Bush's stable of 70+ CLOSETED GAY staffers and his political manipulation of them all

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by cpicturetaker, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. cpicturetaker

    cpicturetaker New Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Bush apparently didn't care that people were gay. But that was NOT going to get into his and Rove's way of feeding the GOP base with rhetoric of hate. He allowed the use and abuse of the very 'souls' of his many staffers in the name of POLITICS. These men went along so I guess no harm, no foul, right? MANY in the GOP and WH were 'hostile' so the vast majority of the 70 (68 men, 2 were women) remained closeted throughout. Good REPS that they are, they 'fell in line' even as ROVE and Bush continued beating the anti-gay drum into the second term. Particularly when the politics of Bush's 2 failed wars went south. We know what ROVE is. We know what ROVE does. Bush was a coward!

    It was a slap in the face.” Steven Levine is remembering that day in 2006 when President George W. Bush took the stage in a small-town school gym in Indiana. It was October 28, right before the midterm elections, and Levine was a 22-year-old White House advance aide. He’d been camped out in Sellersburg all week, working to get the details just right for Bush’s campaign rally. The flags hung just so, the big presidential seal on the podium. Then Bush started talking, his standard stump speech about taxes and supporting the troops. But a new applause line took Levine by surprise. “Just this week in New Jersey,” the president said, “another activist court issued a ruling that raises doubt about the institution of marriage. We believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman, and should be defended. I will continue to appoint judges who strictly interpret the law and not legislate from the bench.”
    The crowd loved it. Levine was crushed.

    He was gay and working for a Republican and convinced it was possible to be both at the same time.
    Like dozens of other gay colleagues in the Bush White House, many of them closeted, Levine had been sure that Bush himself was personally tolerant even if the GOP was not—and uncomfortable with gay-bashing as a way to win elections. But this was a rebuff, and it was hard not to take it personally: “To be working extraordinarily hard with all of your energy, working through many nights for somebody that you believe in, and to hear that person that you work so hard for come out against something that you are.”

    Levine knew, of course, that Bush had officially backed the Federal Marriage Amendment, a proposed amendment to the Constitution to define marriage as solely between a man and a woman. But this was also the president who had made combating AIDS in Africa a personal cause (later, at Levine’s urging, he would even decorate the White House North Portico with a giant red ribbon to mark World AIDS Day), who had met with previously ostracized gay Republican leaders and whose hard-line conservative vice president had an openly gay daughter. And besides, opposing gay marriage just “wasn’t a centerpiece of the campaign to date,” Levine recalled when we talked recently. “So it wasn’t something that I was expecting to have been sort of his rallying cry at that event.”

    Afterward, Levine made what small protest he could, telling his bosses he refused to work advance for future campaign events. Back in Washington, Levine says, “I told the folks in the [White House] advance office that I couldn’t do that anymore. … I told them why. These are my friends.” “That was sort of my quiet way of objecting,” Levine recalls.
    Levine stayed with Bush right upuntil the president hopped into the armored presidential limo for the ride to Barack Obama’s inauguration 27 months later. As the taillights disappeared down Pennsylvania Avenue, Levine left town. A few months later, one of his gay friends who had also worked in the White House sat down in front of Facebook and counted the Bush White House staffers he knew to be gay. He came up with at least 70 (only two of them women).

    That number—and after speaking with two dozen sources I have no doubt it was an incomplete tally—has surprised almost everyone I’ve told. Alberto Gonzales, the former Bush White House counsel and attorney general, for example, says he never knew dozens of gays had served on the White House staff. “I don’t think I could identify more than one or two,” he told me. “It was just something that we didn’t talk about.”

    Scott Evertz was Bush’s openly gay AIDS czar. He told me he was entirely unaware he had company. “I, of course—just by the law of statistics—knew that there were other gay people in the White House,” he says. “But not a single one of them was out to me, so I felt completely alone.”

    The broader political environment was, to say the least, hostile. When Evertz’s appointment was announced in 2001, the religious right was furious. On the fringe, Evertz recalls the late Fred Phelps—later known for offending ev

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...orge-w-bushs-closet-108016.html#ixzz36jfks2Hz
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Ah, the Bush bashing.

    George W. Bush's Forgotten Gay-Rights History

  3. Liberalis

    Liberalis Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
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    I'm the last person who would defend Bush, but I am not sure what you are getting at here. Like pretty much all previous administrations (and the entirety of US private and public business culture) being gay was something that was not openly discussed do to heavy homophobia. Even if you are claiming Bush was exceptionally bad, who cares? I am not sure what the point of this is, sorry.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I have to admit I don't see the point either. That there were a bunch of closeted gay Republicans who were part of the administration is not a huge shock, and there is nothing much to comment on.
  5. USSR

    USSR New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I get it ,see the LGBT wants to be part and parcel of the destruction of Democracy ,and will ally with even the Republicans ,in order to do it ,But I see your point ,NEWSFLASH ,Log Cabin Republicans to that ,yes the gay faction exists in the REP;s ,Yes Gay and Lesbians can be as ultra right-wing as any other section of the Middle class.

    Oh and if you want the proof of the Infiltration of official US political Parties by the Gay and lesbian Lobby ,I recommend the Film "Outrage"

  6. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Silly, self obssessed homosexuals. Marriages limitation to men and women has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

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