Sorry. You and I don't speak the same language. I haven't a clue what point you might have attempted to make.
My Russian isn't good, but I'll try again. It's been reported people from all over that area are going there and Idaho has a large Neo Nazi population.
Lefty lives in Portland and those people showing up know that. They should stick to the remote areas of Idaho, where they don't get their asses kicked.
You claim they are terrorists and I don't. They are just people who won't put up with right wing nonsense. If someone goes looking for trouble, don't come crying to me when they find it.
I'd say not going to a Blue State's cities is a good starter, if you don't want to provoke a confrontation. If you do want to provoke it, that's on you. It works like this: The Liar-in-Chief can claim support from the military, but I didn't have bone spurs and know better. I'm also not afraid of bikers. Keep ****ing with the people and they'll **** you up.
I can't see them from my house. It's just another word on the internet to me. I know people and I don't suggest taking a protest to the wrong area of the country. I don't believe you caring about your rights will be shared by all others and by now, you should figure out, people aren't going to put up with right wing bullshit.
What is this right-wing bullshit you keep referring to? It's now bullshit to want to live free from oppression? When did that happen?
I can live in places other than Portland, Oregon and so can all the other people on Earth. "On November 10, 2016, three days of protests in Portland, Oregon, turned into a riot, when a group of anarchists[2][7] broke off from a larger group of peaceful protesters who were opposed to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States." Source:,_Oregon_riots
It is. I remember the days when Conservatives were opposed to Commies and now they share the pee pee mattress together.
I've been around for many years and the only thing I have ever discovered that is good about Communists and Fascists is they sometimes like to kill each other. It's hard to understand how that gene survives.
Conservatives need not move in order to exercise their First Amendment rights, it is up to the other side to not listen if they don't like the message, this idea that free speech only applies to certain types of speech, is as I am sure you understand part of the progressive/liberal method of pushing forward their message exclusively and must be countered every time it is tried. If some heads are going to be cracked let it be those of the anti-free speech progressives known as Antifa.
You can take that idea and stuff it, my First Amendment Right applies equally in all 50 states and no one has a legal authority to suppress that right.