we are in 2021 with Biden doing the very same thing, working on vaccines and treatments and realizing that the virus is what it is and we can't just lock the country down again.

    3. Again, the virus is what it is. We can't stop it. We can get as many vaccinated as possible because it does greatly reduce hospitalizations and deaths but we shouldn't force people to do so. The left need to quit blaming everything on the unvaccinated and unmasked because even with vaccinations and masks, the virus and it's many mutations will still spread. They are dividing the country by blaming rising cases on a select group when the rising cases are due to EVERYONE, not just the unmasked and the unvaccinated. The left need to be honest and quit with the partisan blame game and tell Americans the truth that even if they are vaccinated and even if they wear masks, the virus will spread. Americans are getting the false impression that the virus will just go away if they get vaccinated or wear masks. They need to realize that vaccinations and masks are not some kind of forcefields that will protect them. They need to realize that it is safer to just not go out at all without mandating it or locking the country down. People need ALL the facts, not just the agenda being pushed by the left.

    Additional note: Why in the hell didn't the scientists and experts test vaccines out on the younger already, a long time ago? We've had a worldwide deadly pandemic and first we test adults,then young adults, and now we're just starting on younger children, NOW? Why didn't they do all this at once right from the very beginning, then we wouldn't currently have millions of children out there who aren't even approved to get vaccines!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  8. pol meister

    pol meister Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    CDC's disappointment and dismay at the vaccine results sounds a lot like failure to me, especially when I include this quote:

    New data suggests that people who are vaccinated and have breakthrough infections from the delta variant may have as much viral load as a person who is unvaccinated, which suggests they may be able to spread it to others, Walensky said. Such transmission did not happen in any significant way with earlier versions of the virus.

    Why don't you just admit it, the vaccine program is going from bad to worse.
    Ddyad likes this.
  9. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    1. You've said this many times already. How do you know it's not 1% and what number do you think it is? How did you reach that number?

    2. I don't listen to Trump or Biden or any politician for medical information so I can't say if I agree with him or not. I also am not in charge of running the country so my opinion on it is irrelevant.

    3. I've asked this a few times now. WHERE are you getting the information to say they aren't telling people about the possibility of contracting and transmitting the virus after vaccination? Everything I've read on that has been to reiterate that vaccinated people can contract and transmit the virus.
  10. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Fake News Alert!

    The death rate has not been the same.

    "The 22.9% increase in all-cause mortality reported here far exceeds annual increases observed in recent years (≤2.5%). The percentage of excess deaths among non-Hispanic Black individuals (16.9%) exceeded their share of the US population (12.5%),5reflecting racial disparities in COVID-19 mortality. Excess deaths surged in the east in April, followed by extended summer and early winter surges concentrated in southern and western states, respectively. Many of these states weakly embraced, or discouraged, pandemic control measures and lifted restrictions earlier than other states."

    An outrageous and utterly absurd claim.

    Nanotechnology is not artificial intelligence.

    If "they" want to place nanoparticles in your body, there are plenty of other ways.
  11. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Contact tracing points to asymptomatic people spreading covid. Do you understand why?
    What makes you think you know more than they do?
  12. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I've posted many articles already, one of which talked about stats directly taken from the UK's NIH. But, you refer to it as an article only and you can't trust articles. Man, the information is inundating us daily, day after day after day after day. There are doctor's offices in the US who are vaccinated and do infection protocols and yet much of the offices are testing positive for Delta. Same thing with two hospitals in SF.




    All of these so called snapshots add up and continue to add up. 1% only represents the number of diagnosed breakthrough cases. The 1% does not include all of the undiagnosed who are passing delta on to others and haven't even been tested.

    We need public service announcements warning Americans that you are not safe from Delta simply because you were vaccinated and that you are not safe from Delta simply because you are wearing a mask. People need to understand that it is NOT safe to go out and do whatever the hell you want. Americans need to be told the whole truth and let them make their decisions, without mandating their lives. We send the wrong message when we merely say, get vaccinated, wear your masks, you must need a Covid passport to use mass transit, government buildings, and places of business because that gives these people a false sense of security that as long as you are vaccinated or wearing masks, you are totally safe. And, we send the wrong message when we blame all of the rising cases solely on the unvaccinated and unmasked. That turns these people into scapegoats while the vaccinated and the masked spread Delta everywhere.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    pol meister likes this.
  13. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Most adults with reasoning ability know they are still susceptible to getting the virus and transmitting it.

    A huge part of Trump's "reasoning" for downplaying the virus was to not panic people. We saw seniors being physically accosted over groceries and hand sanitizer. We saw people running around screaming "the sky is falling" at every turn. We saw businesses permanently closed. We saw people dying without their loved ones being allowed to see them in their final days and hours. We see people losing their homes and vehicles. We see people dying of conditions that were treatable but postponed due to the first wave.

    Paint the picture for me if you will. What does it "look like" for them to announce this in bright neon colors?
  14. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    The time has come to put unvaccinated folks in a "slow lane" where they aren't in a position to spread covid. Our vaccines work.
  15. pol meister

    pol meister Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    If the vaccines worked, the vaccinated wouldn't be having breakthrough infections that can spread it to others as much as the unvaccinated can spread it. And if they worked, we all, including the vaccinated, wouldn't have to be masking up all over again. Even the CDC acknowledges this, so maybe you should too, and stop using the unvaccinated as your scapegoat for the failed vaccine program.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    Ddyad likes this.
  16. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    There is a special subforum here on PF for crazy and ridiculous conspiracy theories. The administrator of this site has established that it is against the rules to post crazy and ridiculous conspiracy theories anywhere other than the conspiracy theories subforum, so I kindly invite you post this garbage there and allow we rational people to continue to post here about the real issues, rather than the tinfoil-hat fantasies.
  17. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    OK, this is where your unpartisanship hurts you. Biden and the left blasted Trump for that stuff, looked Americans in the eye, and said, "We will tell you the truth about Covid". Now you are saying that Biden should follow the Trump policy and not alarm Americans and that is exactly what they are doing, the very same thing Trump did that they criticized.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    Ddyad likes this.
  18. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Being unbiased has never hurt me. You will never convince me that anger and hatred are reasonable and productive tools. What's the point in being human with the ability to use words and think if we are going to just act like feral animals toward one another?

    Again, I didn't really care what Trump said about COVID. I didn't like that he and Fauci lied but I'm persnickety about liars no matter who they are. I don't really care what Biden has to say about COVID. Politicians are supposed to do politician stuff. Doctors and virologists and immunologist are supposed to do doctor/scientist stuff.

    In grad school, I asked one of my professors why is it okay for airplane pilots to lie to passengers when the flight is in jeopardy of crashing. To me, a lie is a lie and that's *always* wrong. Without missing a beat, he responded "Would you rather be reassured that everything is okay or hear your pilot scream "We're going to crash!"? Personally, I'd rather hear the truth but I'm not prone to getting hysterical at the drop of a hat either. I like to know EVERYTHING so I can make my own decisions. I went through a Real Estate License class to NOT get a RE license. I wanted to be prepared when buying my first property. I still take classes on various subjects because I want to understand them. I'm just that way.

    Everyone else I've ever asked that question and told what my professor said they wanted to be lied to. I don't get it. I don't want to get. But there you have it. Not everybody can handle the truth.

    As an aside, it might help if you stop putting so much weight on what politicians say. They lie for a living.
    Ddyad likes this.
  19. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Well, anything that partisans insist "gets everything right" is probably at least half wet.

    Nevertheless, Some "experts" do believe that a massive culling of the human population is needed to like "save the planet".

    In a recent article, “Sustainable welfare and optimum population size”6, Lianos and Pseiridis attempt to estimate optimal population size using an objective criterion designed to assure that human resource use does not deplete Earth’s natural capital. This is the unitary value of the ecological footprint-biocapacity ratio (L). The ecological footprint measures the demand that human consumption places on the biosphere. Fig 1. Ecological footprint to biocapacity ratio, 1960–2010, based on two sources. (Lianos and Pseiridis, 2016)”
    The authors calculate the maximum gross world product (GWP, the combined gross national product of all the countries in the world), the production of which would leave the natural capital of the Earth and other species’ populations intact (L=1). In order not to exceed this maximum GWP, but keep a comfortable European average per capita GWP level ($11.000), we should reduce our population to 3.1 billion.”
    THE OVERPOPULATION RESEARCH PROJECT, What is the optimal, sustainable population size of Humans?Overpopulation Research Project , fertility, Sustainable population, by Patrícia Dérer,April 25, 2018.
  20. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I think the claim that more vaccines will end this is just a red herring.

    It's like they've taken something that would probably be helpful and held it up like the only solution, and the end-all solution that will completely solve the problem.
    All or nothing. Disaster if you don't do it and everything back to normal if you do.

    That perspective should be obviously disingenuous.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  21. Wynn Sayer

    Wynn Sayer Newly Registered

    Jul 31, 2021
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    In my day, they called "variants" "The common cold". :oldman:
  22. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I don't believe one damn one of them but for four years all they said was that Trump lies and they would tell us the truth and that is the way most of the left felt.
  23. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I just joined this forum a little over a year ago. However, it is my understanding from long-timers that this is the nature of the best. The left hates the right and the right hates the left and everybody hates the middle, rinse and repeat during each Administration change.

    So, I try to live by "if I can't change it, I can change my attitude about it." Has served me well thus far. ;-)
    557 and independentthinker like this.
  24. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The reckless behavior of the vaccinated, combined with Biden Super Spreader Disaster at the Border is contributing to the surge in COVID. Biden did NOTHING effective to prevent the importation of the Delta Variant and it very likely came in over the border disaster he is presiding over.

    NPR warns that the Vaccine itself may be what is driving the variants:

    Vaccines Could Drive The Evolution Of More COVID-19 Mutants.


    "vaccines can contribute to virus mutations"
    And that is an apt description of what we are seeing. Vaccinated infected with initial viral loads as high as the unvaccinated, and spreading the vaccine resistant disease to other vaccinated.

    Term to learn: “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

    "French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”"
  25. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    He makes a big deal out of publicly declaring he will ignore any who disagree with him. MONTHS ago, he posted a thread declaring he was no longer posting on this topic, now that thread is locked (probably at his request, I can see no other reason why) but here is a handy screenshot.

    Screenshot 2021-08-06 9.08.09 PM.png

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