Who says legitimate accumulation of wealth has to pass some contrived bar of "contributions to production" that you fabricate? It's none of your d@mned business! Wealth isn't something that is only credited to your account by debiting someone else's. That is an addled machination of clueless people. Generally speaking, wealth legally acquired is created from intangibles like ideas, and tangibles like hard work.
Knock off the bullsh!t. The most someone arguing with you is, is mistaken - they're not lying - and even that is largely a matter of opinion. You've done a miserable job of explaining the rational benefits of a geoist economy, and turned off most anyone who would otherwise listen to you.
Really? That's your big rejoinder in a thread that's supposed to compete with mine?: http://www.politicalforum.com/political-opinions-beliefs/203572-being-poor-not-virtue.html I spelled out an argument, a viewpoint with supporting evidence, fully fleshed out and articulated. Moreover it gave lots of point by point material for discussion which is probably why my thread has 3 times the number yours does...and yours is an obvious rip off of mine. Can you actually articulate your own arguments or do you have to plagiarize off of everyone else?
No. Of course not. Being honest is not a prerequisite to being rich. There are all different kinds of people. There are rich people who make their money from wise investments and there also people who make their money short-selling stocks. The formers of the world are praised and the latters of the world are derided for being vultures and parasites. Which they are. But capitalism allows that, so there's nothing you can do. Wealth may determine some features of one's character but rarely the whole thing.
And routinely assuming such things as this on a mass scale might be an indicator of an individual person's penchant for racing to judgment and jumping to conclusions without actually looking at a situation objectively.
Did I say "mass scale"? This kind of "exaggeration" attack on my point seems to be a way of life for the Right, and apparently the only argument they have! My point remains that being wealthy no more indicates any kind of virtue, intelligence, decency, abilities, or morality.
The book is worth what someone will pay for it. No one is forced to buy the book. If you feel guilty, stop selling the books.
yes it does. Wealth takes a considerable amount of responsbility to manage and grow. It doesn't grow on trees, even for the rich.
Advances in technology also have put many rich into the "not so rich anymore " category. Look at the losses video chains like Blockbuster,Showtime Video suffered at the hands of Red Box and Net Flix.The losses the music/Compact Disc stores suffered at the hands of the MP3,since its much more convenient to carry 1000 songs in a small mp3 than a huge box of CDs.Once king of the net Aol became obsolete with broadband internet,eliminating the dial-up.Atari got dethroned by Nintendo with a much better gaming system.And when I think of how fast our technology is advancing,I cant help but wonder what Microsofts future is.Im not saying Bill Gates is going to be in the poor house soon,but with the latest cell phone technology and more and more wireless tablets popping up(some can even connect to a wireless printer) how much longer will the PC last?Innovation also creates wealth.
Many people ague that dolphins are more intelligent than humans. They stayed in the water and seem to have avoided wars, famine, disease, economic turmoil and unhappiness that humans experience.
Sometimes people are wealthy because of responsibility and care. Sometimes people marry it. Sometimes people inherit it. Sometimes people steal it. If we believe the Right Wing, sometimes people sue for it. Sometimes they win the Lottery. Sometimes people are just lucky despite every other failing they have. Someone being wealthy is no more a necessary recommendation of their "qualities" than being right-handed.
Paris Hilton is one of the stupid most ignorant, most useless wastes of space on this earth......I don't think you are right.
Paris Hilton is an example of how ignorant people waste resources. It comes with the freedom territory.
Paris Hilton may appear stupid because that is how the media portrays her and she encourages it. However, she has made more money on her own then you will probably make in a lifetime. It is pretty naive to assume that the "public" image of someone equates to their actual personality and intelligence. Unless you know her personally, you have no idea what her intellect may be.