On TV we have seen the attack on a conservative reporter by antifa. This is so wrong on two levels, first the attack, and second the fact that Portland police did NOTHING!!!!!!!!! Antifa is the democrats modern day KKK! They perform the same actions that the brown shirts did for Hitler in the early 30s, in Germany. Prove me wrong.
They have been praised by the left and the left wing media and even now when I watch the news, the reports are about the radical right wing group and not about Antifa.
Illegal alien gets 4 years in prison for hit and run murder. Charlottesville guy got life in prison for the same crime. If only he'd been an illegal alien!
Well....Texas did let a dumb ass kid off of murdering 4 people because of "Affluenza" and he is a citizen.
This is a no brainer. Groups should not be committing acts of assault against anyone. This is why extremist groups always need to be called out for belligerent behavior.
And here you have your answer, The story is always the same. A right wing gang comes to town, condemning us for our liberalness, and local street punks take them on.
Well the usual response around here to white supremacist violence or white supremacy in general... is it ain't that big a deal. So what's good for the goose.... Just kind of funny that this thread doesn't mention those sweet fun loving Proud Boys. Good people. Right? That's what Trump would call them. Really good decent people just out to spread love.
I am sure the Antifa supporters would think this is a miscarriage of justice. Antifa Goon Who Assaulted Pro-Trump Reporter Sent to Jail
I totally support the asshat going to jail unlike righties who defended the asshat that ran over and KILLED a person in Charlotteville.
You're proving the ongoing point around here. You don't care about white supremacist violence...murder. Why should I care about some violent Proud Boy piece of sh*t getting hit with a milk shake.
Meanwhile, there's this...getting ready for the right wing shrug for this latest news. No thread for this scum? Gee, I wonder why. White supremacist sentenced to life in prison on hate crime charges in Charlottesville attack https://theweek.com/speedreads/8501...son-hate-crime-charges-charlottesville-attack The white supremacist who killed a woman and injured dozens of others after driving his car into a group of counter-protesters in Charlottesville has received a life sentence on federal hate crime charges. James Alex Fields Jr. was sentenced to life in prison on Friday after pleading guilty to 29 hate crime charges in the attack that killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injured 35 people who were protesting a white supremacist rally in August 2017, NBC News reports. Fields pleaded guilty as part of a deal to avoid the death penalty.
They defended that woosie saying he was "scared" and "confused" and that the woman deserved to die since she shouldn't have been at that rally.
You weren't outrage when an innocent woman was ran over and KILLED by a white supremacist so excuse me if I don't buy in to your fake outrage now.
Then cite some incidents that they have actually caused by being the first to initiate violence without provocation.