Are We Going to War for False Reasons Again -Foley Incident

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Don Townsend, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Were the conspiracy claim indicative of the reality, 0bama would be playing it cool while we the public watch this video and get fired up, ready for war. Then 0bama could ease into it in a pretend in a pretend-reluctant manner, pleasing his lefty base while appeasing the bloodthirsty right wing hawk and chickenhawk crowd as well.
  2. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    A few points:

    - Why would the government/administration need to fake anything? Are you saying there aren't people out there who want to murder US/UK citizens? Have the terrorists suddenly gone soft?

    - Why would we need beheadings to justify bombing campaigns? The fact ISIS are committing genocide against Kurds, Christians and Yazidis has already ensured that public opinion is behind airstrikes in Iraq.

    - If the government wanted to set this up as a "false flag" event to justify something nefarious, why not simply kill real people? Why risk being found out with actors/doctored footage? It would be mere collateral damage if they believed that the ends justify the means.

    - No matter how many heads they chop off, Americans won't be supporting ground troops anytime soon. The only possible event that could trigger support for that would be a massive attack on US soil attributed to ISIS.

    - Alex Israel and Katie Foley are not the same person. There is a slight resemblance, but they have completely different chins and noses. This is the product of someone with far too much time on their hands....

    ^That site has a comparison picture. Not the same.

    - I understand you're a conspiracy theory enthusiast Don. Well, whatever floats your boat ;)
  3. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Why would Governments want to fake anything? Is this a serious Question . Governments stag and fake events all around the world to further their own hidden Agendas In the U.S. to name a few going back aways we have The Maine, The Gulf of Tonkin, The Northwoods Project, 9/11, Sandy Hook , The Boston Bombing, and now the Foley and Sotloff fake beheadings used as an excuse to go to War again.
  4. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Speculation without evidence is easily seen as conspiracy theory. When one presents this as reality they are often dismissed as less than sane...or purely ignorant.
  5. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Speculation without evidence is easily seen as conspiracy theory. When one presents this as reality they are often dismissed as less than sane...or purely ignorant.
  6. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Not if the majority knows the videos were staged.

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    The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable !
  7. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Obviously it YOU. which is irrelevant to ME.
  8. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    So in your world terrorists don't exist and every evil mass-murderous act is carried out by the government....


    The lovely thing about conspiracy theorists is that once you adopt one theory, you simply decide you have to adopt them all. Like Pokemon.

    They did a study on conspiracy theorists personalities a while ago, was rather intriguing. Many have low-levels of self-esteem and a perceived lack of control over their lives. If I can find it I'll post it here.

    Of course, in the eyes of the conspiracy enthusiast, that's a conspiracy too.
  9. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Don you haven't answered my question. Why fake the beheading? The CIA apparently kills people all the time. If I were in a position where I wanted to justify a war, I'd order a few heads to be taken off. I wouldn't risk "forensic experts" debunking the video.
  10. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    The majority seem to know the truth :roll:

    - - - Updated - - -

    This is a problem with the internet - forums become inundated with loons who can't accept the most basic aspects of the reality around them.
  11. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    I'm so sorry once one of my threads gets moved to the graveyard conspiracy section ,I don't pay as much attention to it. I've asked the same question about the terrorist. I'll just ask anybody,you have a very sharp hunting knife and you pull someones head back ,put the knife Against their throat and saw vigorously 6 to 9 times , on what stroke would blood have appeared. No blood appeared at all before they cut to black on the videos and why cut to black you're vicious killers wouldn't you want your enemies seeing the blood shooting from the jugulars, the victim screaming or should I say gurgling in agony as his head was viciously removed from his torso. Now that's a beheading video ! And there's no blood on the executioner when he's saying Sotloff is next. All I know is they're obviously fake and you don';t have to be an expert to figure that out and they're being used to start another WAR!
  12. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    If there were more Critical Thinking Conspiracy Analyst like me with the intestinal fortitude (GUTS)To question Authority maybe we wouldn’t have seen the passage of the NDAA( THE National Defense Authorization Act) which gives the Government the right to arrest and to detain American Citizens Indefinitely without due process , The NDRP ( The National Defense Resource Preparedness Act)Which gives the Government the right to seize the resources of American Citizens in time of war or peace , or maybe we would have been able to find out why the DHS( Department of Homeland Security) Was hoarding 160 billion rounds of ammunition of which 450 million rounds were 40 calib. HOLLOW POINTS ( outlawed for combat use and not used for target practice). Government can and have turned on their citizens. Putting too much trust in Government or your elected officials is dangerous. You cannot believe everything you see or hear coming from Government or Media sources , as far back as the 1960’s it was exposed in Congressional hearings the CIA was funding and manipulating the Media, that, could only have escalated exponentially to the present, partially evidenced by the Snowden Revelations about the NSA. Just because you don’t want to believe information about a certain subject matter whether it be NASA covering up evidence of Alien Life or False Flag events to further Hidden Agendas( i.e. The Foley and Sotloff Beheading Videos, The Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, And 9/11 to name the most recent),doesn’t make that information irrelevant , invalid , or less worthy of honest and intelligent scrutiny. You are not going to suppress , stifle , or hinder honest and intelligent people investigating or having rational debates about the official stories of major events put forth by Governments or Media with a simple YOU MUST BE A CONSPIRACY NUT !!!!!!!!!
  13. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    The following analysis of the Fake Foley video can be applied to the other two. Experts in Great Britain have determined the videos to be staged ans actually filmed on the same day.

    James Foley's Video is a Fake
    1) Zero fear and zero emotion on the part of the victim and the aggressor. He doesn't look or sound like he's about to get a knife zigzagging through his esophagus. When he "blames" his brother, there's zero emotion. No way anyone would be able to just read those lines so casually. At 3:00, when he says "I died that day John", with the pauses and everything... he sounds more like an actor trying hard to persuade the viewer rather than someone who is speaking their last words to their family. Watch it and think about it. And the british gentleman terrorist is coming across like they're on the 7th take of this video. No allahu akbar. No highly charged vocal timber, which is 100% the norm in all other beheadings you and I have seen since Nick Berg.

    2) Incredible sound engineering: Both the victim and the gentleman terrorist are miked, and the sound is really well produced. This is professional audio engineering. No other video out of syria and iraq comes near the video/audio quality of this vid. And there are a LOT of videos coming out of Syria and Iraq.

    3) No other terrorists around? If there were others around, as is ALWAYS the case in beheading videos, they would be all be shouting "Allahu Akbar" the SECOND the knife touched the throat. Notice the dead silence, which to me implies that they're alone, which to me implies that there is no (*)(*)(*)(*)ing way he wouldn't fight the gentleman terrorist with small knife. (small by beheading standards), which to me implies that this is nothing but theater.

    3) Where's the blood? Not only is there no blood after 6 or 7 saws against the neck when blood almost ALWAYS gushes immediately after 1-2 saws. Also, in the "dead body" shot, the blood on the ground is a mere trickle compared to the giant 3-foot in diameter pool of blood almost ALWAYS visible around the gaping neckwound. Another thing: At the very end, when the gentleman terrorist is showing off the next victim, his hands are perfectly clean, like he just got back from a manicure. No blood from the beheading he presumably just performed. No dirt from the desert, nothing. He must be carrying soap with him.

    5) They leave out the best part??? The most terrifying (remember this is supposed to be a TERRORist act) part of a beheading video is the part completely left out of this video. I know why. Because it's also the hardest part to fake. And this video is 100% fake. Fake fake fake. And, in comparison to the many dozens of videos Ive seen since Nick Berg, is wildly different from all of them.

    So what happened to James Foley? First of all, there is no more James Foley. There is one of three possible scenarios:

    1) He has joined the deep ranks of the CIA. Black Ops. Men In Black kinda (*)(*)(*)(*). Like Tommy Lee Jones sitting Will Smith down on a park bench and telling him that he's going to disappear. No more family or friends or anything. He's been reporting from the middle east for years and has been kidnapped before. He probably knows a lot about them. So the CIA made him an offer. First make this video so we can win hearts and minds and go back and blow Iraq up again, then we got some (*)(*)(*)(*) for you to do. You could do this for us, or we could return you to Isis and get a more realistic beheading video.

    2) Same scenario as #1 but with Mossad instead of the CIA.

    3) Stockholm Syndrome. He's become one of them. He's been embedded there so long, and has spent enough time with them for him to hate the US, and feel sympathy for his captors. And his captors know that he can help them. So they're keeping him alive, but "killing him off" with this fake propoganda vid.

    Or maybe it's something else. But I'll tell you this for sure: his head is firmly attached to his body. No doubts whatsoever.

    Here's a reminder of the trustworthy news:

    by Taboola
  14. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Honestly asking?? I think not. You are playing amateur propagandist.
  15. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    the beheadings explained, if you are of draft age or know someone who is they need to be writing and call the President and their Congressman and telling them YOU WON'T FIGHT THEIR FALSE FLAG WARS ANYMORE !!!!!

  16. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Since it is obvious all the videos were filmed in the exact same location on the same day , they were all staged !

    Source: Paul Joseph Watson
    British forensic experts have concluded that the ISIS beheading video involving James Foley was in all likelihood staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques.”
    An international forensic science company which does work for police forces across Britain found that, “James Foley’s execution may have been staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera,” reports the Telegraph.
    The experts noted that despite Foley’s executioner appearing to draw a knife across the neck area at least six times, no blood is seen. The video itself does not show the actual beheading, merely a still image which purports to show Foley’s decapitated head resting on his body.
    “Aymenn al-Tamimi, a fellow at the Middle East Forum think-tank, remarked that ISIS has greatly improved their video production over the last few years,” reports the Inquisitr. “Techniques to fake a beheading would not be difficult for them to manage, and the video doesn’t exactly leave their failures on the hidden: Despite six slashing motion to James’ neck, no blood can be seen in the video; Foley’s reaction seems to be very disconnected with what is actually occurring, the analysts said.”
    This point was also covered in our analysis which emphasized how calm and collected Foley appeared to be as he read out his statement, a demeanor completely contradictory to the notion that he was about to be brutally executed.
    The experts also concluded that a blip in the footage suggests Foley misread one of his lines from the script and had to re-film the sequence.
    The obvious question that arises out of this is why ISIS militants, who have quickly developed a global reputation for their barbarity and carelessness for human life, would not simply have beheaded Foley on camera without the need to stage the event.
    The only logical conclusion, whether Foley was later killed or not, is that the video was not produced or released by actual ISIS militants but by western intelligence agencies to be used as a casus belli to expand military expansion in the middle east.
    For years we have exhaustively documented how so-called Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and other terrorist propaganda videos were in fact produced by companies working on behalf of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency.
    It has also emerged that the identity of the individual seen staging the murder, one Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, is a former rapper from a wealthy family who left London to fight in Syria. Bary fits the profile of an informant for British security services.
    The beheading video has been used as a poster child to push for a renewed U.S. military strike on Syria, a prospect that was derailed last year after it emerged that a supposed chemical weapons attack which was blamed on the Assad government had in all likelihood been carried out by western-backed rebels.
    U.S. officials have cited the “new context” for confronting ISIS that was spurred by the release of the Foley beheading video, with Washington signaling its intention on Saturday to prepare a new military assault on Syria.
    In our analysis, we pointed out several other factors that clearly suggested the James Foley video was not what it purported to be, including the absence of other militants who normally appear in beheading videos, the lack of references to the Koran and no chants of “Allahu Akbar” as the execution is taking place.
  17. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Speculation without evidence is easily seen as conspiracy theory. When one presents this as reality they are often dismissed as less than sane...or purely ignorant.
  18. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Since it is obvious all the videos were filmed in the exact same location on the same day , they were all staged !

    Source: Paul Joseph Watson
    British forensic experts have concluded that the ISIS beheading video involving James Foley was in all likelihood staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques.”
    An international forensic science company which does work for police forces across Britain found that, “James Foley’s execution may have been staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera,” reports the Telegraph.
    The experts noted that despite Foley’s executioner appearing to draw a knife across the neck area at least six times, no blood is seen. The video itself does not show the actual beheading, merely a still image which purports to show Foley’s decapitated head resting on his body.
    “Aymenn al-Tamimi, a fellow at the Middle East Forum think-tank, remarked that ISIS has greatly improved their video production over the last few years,” reports the Inquisitr. “Techniques to fake a beheading would not be difficult for them to manage, and the video doesn’t exactly leave their failures on the hidden: Despite six slashing motion to James’ neck, no blood can be seen in the video; Foley’s reaction seems to be very disconnected with what is actually occurring, the analysts said.”
    This point was also covered in our analysis which emphasized how calm and collected Foley appeared to be as he read out his statement, a demeanor completely contradictory to the notion that he was about to be brutally executed.
    The experts also concluded that a blip in the footage suggests Foley misread one of his lines from the script and had to re-film the sequence.
    The obvious question that arises out of this is why ISIS militants, who have quickly developed a global reputation for their barbarity and carelessness for human life, would not simply have beheaded Foley on camera without the need to stage the event.
    The only logical conclusion, whether Foley was later killed or not, is that the video was not produced or released by actual ISIS militants but by western intelligence agencies to be used as a casus belli to expand military expansion in the middle east.
    For years we have exhaustively documented how so-called Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and other terrorist propaganda videos were in fact produced by companies working on behalf of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency.
    It has also emerged that the identity of the individual seen staging the murder, one Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, is a former rapper from a wealthy family who left London to fight in Syria. Bary fits the profile of an informant for British security services.
    The beheading video has been used as a poster child to push for a renewed U.S. military strike on Syria, a prospect that was derailed last year after it emerged that a supposed chemical weapons attack which was blamed on the Assad government had in all likelihood been carried out by western-backed rebels.
    U.S. officials have cited the “new context” for confronting ISIS that was spurred by the release of the Foley beheading video, with Washington signaling its intention on Saturday to prepare a new military assault on Syria.
    In our analysis, we pointed out several other factors that clearly suggested the James Foley video was not what it purported to be, including the absence of other militants who normally appear in beheading videos, the lack of references to the Koran and no chants of “Allahu Akbar” as the execution is taking place.
  19. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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