Are the "Birthers" right? Was The Obama born in kenya?

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by TheGreatSatan, May 18, 2012.

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Was The Obama born in Kenya?

  1. YES!! I knew it!! I totally told you so!!!

    12 vote(s)
  2. Probably.... I can't say for sure, but if I was to bet

    13 vote(s)
  3. Maybe.... It's possible, I give it a 50% chance

    10 vote(s)
  4. Probaly not.... I doubt it, but itsa crazy world

    8 vote(s)
  5. NO!! And if I'm wrong, I'll never vote again!

    23 vote(s)
  1. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    I enjoy pointing out birther stupidity. Don't confuse that with me not letting it go.
  2. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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  3. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    susan rice withdrew before she was asked. hmmm...
  4. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    this looks interesting...


    Yesterday, Sibley filed an Emergency Second Motion for Order to Release Privacy Act Protected Records. That motion presented photographic evidence to Judge Bates that someone has tampered with the evidence related to Obama’s putative birth in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Sibley had subpoena from the National Archives the “Arrival Records” for August 1 through August 10, 1961, of all passengers arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii to see if records existed that Obama and his mother arrived in Hawaii during that time frame. What NARA produced were two microfilm spools of the arrival records for July 28 through August 1, 1961 and August 8 through August 12, 1961. As detailed in the Emergency Motion, the original date on the box of “August 7” has been altered by “white-out” and a new date of “August 1” had been written on the box. Proof of that alteration comes from a photograph of the same box taken nine months earlier which reveals the date was originally “August 7”. Thus, indisputably the box has been tampered with – a criminal offense – to hide the fact that the microfilm for the August 2 through August 7, 1961 arrivals is now missing.

    another clue ? think of all the documents that have been effected for/by obama, starting with the breach of passport records before the first election... either this guy is forrest gump with seinfeld coincidental superpower, or he is another dirty politician from chicago. i hope i live long enough to eventually see the truth, and not the chicago way rubout, like brietbart. i wish apuzzo was still here.
  5. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    gee a thread was instantly pulled from the miscellaneous subsection of the conspiracy theory basement that no one ever goes to,
    for political reasons..... i guess the issue is really dead...
    i think we're ready for msnbc...

    :wink: rachel ??

    where's deputy whitehouse press secretary chuck todd when you need him ??
  6. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    I see Stupid People, oh wait they are Birthers, my my my. Always interesting to see how many are so brainless as to go so far as to admit for all to see.
  7. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    meh... you ain't nobody. obama's story has "evolved" so much it's pitiful. don't confuse media protection/bias with inactive inquiry.

    president gump is still human, and humans always make mistakes. especially the narcissitic ones... eventually.
  8. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    This is a lie.

    Birther gyrations, back pedaling, fabrication and hand waving have never identified any significant "evolution" in the President's "story." He is the single most intensely vetted president in modern history.
  9. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    i was born to a single mother, no wait ...

    what i see from you wong is weak sources and hateful conjecture and pontification. you are enchanted with the sound of your own charming monologue.

    i'm beginning to see what a cheap hack you really are. your diatribe is filled with hate and contempt and your superior attitude and pretended platform of knowledge is fading fast. now i know why you hide behind so many different screen names. your ego and arrogance will overcome you, because your best tool is to intimidate decent people with your pedantic thesaurus BS. you are a mean spirited hack that gets off on belittling people, but your work suffers for it and it shows.

    ...and you wonder why i didn't walk into your seedy little fogbow trap of panderers and anonymous bomb throwers run by a weasel who wouldn't even tell me his first name. what a joke.

    and i will continue to enjoy punching holes in your derogatory swiss cheese analysis with laughable sources, whether you are here or not, cause someone needs to expose you as the phony holier than thou little weenie hack obama tool that you are. LOL ..... go ahead run to the mods, it's what you usually do. pansy
  10. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    There you go again. Obama never said he was born to a single mother. How is it that you cannot get past your first sentence without a lie?

    Let me disabuse you of an illusion under which you seem to be laboring. Nobody, not even birthers give a tinker's (*)(*)(*)(*) about what you see, feel, or think. After you ran away from the RC Radio debate like a frightened rabbit, even birthers wrote me to apologize for what an embarrassment you were.

    As "The Annotated Zullo" approaches 1,000 reads, readcasts, downloads and embeds on Scribd (and your blog continues to be only read by accident) the record shows your inability to address a single substantive point I raised.

    It sucks to be a birther. But even birthers think it sucks to be you.
  11. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    you're playing for the losing team frank, it's all made up, and i think you know it.

  12. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    i think he was born before the internet though.
  13. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Join me at Obama's Second Inauguration next month. And then tell me all about the losing team?
  14. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    A written statement of facts voluntarily made by an affiant under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law.

    Distinctions" An affidavit is voluntarily made without any cross-examination of the affiant and, therefore, is not the same as a deposition, a record of an examination of a witness or a party made either voluntarily or pursuant to a subpoena, as if the party were testifying in court under cross-examination. A pleading—a request to a court to exercise its judicial power in favor of a party that contains allegations or conclusions of facts that are not necessarily verified—differs from an affidavit, which states facts under oath.

    Basis: An affidavit is based upon either the personal knowledge of the affiant or his or her information and belief. Personal knowledge is the recognition of particular facts by either direct observation or experience. Information and belief is what the affiant feels he or she can state as true, although not based on firsthand knowledge.

    here's more:

    people can believe what they want to take away from any given argument. i see lot's of selective, subjective, dishonest presentation and demagoguery in many aspects of antibirther attacks. it seems like the more i dig, the more contrived some of these arguments are. when you couple that sentiment with the abject hate mongering of the players involved, we begin to get a clearer, more focused perspective of the antibirther platform.

    watch benghazi unfold as a good example of the style of transparent behavior obama preaches about, and the actual way he operates.

    like the birth certificate story, this administration is quick to make promises of of honest disclosure, in reality it took years for the "longform" to suddenly appear, under tremendous political public pressure.

    we'll see if the benghazi, was a sponataneous protest that became violent , as the whitehouse collectively put forward as their political pre election treatment.

    i think it was a political coverup put forth by the whitehouse to fit the political narrative of "al qaeda has been decimated", which i think we all know by now, simply isn't true.

    just because the media that bows to obama, doesn't cover the issue (notwithstanding some outlets) doesn't mean no issue or problem exists.

    the obama machine style of ignoring issues until they fade away, has actually worked well with the complicit manor and aid of the media. they have benefited the administration greatly, acting almost as an entity and resource of the west wing.

    but i think people are waking up to a new era of citizen journalism, with the advent and accessibility of the internet. they realise that they can find things out for themselves, that they need not simply and complacently accept the spoon fed propaganda of the obama "cult of personality" phenomenom.

    the path to socialism is accomplished by the subtle chipping away of freedom of information and civil liberties, at the same time.

    the main difference now between benghazi and the birth certificate, is that our congress is all over benghazi, and will not simplynbe brushed away. four Americans were left to fight alone and die in libya, and it happened on mr. obama's watch. sooner or later, we should all know the truth, and the details won't come out of the promise of transparency. the very use of that word has become a joke. we're seeing now, the deceitful ploys used to smear anyone who challenges the word of our dear leader. let's roll the dice so everyone can see.
  15. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    [§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

    (b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

    (c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c
    182, §1]

    Moreover, on Oct. 13, 2010, a contributor with the username “Danae” posted on a copy of her long-form birth certificate originally issued in 1969, but which the Hawaii Department of Health mailed to her Sept. 28, 2010, after she paid a $10 fee.

    An image of her posting:

  16. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    this is from "doctor" conspiracy's (kevin davidson) website

    he is considered to be "a leading authority" on the birther issue. also one of the sources frank aka (epictetus, historian dude, wonkvanark etc...) cites multiple times in his "annotated" smear of mike zullo.

    this is one of the hate sites i watched become a hate site in the birther world. here are a couple of examples:

    this photo is from today cover:
    View attachment 16762

    this reminds me of the dan lacey pancake paintings, commissioned by george soros that orly told me directly, were somehow sent to her children. and i believe her.

    anyone is a troll if they don't drink the good doctors koolaid.

    i won't glorify this source any longer, but this is what i mean also as an example of the level of maturity and decorum the good "doctor" encourges.

    View attachment 16769

    now i don't know what dr. taitz has done to these people personally, i don't think anything. this gives people a look into the antibirther world. fogbow is/has a lot of the same players.

    i have heard enough of their vile vicious attacks. i have spoken to orly many times, and while i don't agree with everything she says and does, if believe in her right to do so.
    she is a moldavian jew who came to America for a better life. i wonder if she would get the same treatment if she was a black democrat. with the benedict arnlod new york times treatmment of sen. tim scott, i think we are beginng to see the other shoe drop. it will be fun to watch the "evolution" of race baiting and how the left deals with wonderful people like rubio, jindal, mia love, that don't fit the mold of their ideological "transparent" narrative.

    these antibirther pseudo intellectual cesspools tout themselves as authorities and pure champions of the truth. but their goal is to protect poor defensless "president" obama.

    and the question i have to keep asking is why. if they are so sure of their antibirther position, why do such smart people keep racheting up the war on birther ? why all the nastyness from people who are so right.

    at some point i know i will be censored or sequestered in my attempts to point these things out, even banned. but frank, you brought your hit piece in zullo here to gloat about (in two threads), so i think it's fair game. i call this forum a level playing field, even though no birther isse has been treated as anything but nonsense and is promptly dismissed/relegated to the other/miscellaneous sub sub catagory of "conspiracy theory". we'll see if that sping runs eternal. peraps it's time for me to write a book and call it "antibirther" the story of obama's idiot obot army of liars and fools and hypocrits. maybe i will since the controversy of obama's pat is now forever ingrained in the fabrick of American political pop culture.

    at some point i'm sure i will be banned or censored again in some areneas for speaking up, that's fine cause i still be in other places like "before it's news" and other.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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  18. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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  19. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    altered-nara-records-hawaii 2.jpg

    i don't know if this is genuine or simply another fogbow hoax, but if it turns out to be real, it doesn't bode well for the home team. and if it is another hoax, someone sure is putting a lot of effort to this long story that appears to be intensifying.

    democrat politicians from chicago are usually pretty pure and honest and ethical though, i think chicago is known for that, so it's probably nothing, just another of hundreds of obama seinfeldesque coincidences... lol
  20. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    My, my, my... but Scott has his undies all in a bunch now. It's almost surprising he's even back after his earlier melt down into a childish tantrum. You'd think that anybody with a smidgeon of self respect would need more time to nurse his butthurt after a display like that. I mean seriously, even toddlers usually get embarrassed after they've publicly wet themselves.

    Also note... Scott has yet to even try to show that a single thing I wrote was not true. He has whined about sources (all of whom are intellectually and ethically superior to him), he mewls and pukes about "hate.sites", but he has been unable to find a single thing I wrote that was wrong.

    Like I said, it sucks to be a birther. But even birthers think it sucks to be him.

    Online Review of Scott's Website from October, 2011:

  21. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    You don't even understand what Sibley is saying.
  22. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    get off the stage frank, or learn how to play, poser.... your work is hack.

    i think you wrote that review for the oh for goodness sake chick... lol, nice try

    i think she also wrote some reviews on amazon with the rest of your team of fogbow creeps, like the suckup posts you pasted to chyome fukino's facebook. i have it all. loser
  23. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Really show Frank up Scott.

    Post some confirmable facts that he has wrong.

    Oh and Dr. Conspiracy- he was very polite to you when you came by- but the posters there were less patient with your ramblings.
  24. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I will leave it to the readers(are there any for this thread?) to decide who is the more impressive poster:

    Scott E on Doc. Conspiracy's site:

    scott e.:
    happy holidays (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).

    Doc's reply:
    Quoting from scott’s article:

    this is from “doctor” conspiracy’s (kevin davidson) website of today: this is one of the hate sites i watched become a hate site in the birther/antibirther/obot world.

    …these antibirther pseudo intellectual cesspools tout themselves as authorities and pure champions of the obama truth

    Well, as you pointed out in your article, there are some hateful things said on this web site, said on both sides of the Obama eligibility issue. The discussion is really quite polarized. The Birthers lash out because they lose all their court cases, Obama got re-elected, and no one who matters takes them seriously. The anti-birthers lash out because the birthers keep telling the same lies over and over and refuse to shut up when refuted. They also see the birthers as attacking sacred American institutions such as the rule of law.

    I say to everyone though, no one every won an argument by using nastier rhetoric than their opponent.

    It’s a pickle.

    Anyhow thanks for reprinting my Mad Magazine fantasy cover.
  25. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    all right you guys... i hope i'm wrong.. merry christmas and happy hanukka. we'll pick this up after the new year. god bless us, everyone.

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