Removing attorneys is one thing, even though that was contrived too, but controlling judges? Judges can only be removed via the impeachment process as far as I know.
I met the princess at the al-Nahda Philanthropic Society for Women - - - Updated - - - The lawyers are putting pressure on politicians.
I just checked, you're right. That being said, everyone knows that the Supreme Court is selected by the President and Congress...
I see. Do you mind telling me if you met her only once, or was that only the beginning of the relationship? From what I've seen, it's the families of the 9/11 victims that are putting pressure on the politicians. They want justice. The original subject wasn't lawyers, politicians, or even the families of 9/11 victims though; it was you. Specifically, that you aren't responding to the many points in some of the articles that I've been referencing. I can't help but think that you may not want to look too closely at things that you don't want to believe. I encourage you to once again take a look at my post #20 in this thread, or better yet, read the entire article from which I took excerpts from for post #20: The Bush-Saudi Connection If you decide to read it, tell me if you disagree with any of the points made, and why...
There's definitely some collusion between judges and the Executive branch. For example, the Appellate Court judge who was assigned to April Gallop's lawsuit is a cousin of George Bush. He should have recused himself due to conflicts of interest but didn't. As a result, not only was Gallop's appeal denied but her attorney was sanctioned.
The old saying is that politics make strange bedfellows. I think that is very much apparent with the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia. One is conditioned to believe that there is animosity between Jews and Arabs, but it appears that Israel and Saudi have some sort of mutually beneficial relationship, probably extending to the 911 matter. Just as Saudi and Israel are both trying to overthrow Assad in Syria, it's likely they worked together to accomplish 911. And the Israeli influence in the US government is obvious to anybody paying attention. From dual citizens in high offices, to the influence of AIPAC, our federal government is very much influenced by Israel.
Another thing, it's possible that one or both of them didn't know that they would both be working on 9/11. It seems to me that Saudi Arabia was mainly used to partially bankroll the patsies, along with Pakistan. The heavy lifting was done by Americans (war games on 9/11 that I believe were not just games) and in the demolition of the WTC buildings (
If Margo2 still maintains that the US had nothing to do with the attacks, she's not to be taken seriously. The proof is crushing and it's been on the internet for years.
Hadn't heard that the Appellate Court judge assigned to April Gallop's lawsuit was a cousin of George Bush. That's the second cousin from the Bush family that I've heard in relation to 9/11; the Bush family definitely seems to be all over it. For those not familiar with this particular aspect of the case, Global Research has furnished an article on the subject: April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court Dismisses 9/11 Suit against Bush Officials | Global Research
I certainly believe there's a lot of evidence that some U.S. officials were complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Like you, I've done a fair amount of research on 9/11. From the looks of it, Margot has also done some research on 9/11. I believe the reason she has not come to the same conclusions we have is that she is fairly averse to looking at evidence which contradicts her viewpoint. It's understandable; examining the evidence against the official story too closely can lead to cognitive dissonance if you are someone who couldn't imagine U.S. government officials being complicit in those attacks. For those not familiar with the term, wikipedia introduces it thusly: "In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]" Source: Given this, I understand why she not only seems to pass over linked articles I have provided, but doesn't even seem to respond to large tracts of text that I have quoted from some of the linked articles. I could, ofcourse, conclude that she is "not to be taken seriously", but I don't think that would be a wise course of action. The very reason I am in this forum is to try to persuade those who trust in the official story that their trust is misplaced. Given this fact, I think what I should try to do is to try to gently guide her back to the information that contradicts the official story and points out the most likely theories as to what actually happened.
If she isn't a disinfo agent* whose aim is to obfuscate the truth in order to sway and mislead the viewers, she she should watch this video... Why Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers ...and read this info. *
It's impossible to determine who is and who isn't a disinfo agent from posts in a discussion forum, one can only form an opinion based on the subject's posts. IMO, I believe she's just another cognitive dissonant type. I base that strictly on the tone of her posts.
This and other relevant cases show the complicity of the US judiciary in the coverup and suppression of the truth.
I agree. Unfortunately, she may not be at the stage to want to see that type of thing. In general, when speaking with someone in a discussion with whom I disagree on the fundamentals, I try to see where we -do- agree. One thing I have noticed about Margot, in particular, is that she has said that she could see that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was going to be a disaster before it even happened. So clearly, she's not someone who is always swayed by the mainstream media. She also says she broke ties with Republicans during George W. Bush's watch, and has openly stated that she considered Bush to be a fool. Robert did bring up a good article that Bush may not have been nearly as foolish as many may have thought, but I definitely agree with Margot that Bush's war in Iraq was something that should never have happened. Our one point of disagreement is that she can't believe that the Bush Administration could have been complicit in 9/11, whereas we do. I'm not sure I've heard her reasoning behind why she thinks this yet. - - - Updated - - - I've come to the same conclusion.
That's my guess as well. All the evidence I've seen has Saudi Arabia only playing a minor role. This is because of the fact that, again from the evidence I've seen, I don't believe any of the alleged hijackers actually hijacked any of the 9/11 planes. Thus, their role was simply that of patsies. Israeli agents, on the other hand, seem to have literally been caught with explosive materials on 9/11, and there is also evidence that they were involved in planting explosives in the Twin towers. There are long, well referenced articles with lots of evidence suggesting Israel's black ops were deeply involved: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11 | This site may go a bit too far (it seems to let certain American officials off the hook and doesn't seem to bring up Saudi Arabia or Pakistan at all), but it has some good points: - - - Updated - - - Well, I'm not sure it shows/proves it, but I certainly think it's highly suggestive that there was complicity.
This might turn out to be the case but this also fits the scenario of a disinfo agent playing dumb and hoping he or she can tire the truther out and then bury the part of the debate where he or she is checkmated and at least reduce the number of viewers who see that part of the debate. (excerpt) --------------------------------------------- 9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
I suppose so. The bottom line in my view, though, is that it doesn't make much of a difference. So long as we can keep on focusing on the important issues, I think that those in the audience can learn. Heck, I learn too, I do a fair amount of investigative work for a lot of the posts I write.