Ya gotta love guys like Internet darling Alex Jones who lives to talk incessantly.More like doesn't have the good grace to know when to shut his yapper.We've all seen the type. In school they were a Teacher's Pet.Always the first to raise their hand to answer a question posed in class by the teach.Caring not one whit that maybe others in class want a chance to show off their eagerness. Their knowledge.We've all witnessed the type.Pure Showoff.Have to be the center of attention.Like a Michael Moore.Gadfly showoffs who just can't go thru their days w/o trying to make trouble for someone.I mean,this Jones creep,couldn't even just sit in a restaurant and eat like a civilized citizen w/o making a scene when Karl Rove was also in same restaurant. We all know the type.Just help themself.Have to make scenes.Just watch this Jones creep when in the throes of a small clique of supporters near or inside a state bldg. or courthouse.The guys like a Mad Hatter.In his element. I can't stand guys like that.Guys like Michael Moore and Alex Jones. Wrap themself around the flag and country,but dare anyone who bucks their agenda.Not so nice,are the Moore or Jones of the world. Now this Jones Creep is out literally manufacturing gossip and lies about Newt Gingrich.It was Rick Perry for a few weeks.In fact,Jones has NO tolerance for anyone outside his Guy.Or Ron Paul.I hate guys like that. Their guy or the Highway.Their way or the highway. Makes no sense.Dint Jones' Mommy explain that to him when she might have had to go thru the Birds and the Bees.Or how to Pee.