All you dudes do is play stupid games and act ignorant. Don't know why you bother. You're not fooling anyone.
I said what was the free speech (that they were spewing specifically). I asked a number of times. I didn't ask what is free speech. Get a clue.
What does it matter what THE free speech is? Antifa attacks people they disagree with and it often does not matter if they are Jewish or gay or Hispanic, you know, those white nationalists.
Well it matters when a soccer player speaks, don't it. At this point it doesn't matter, it's obvious why you all are defending those losers.
Didn't say you were. What you were doing is criticizing someone for not knowing what free speech was. My simple point was that this is pot calling kettle black
The deal is... Trumpsters predictably care about free speech when it's some pin headed Trumpsters "speaking". It could be "chauvinists" like these boneheads, it could be "white nationalists", "white supremacists", some alt right dopes, etc etc etc etc. When it's people they disagree with or don't like, their big "fight" for free speech disappears. All of a sudden, this important defense of people's rights ain't so important. That's the deal. It's plain as day. You can deny it and dance around it all day, but that's reality.
I just saw your post condemning the soccer player in another thread. No defense of her free speech rights. Sorry pal, but that's what you do. It's called hypocritical bias. Just a big fat load of BS.
Oh, she has free speech but guess what? So do I. Thanks for proving you don’t know what free speech is.
I'm not stopping you from embarrassing yourself... you can speak all day and all night with your foot in your mouth. It's hilarious.
This is just like Trump and his "debate" tactics. Nothing of any substance, he's an obvious fool with his foot in his mouth.... and yet keeps on...and his base eats it up.