Remember how Biden-Harris kept touting Bidenomics until that word became a joke, people saw through it and then Biden & Co stopped using it? I do. Do you also remember how Biden-Harris bragged how many jobs they created which were mostly government jobs? I do. Now can you imagine anyone calling himself the job-creator-in-chief who had more jobs created than anyone in history only to find out it was a all a big lie? And of the jobs that actually were created and weren't government jobs, how many went to illegal aliens? Biden-Harris are the worst inhabitants of the White House this country has ever seen. And no matter how badly they performed, their lapdog media covered for them, told us how great things were and the sycophants and Kool Aid drinkers lapped it up and asked for more. But....but....but.....what about.....
No worries, going forward, you will believe the official employment numbers again, just like you believed that Trump had the largest inauguration crowd size, ever, and the best economy ever in his first term.
Job numbers were off????? My goodness where have we heard that before... let me think, let me think... oh yea Biden/Harris Has Been Lying About Jobs: Just Revised DOWN by 818,000
We remember when the job numbers were revised when trump held the clip board. Remember? Adjusted by maybe 10,000 jobs because state reporting was off or whatever. They wanted to impeach the orange man. Again. What a republican does is criminal What a democrat does is political.
Welcome to Political Forum where the topic is Trump 24/7/365 when the actual topic is about the guy who runs circles around his staff. So to my friends on the left, how come you and yours stopped using the term Bidenomics? There has to be a reason.
Well, once Bribed Joe dropped out, and we realized how much of Bribed Joe was only possible due to Kackle's tie breaking vote, the term of art quite properly became Kacklenomics.