Arpaio Investigation Closes in on Obama Birth Certificate Fraud.

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by scott e., Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    Lol is all that you deserve. His records are "sealed" in the exact same manner as yours
  2. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    I see.
    In other words you are in fact unable to address any of the premises or engage in a meaningful, intelligent dialogue. Got it.
    Game, set and match.
  3. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    everyone should unseal everything when they run for president. lets the chips fall where they may. right now we're voting in the dark.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Actually he addressed the 'premise'- the claims that Obama's records are sealed.

    They are 'sealed' in the same manner of Bush's Harvard records and Romney's Harvard records.

    In deciding not to release his college records, Obama is following in the proud Presidential tradition of every President before him.

    If you have another point you would like to discuss, feel free to raise it.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Maybe you are voting in the dark....but the rest of us aren't.

    I have 4 years of Barack Obama's experience as President to judge him, and I have Mitt Romney's experience as governor, and at Bain Capital.

    The sun is shining brightly on their relevant experience.

    Why would I care what either of them did in college?
  6. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    I did address your premise. obama's records are "sealed" in the identical manner that yours, romney's, bush's etc. are sealed.
    yes, I win!
  7. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    remember, when trying to get into columbia and harvard "if you study high, take the tests high" lol
  8. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Not this debate you didn't.
  9. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    of course I did. you made a ridiculous claim, to which I pointed out your hypocricy for not demanding the same records you are foaming at the mouth over from every other candidate who's records are "sealed.
  10. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    rahlwong wins everything. ;)
    hey check this out.

    and this...

    Today on the Glenn Back radio show, Joe Pags (WOAI AM, San Antonio) was the fill-in host. Root told Pags, on the air, that he recently got a 4 am call from a Brietbart reporter who said that he was doing research in Jakarta, Indonesia. The reporter told Root that he has, in hand, has proof that Barry Soetoro was an Indonesian citizen.
    It seemed to me that the Glenn Beck Program Director promptly shut down that line of conversation.

    However, that should not happen today at 5 PM central time when Joe Pags Show will feature another interview with Wayne Allyn Root on his own local program. (click on Listen Live |> button)

    1 posted on Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:43:26 PM by TexasVoter

    and you poor slobs thought this was over. lol

    i told you, in the grand scheme of things, this story is in it's infancy. and it's so timely and interesting. i'm glad people ar doing historical research fact gathering on our "44th president".
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
    He chortled in his joy.
  12. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    this is getting juicier by the minute again. this is the backlash from the harry reid campaign on romney. hahh, i hope they all go down in flames. no wonder people have such distain politicians.

    College Classmate: 'The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia'


    I am President Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I am also one of the most accurate Las Vegas oddsmakers and prognosticators. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. And I smell something rotten in Denmark. Obama has a big skeleton in his closet. It’s his college records. Call it “gut instinct” but my gut is almost always right. Obama has a secret hidden at Columbia- and it’s a bad one that threatens to bring down his presidency. Gut instinct is how I’ve made my living for 29 years since graduating Columbia.

    Obama and his infamous strategist David Axelrod understand how to play political hardball, the best its ever been played. Team Obama has decided to distract America’s voters by condemning Mitt Romney for not releasing enough years of his tax returns. It’s the perfect cover. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesn’t exist. Then ask followers like Senator Harry Reid to chase the lead. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader appears to now be making up stories out of thin air, about tax returns he knows nothing about. It’s a cynical, brilliant and vicious strategy. Make Romney defend, so he can’t attack the real Obama scandal.

    This is classic Axelrod. Obama has won several elections in his career by slandering his opponents and leaking sealed documents. Not only do these insinuations and leaks ruin the credibility and reputation of Obama’s opponents, they keep them on the defensive and off Obama’s trail of sealed documents.

    By attacking Romney’s tax records, Obama’s socialist cabal creates a problem that doesn’t exist. Is the U.S. Senate Majority Leader making up stories out of thin air? You decide. But the reason for this baseless attack is clear- make Romney defend, so not only is he “off message” but it helps the media ignore the real Obama scandal.

    My answer for Romney? Call Obama’s bluff.

    Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records. Simple and straight-forward. Mitt should ask “What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 29 years ago, that you are afraid to let America’s voters see it? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive.

    My bet is that Obama will never unseal his records because they contain information that could destroy his chances for re-election. Once this challenge is made public, my prediction is you’ll never hear about Mitt’s tax returns ever again.

    Why are the college records, of a 51-year-old President of the United States, so important to keep secret? I think I know the answer.

    If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia has ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.

    But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

    Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3 1/2 years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn’t the media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama’s records as Romney’s? Shouldn’t they be digging into Obama’s past–beyond what he has written about himself–with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt’s?

    The first question I’d ask is, if you had great grades, why would you seal your records? So let’s assume Obama got poor grades. Why not release the records? He’s President of the free world, for gosh sakes. He’s commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. Who’d care about some poor grades from three decades ago, right? So then what’s the problem? Doesn’t that make the media suspicious? Something doesn’t add up.

    Secondly, if he had poor grades at Occidental, how did he get admitted to an Ivy League university in the first place? And if his grades at Columbia were awful, how’d he ever get into Harvard Law School? So again those grades must have been great, right? So why spend millions to keep them sealed?

    Third, how did Obama pay for all these fancy schools without coming from a wealthy background? If he had student loans or scholarships, would he not have to maintain good grades?

    I can only think of one answer that would explain this mystery.

    Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not.

    If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

    A) He rarely ever attended class.

    B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.

    C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.

    D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

    If you think I’m “fishing” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?

    If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

    It’s time for Mitt to go on the attack and call Obama’s bluff.

    Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and the author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian.” He now serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. He is a regular guest on Fox News and hundreds of radio shows across America. He is also a gun-slinging, riverboat gambling, entrepreneur and capitalist evangelist. His web site:

    now all the reporters that have been ignoring this are getting itchy. lol
  13. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    You probably really think you did. I wouldn't be surprised at all.

    You clearly don't understand the structure of a debate, so lacking a relevant reply resort to ad hom. "hypocricy" (sic) :) "foaming at the mouth"

    As you are not prepared to abide by basic principles of reason and civility, you are deemed to have conceded all opposing arguments and this discussion is terminated.
  14. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    awesome. hah rahlwong... what a loser

    the indo citizenship theory is the most plausible, but it doesn't explain all of the missing records and fake stories and documents. but i'll bet ayers or axelrod could.
  15. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    There's nothing to think about. You made an absurd claim which I quickly destroyed.

    you can run away and hide all you want. Doesn't change the fact that obama's records are "sealed" exactly like yours, romney's, bush's and every other past president and candidate who hasn't released their records.

    thus your hypocricy.
  16. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Rather than opinion pieces by someone who not only admits he never knew Obama but ran against him in the last election maybe we should read quotes by those who did know him?

    Michael J. Wolf, who took the seminar with him and went on to become president of MTV Networks, said: “He was very smart. He had a broad sense of international politics and international relations.

    One person who did remember Mr. Obama was Michael L. Baron, who taught a senior seminar on international politics and American policy. Mr. Baron, now president of an electronics company in Florida, said he was Mr. Obama’s adviser on the senior thesis for that course. Mr. Baron, who later wrote Mr. Obama a recommendation for Harvard Law School, gave him an A in the course.

    Of course there are more. But Birthers prefer speculation by someone who didn't know the President than actual quotes by those who did.

    Birthers lol
  17. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Show us how it is done. Go for it.
  18. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!
  19. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    shrooms wear off ? you must get the best ones in "the city".

    according to this video the reporters were instructed not to have any recording devices, only hand written notes. (or half typed half written notes ((michael isikoff)).


    yet somehow savannah guthrie used a camera (a image capture device).... hmmmm oh... savannah !!

    nbc..... Obama-Williams-limo.jpg newman!
  20. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    He took his vorpal sword in hand:
    Long time the manxome foe he sought --
    So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
    And stood awhile in thought.
  21. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    if you have a beer go ahead and drink it.... do you have any allman brothers music ?

    don't take the brown acid sfjeff. if you already did, visit the acid tent, they have people trained to help you. don't try to drive yourself !
  22. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Pick a topic, choose pro or con and state your premise.
  23. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    akula just did, by pointing out your weakness and lack of skill. and by your, i mean you and wong and rahlwong and sharia and all of the interchangeable (one script fits all) obots. lol

    hey remind me how we know obama graduated magna cum laude. is that from "dreams" ?? while your at it why would obama (and by obama, i mean ayers) even write a story about his father, whom everyone agrees was a dirtbag. of course not everyone agrees who his father is.

    none of that matters i was just curious why if the title and the premise of the book are obfuscated, and a lot of the story is just made up, what does that say for the author(s) ??
  24. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Lets go back to your first post and i will break it into 3 topics and give my premise:

    "Why are his transcripts sealed?"

    Obama's transcripts are sealed both by college privacy policies and Federal privacy law, just as Mitt Romney's are, and George Bush's Harvard records are, and his Yale records should have been. Someone broke the law to leak Bush's transcripts- but they are still sealed as far as Yale is concerned.

    "Why is he hiding them?"

    That is like asking- "why are you beating your wife"? Hiding something requires an action, whereas President Obama has merely declined to provide his transcripts to his opponents. He is no more 'hiding' his transcripts than was every previous President when they did not release them.

    "If his grades were good, why keep them secret?"

    Good question. One that could be asked of every previous President, and the last two Republican candidates- all of whom followed tradition and didn't release their grades. In my opinion the reason all Presidential candidates and Presidents decline to release their grades is because they believe that regardless of their grades, their political opponents will try to use them for negative spin.

    Since they are politicians, they don't release their grades because they see no advantage to releasing them.

    There you go.
  25. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!
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