All I want to do, since we don't have much of a choice is for us to use this election like we did the last one. Lets elect another first. Enough of getting the best and brightest to make us less free! Lets mess with the system for our benefit. Stop letting people trap you into thinking your saving the nation each time you elect a candidate. "We must have the MOST beautiful bureaucrat our double edged sword can afford". Stop believing in the perils of the," twopartymongers". They can suck it. Lets vote in the first WOMAN President. Come on get back control. Why? Because we can, no other reason. Its our nation and our history. We are the movement .
I'm sorry. My crayon broke. He's been the governor of Texas for ten years. Your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) whining doesn't reflect badly on his experience. Education results reflect the number of minorities. And the comment about minimum wage jobs is simply a lie. I'll admit it's much easier to elect a nitwit like Obama who's never done anything. Who can criticize someone who's never done anything. But, with a man who's been a governor for ten yours you still have to lie to criticize. That's not bad performance. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. If he's now saying it's a Ponzi scheme we are, in some ways, stuck with because of the nitwit liberals, he's right. But, should our descendants all be enrolled in a liberal Ponzi scheme? Where's Bernie Madoff when you need him?
Ah, the Obama is dumb and Perry is smart meme. You have to love how desperate the Tea Party is that its reduced to this level of inanity. By the way, the only thing Perry seems to have done is shoot a coyote with a lasar sighted pistol and whine that Obama hasn't spent enough money to deal with Texas' drought (which ISN'T caused by global warming, pase Perry)
Only because we happen to have a bunch of morons in Texas that don't care if a person is intelligent or not - as long as they are Republican and claim to be a Christian, they'll vote for him. Even if their behavior doesn't reflect Christianity. Really? I suppose you think Bush did a great job in 8 years! Perry will make us want Bush back! Nevada ranks 50, and is 66.2% white - so your claim is nothing but bull. If you get your info from Faux News I'm sure that's what they claim - however: But that doesn't mean that all is well with employment in the Lone Star State. Texas leads the nation in minimum-wage jobs, and many positions don't offer health benefits. Also, steep budget cuts are expected to result in the loss of more than 100,000 jobs. Perhaps most importantly, Texas can't create jobs fast enough to keep up with its rapidly growing population. Since 2007, the state's number of working-age residents expanded by 6.6%, nearly twice the national average. Ha,ha, Obama had done quite a bit before he became President. I know most conservatives want to perpetuate that myth that he had no experience because they want to get revenge on the fact that Bush was a doofus (even after being governor of Texas for several years) and even Reps/cons recognize that. So, claiming that Obama never did anything is their way of getting even - even if it doesn't make any sense! The trouble with Perry is that he doesn't really know what version of his "take" on SS is the best for him. In his book he claims it is a Ponzi scheme, then he claims that it doesn't reflect on what he now thinks of SS - but then his staff and he later also claims what he said in his book is how he feels. Watch him squirm if it comes up in the debate, I hope he has a "pop-over" to stuff in his mouth when they ask him how he feels - can't be honest, if you ask me. When Perry showed up at Popovers Bakery and Cafe in Portsmouth, he was greeted by two dozen members of the Alliance for Retired Americans who had a far different take on the constitutionality of Social Security. But they sure wanted to hear Perry try to explain his views. Heres how ABC described the scene. Inside the cafe, Gail Mitchell and a companion grilled him: You said Social Security was unconstitutional. Social Securitys going to be there for those folks, Perry answered his inquisitors. But you said Social Security is unconstitutional, Mitchell repeated. I dont think IIm sorry, you must have, Perry said before stopping himself. Instead of elaborating, Perry stuffed a generous piece of popover in his mouth. (Perry called them pop ups.) Ive got a big mouthful, Perry said. Mitchell and the other Alliance members shouldnt feel singled out by Perrys dodge, duck and stuff strategy. As ABC reported: Perry did his best to ignore the heckling, and he also did his best to ignore questions from the awaiting press. Why are you worried about your descendants? If Republicans have their way we will be rid of EPA, and your descendants won't be around, the noxious gases the corporations will start emitting will kill them off - or, they may be crossing a bridge that is no longer inspected by the Corps of Engineers and it crumbles - oops! There goes your descendants!
Your post is near incoherent. You really don't know anything about American history if you believe my reference had anything to do with slavery. Instead of just spouting why don't you put a little effort into researching facts. Begin with the Know Nothings and then move on to the Koch Brothers. I said nothing about conspiracy. I said that corporate money was behind the Tea Party and that happens to be the truth. So untwist your bloomers and do a little rational thinking and search for the truth instead of just accepting the nonsense that you've been spoon fed.
YOU hint at conspiracy by implying someone controls the tea party at the national level. YES you did say someone was behind it. Thats an opinion on your part it can neither be proven nor disproven. Also your reference to the civil war is a reference to states rights about slavery and southern economic controls( Probably the norths industrial revolution). You also hinted that the tea party may be racist by your anti-tea party stance. There would be no other reason to use the reference to the south. I don't accept that corporations control America anymore than you think a grass roots movement like the tea party could have control. Please quit acting like you have some great ability to see what others including myself have missed all our lives. Simply because you have the misfortune of believing your own common dribble and your paranoid illusions of , "A corporatist dominated world view". Thanks Oh and Bachmann 2012
Im not saying Perrys a genius, but hes an intelligent man who knows common sense. Michelle Bachman is nuts and I pray that whoever the VP is the republican will be smart enough not to pick this nut. Happy birthday Elvis! Christ
Bachmann is a hack who claims ties to the Tea Party while advocating a tax increase on the middle class. She's also certifiably insane. Perry at least puts his money where his mouth is.
Candidate? Is that what this thread has, become from all you two partiers? You gotta have an established individual. Who you say is the problem and you complain about them constantly. Yet you don't trust someone who is on the fringe of the system you so dearly love and must protect it; because of your unfounded fears? What do you fear? Loss of control or is it your identity's or maybe the unknown- you can't confront the gross emotional instability of not having a clear and concise set of prescribed mechanisms to," politic by"! That must be it your chicken (*)(*)(*)(*)s.
I don't see how conservatives or tea partiers could be for rick perry. At best he is another big government republican. At worst he is a total statist. There is very little free market or small government about him.
Yeah but he doesn't seem that bad given the other option here. I mean I prefer an ordinary statist than a women whose a fiscal conservative but an ultra social statist.
However, the truth is beginning to surface on Perry and everyone soon will find out that his touted "Texas Miracle" is nothing more than a mirage. And when placed next to Bachmann, Perry is just a mite bit better, but that doesn't even equate to "good" in any book.
I wouldn't vote for Bachman even if you paid me. She looks unimpressive to me, with a lack luster record, and probably only a little more experience than Obama. I mean you actually have to get out and do things to learn and get experience after all. We need a leader willing to take affirmitive action, and not be in the back seat. Bachman, to me, is not that sort of leader. That leaves Perry, whom I am supporting at this point, however I want to research him some more before I say "yeah that's my canidate". Its still too early for me to be picking candidates to officially support anyways.
Perry is a crony capitalist. Perry endorsed socialized medicine. Perry campaigned for al "I invented the Internet" gore. The Texas government doubled under Perry's reign. Perry mandated 12 year old girls get STD vaccines (the Texas legislature overruled him). Perry, great guy.
The poll asked was limited to two candidates, and out of Bachman and Perry, no matter what his record is, she has none, so Perry wins. /2cents A broader poll thread would be different and so much more interesting.
Word. Just giving you (and anyone else) some background to help your research. And yea, bachmann has essentially no record. Paul 2012. lol
Haven't seen much out of Paul either to be honest. I can't see him getting any farther than Bachman...although at least Paul does HAVE a record and I do agree with a few of his beliefs.