Can God, will God, prevent a nuclear war?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by yangforward, Aug 12, 2024.


Can God, will God, prevent a nuclear war?

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  1. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    One point you did not get is "die puking one's blood and guts". That was from the radioactive materials that will be released. And I can see that you, like so many people, grapple with the concept of the passage of time. Detonating a quarter of nukes over the span of 80 years is really, MASSIVELY different than detonating all of them in the span of two hours.

    Also, the nukes modern countries have or quite different in type and power than even what was relatively common for active tests of the past. There are even classes and theorized types that put even the Tsar Bomba to shame, and given that the United States classifies everything down to coffee meet ups (not exaggerating) we cannot be sure the U.S. has not made some. Then there is the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator design program which were are told ended in 2005 but once again, anything the U.S. gov/military does is classified and only a complete fool takes their word for anything. Then we have the salted cobalt bomb which is specificially designed to spread deadly radioactive material all over the Earth. This is an actual intended doomsday weapon, and once again, has the U.S. made any? Doesn't even really matter if it comes to an all out nuclear war with what the major countries have. It will be 100 percent game over because no matter where you are (short of the handful of government bunkers) the radioactive dust will get you in days or weeks and you will die puking out blood and guts.

    Now if you think I have been picking on the U.S., well, its secrecy in relatively peaceful times is so outrageously inexcuseable its straight up evil. But I am well aware of my own government's evil and less aware of that of, say, China, which has a far smaller war budget anyway. But another point is that when the U.S.S.R. fell we got access to all their evil secrets and that was over 30 years ago so, not harping on them because I am sane.

    So, you may be wondering why you can find so many movies and even "experts" acting like there is going to be long term human survival after a massive nuclear exchange. Well, that's because people get paid for telling stories....stories make money. Trying to explain to people to there is not going to be any continuation of human life on this planet after a nuclear exchange is not telling a story. Its just repeating the word extinction, extinction, extinction over and over again and people don't like that....they want their smooth brain story. Only the story of how our souls are going to be interacting with God or Satan after the button is pushed has any credence at all, and even then, not much since we can't prove there is an after-life.

    It will be the end...full stop....and all dreams of continuation are actually dangerous because it indicates to people that pushing the nuke button isn't actually "that bad". Yes it is THAT BAD.
    yangforward likes this.
  2. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    It seems to me that God changes. The best example was between the Old and New Testaments (I like to call it Old and New Covenants, tho that means something else to some Christians). Through the Old Testament, God was Lawgiver. Since the New Testament, God is Forgiver. Now whether God literally 'changed' probably depends on perspective. My perspective is that God imbued Himself into His human son Jesus, experienced life from a mortal perspective, something it would be impossible for even Him to do otherwise, and as a result changed His relationship with us.

    That's what I believe, at least.
  3. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    That's the best you're gonna get. Anyone who tells you anything definitive about God is more than likely trying to manipulate you. Regarding what's in the Bible, only God can tell you for sure.

    All I can tell you is what seems right to me.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  4. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    Putin was not "gullible". He was backed into a corner. No Russian of any credibilty, and I am sure no one in the Kremlin at all, actually doubted the utter necessity of invading Ukraine for the sake of Russia's national security. The U.S., through its NATO puppets and manipulation of Ukraine, made that so. Even Russians that escaped the war itself can probably admit these facts even if they themselves never wanted to risk their own life in Russia's defense.

    In other words, toppling Putin was never going to accomplish anything at all, because any successor will do exactly what he is doing. I am American, and in his place so would I.

    I am not sure why any of this is hard to understand. The U.S. is currently bombing what, 7 different countries with no declaration of war? It recently invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and spent near 20 years running around like a brainless lunatic in those places. Plus the awful murderous histories of coups, meddling and invading in South America, Central America, Vietnam, even Africa, and toppling Iran's democracy in the 1950s. Not even sure what its doing in Syria. Allied with the clearly evil nations of Saudi Arabia and Israel. How is it even a question that any country with any military means would use it to keep America as far from its border as it possibly can? Better to have a serial killer as your next door neighbor!

    Ukraine is toast. Propping it up this long has done nothing but drain the collective West of money, morale, and prestige, though it has greatly enriched western war corporations. Russia as a whole has woken up, much like the U.S. after Pearl Harbor, and Russia is now on a solid war footing. But don't get confused. The Russians are patient. They are in no rush to display the fact. Moving on, it seems to me all Russia really wanted was some buffer, and not all of Ukraine. But Ukraine is now so utterly flummoxed, having to press old men into front line duty, that Russia could well take it all, slowly, and patiently.

    Seriously, after two years of this nonsense, one would think all this would be obvious to anyone by now.

    As for the "reason" for the U.S. government starting this war, I think it more likely there is more than one. But the criminal puppeteers who actually run Washington through their lobbyist strings, esp. AIPAC are never going to be straight with us about what those reasons actually are. But take over Russia and surround China? That would only make sense if one's understanding of strategy is limited to the board game Risk. You don't just take over a country of 11 times zones to surround a country stretched over 5.

    But the real point is that those psychopaths and sociopaths running Washington....those criminally insane gambers whose lives revolve around amassing more gold than Smaug, are risking nuclear armagedon so they can scoop up every last crumb. How anyone takes them at their word for anything is simply a testament to human ignorance and delusion.
    yangforward likes this.
  5. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I think you're underestimating both the size of the planet and the human ability to adapt. Even if the fallout that reaches South America and Africa kills everyone there (it would take some really strange weather to do that), its not going to reach everywhere on the planet, not fast enough to kill everyone. The chemicals you're referring to will be concentrated near the blast sites and dissipate relatively quickly. The real danger will be the 'hot particles' (radioactive dust) that lingers in the atmosphere. Breathing that in will cause extremely aggressive cancer or near immediate organ failure as the radiation kills internal tissues. But particulate masks will stop hot particles. Food and water will be a problem, but they make relatively inexpensive radiation detectors for food now, and I suggest that anyone and everyone unwilling to lie down and die in the case of nuclear war keep one stashed away somewhere, along with a 3M construction dust mask and extra filters. Showering/bathing regularly in the weeks following the nuclear detonations will also be necessary, as well as preventing dust from getting inside living areas. But after a few rains, the 'hot particle' problem will be much less of a problem.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
    yangforward likes this.
  6. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    Clearly nothing short of actually experiencing a full nuclear exchange is going to keep you from the comforting delusion that survival will somehow be possible thanks to a trip to the hardware store for a dust mask. I shall waste no more time in trying.
  7. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    You convinced me, US government convinced non-gullible Putin to invade Ukraine and very soon we will take over Russia and surround China.

    True - no Russian of any credibility actually doubted the utter necessity of invading Ukraine for the sake of Russia's national security
    or necessity of invading Afghanistan for the sake of Russia's national security necessity
    or necessity of invading Georgia for the sake of Russia's national security
    or necessity of invading Czechoslovakia in 1968 for the sake of Russia's national security or necessity
    or necessity of invading Hungary in 1956 for the sake of Russia's national security
    or necessity of invading Finland in 1939 for the sake of Russia's national security
    or necessity of invading Poland in 1939 for the sake of Russia's national security.

    No Russian of any credibility actually doubted that these invasions are American fault.

    And what you wrote about the US is true – I would add that the US also lynching Negroes:
  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    A God did not prevent little boys and girls from being sexually molested in a church, what makes one think a God would prevent anything
    Professor Snape likes this.
  9. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
  10. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    Male seem a bit desperate to miss the point. I am not trying to claim that Russia, or even the Soviet Union are or were trustworthy or decent. I don't expect anyone to be happy that they might be on their border. But I also don't expect anyone to be happy that the U.S. is on their border, and I explained why. The trouble is that its the U.S. that traveled over ocean and continent to get itself up on Russia's western border, against agreements that that would not happen. Not Russia. America.

    Tell me...what is it that makes you so desperate to deny the simple criminal and dangerous reality of this situation? Is it some misguided sense of responsibility for the rogue actions of the people in Washington D.C.? Is it something you have confused for patriotism? Trust me, the people in D.C. do not care one jot what we think or want. They will never ever call us and ask our advice or opinion. We never get to vote for slime like Victoria Nuland who bizarrely are there making decisions and giving orders despite every change of official administration supposedly by fair election. You need not feel any sense of responsibility for what they do. I don't. They do it all without you or I or our input. When I say America, I do not mean you and I don't mean me. I mean THEM. Think about that. Do you really think what THEY are doing could possibly be in anyone's best interest but their own? If not, why not stop trying to defend them? Why not call them out?

    Look, I really don't think Russia invaded Ukraine as a beginning to an attempt to rekindle the U.S.S.R. They did not even seem properly prepared for the ordeal, even though I am sure they were preparing years for it. It looked to me like a pure desperate act where they decided that despite poor preparation, they had no more time to dawdle. For 8 years there was armed fighting on a sensitive part of their border. 8 long years before they finally got directly invovled to secure the area.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
  11. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    No one needs to tell me anything about some god.
    Everyone has their special version of some god.

    No one is going to manipulate me.
    god can't tell anything about the bible. Because everyone's god has a different take on the bible.
    god is only living to each person that believes in said god.
  12. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Wow! You must be very talented psychologists or psychiatrist - not everyone can make diagnose based on single post - not even my wife!
    Yes, I was really desperate to miss an important point - I should know that no Russian of any credibility would call Russian invasion of Ukraine - an invasion - it is obvious this is not invasion but Special Military Operation. Anyone who calls this invasion of Ukraine - a war - for sure he/she deserves up to 15 years in jail and a fine up to hundreds thousands or rubles,

    Are you telling me that what THEY are doing could possibly be in anyone's best interest but their own? I cannot believe it, I thought that THEY are the same as Putin who is doing everything possible in the interest of Russian people! But you sound like a person who knows, not like a Russian troll, so now believe you. What should I do, for who should I vote? Maybe I should migrate to Russia? Already I can speak and read Russian!

    BTW - if you want to have serious discussion about Russia invasion of Ukraine, bring serious arguments, for example: Russia had the same right to invade Ukraine as the US had right to invade Grenada or Cuba (Bay of Pigs invasion) and you support all these invasions.
  13. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    I can't think of any country that would want the civilians of another country to die of burns or radiation.

    except maybe the US bombing villages with napalm in Vietnam
  14. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Of those detonations do you know how many were underground?
    Professor Snape likes this.
  15. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    Diagnose you? From what aether did you pull that from? I asked you questions, which you made no attempt to answer in your post, and, apparently, made no attempt to answer in your own mind either. Those do suggest desperation to deny things though, even stronger than before. Why though? Nothing we say or believe is going to change anything concerning these matters. I suppose there is a risk of losing friends or degrading our relationships with them if we part from the "tribal narrative". Is that it? IDK. I am asking you.

    You are speaking of the two things as if they are polar opposites. I certainly don't see it that way. Besides which, "special military operation" is a totally invented and contrived term. But I see no logical reason why a "special miitary operation" could not also be an invasion. And I see no reason why an invasion can not be totally justified, such as the Invasion of Normandy.

    All that said, I dispute that Donbas was truly a part of Ukraine at all. It might be more accurate to say that Russia invaded Donbas rather than Ukraine. I suppose I have not said that because I was concerned people would whine "semantics". Nonetheless, accurate descriptions and terminology are important to understanding events.

    That is not my opinion. It is a war. Before it was (just) a war, it was a civil war. Then there was an invasion of Donbas, combined with auxillary attacks in Ukraine to facilitate the invasion. The term "special military operation" I see mostly as a distraction, and not even a helpful one for the Russian cause. American machinations in Ukraine made the Russian response justified. International law may not bear that ought, but logic and sense do. The law is not always correct, just like you must sometimes break the speed limit to avoid death. This is why we have courts.

    Putin did not get so rich being an altruist and nice guy. Neither did any Russian oligarch. In this case, interests have aligned to the point I have to agree with Putin and the oligarchs. It happens. It happens even if even I hate those people with every fiber of my being....and I have hated Putin since his genocidal bombing of Chechnya. But that does not mean he is wrong about everything.

    I think it would be insane to think American national security was seriously under threat from Grenada or Cuba (at that time), or that meddling in their affairs in a pro-American way was remotely justified. 8 years of civil war in Donbas and the high population of ethnic Russians in the area lend plenty of credence to the idea that the population wanted direct Russian intervention. Plus, the whole thing began with U.S. meddling. Promising Ukraine NATO membership not only broke earlier promises, its just a plain obvious act of trying to start a war....unless its just actual, total, and abysmal stupidity.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
  16. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Looking at your last paragraph, Americans should have an easy time understanding why the Russian Federation felt threatened
    by the US moving NATO into Ukraine, and refusing to limit the weapons that could be moved into Ukraine

    because the US went ape when the USSR moved a nuclear armed missile and 33 dummies, into Cuba.
    Eastern Ukraine is three times closer to Moscow than Cuba to Washington DC.

    The USSR felt justified in moving a nuclear armed missile and dummies into Cuba because the US had
    previously placed nuclear armed Jupiter missiles in Turkey as a threat to the USSR.

    The problem was solved by removing both the missiles in Turkey and the missile and dummies in Cuba.

    But now the US feels so superior that we don't care what the gas station with nukes thinks, we
    won the cold war and now do whatever we like.
    Professor Snape likes this.
  17. Professor Snape

    Professor Snape Banned

    Oct 22, 2024
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    Yep. And JFK blatantly lied about all this to the American people. And most STILL don't know what actually happened and think " My 'murica got tough on the commies and so they backed down!" (grunt)

    I call it the Turkish/Cuban missile crisis to reflect the reality of the situation rather than the popular American lie that it was just about Cuba and the threat to America only. The Washington cabal directly threatened the U.S.S.R. first. The Soviets were merely responding to the threat belligerent U.S. leadership posed.

    If you can just get a person to wrap their head around that situation correctly, then it should be easy for them understand that Russia today easily has more cause for concern with Donbas and Ukraine.

    The trouble is that Americans and others constantly think the U.S. leadership cares or represents them when those people have nothing but utter disdain for us and human life in general.
    yangforward likes this.
  18. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Yes, that thread of 'we got tough and the Soviets / Russian Federation, (yes they are very different) backed down', so that's
    the way we run the world.

    And the Neocons are fond of claiming that it was not the humiliation at the Treaty of Versailles that caused a reaction from
    Germany, but that it was Neville Chamberlain and his 'peace in our time' that caused it. Maybe both but most of the anger
    harnessed by Adolf Hitler came from the humiliation, not from nice Neville.

    The Neocons have a whole philosophy that justifies aggression and violence.

    But they need only pay attention to the BRICS Plus conference going on right now to see that they are losing.

    No, China and Russia did not destroy the dollar, but, why not look at how many friends they have now,
    a whole bunch more than we have. 86 are interested in joining BRICS. That's even more than want to
    leave NATO.

    And we have mistreated the group we have, about 30, and are likely to start
    losing even those if Biden's protege Kamala gets in.
    Professor Snape likes this.
  19. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    I sum up the Neocons as having one motto: 'war is the answer'.

    It doesn't matter what the question is.
    To the weapons industry, war is always the answer.

    Or as one person put it, "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
    Professor Snape likes this.
  20. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I think it is insane to think that Russia had a reason to be afraid that Ukraine will bring NATO to Russian borders, but the US had no reason to be afraid that Cuba or Grenada will bring Russia to the US borders.
    So why a sane person will say such insane things? IMHO it is very clever Russian propaganda to say Russia invasion of Ukraine is justified, but US attack on Cuba or Grenada was American act of aggression.
    Does it mean whoever is saying it is a Russian troll? No, some people really believe it and in Russia they even have a special name for such people.

    So lets think a little, maybe be there is another reason Russia invaded Ukraine.

    Everyone who know a little of history knows that there is huge difference between Russia and the US. What are some contribution the US gave to the world? Democratic ideals like Constitution and Bill of Rights. The U.S. Constitution was one of the first modern constitutions to codify democratic principles, separation of powers, and individual rights.

    And the US twice helped to bring peace to Europe – during WWI and WWII.

    And what are Russian contribution to the world?
    Of course, first communist system and the best propaganda! While communists where starving to death millions of people, many US and Europeans intellectuals like George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells totally supported Soviet Union version of ‘no one is hungry Soviet Union”!

    During WWII Russia together with Hitler attacked Poland. Russia supported Hitler with his war with France and England by supplying strategically important materials:

    Russia war with Hitler started only because Dear Adolf attacked Mother Russia.

    And what do we hear lately about Russia? We hear how Putin opponents are mysteriously poisoned of fell out of the windows:–2024

    So maybe, maybe Putin was not afraid of NATO, as maybe he was afraid that Ukraine will became economically successful, democratic UE member and this will be bad example for Russian people?
  21. LMC

    LMC Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Where do you get this? Didn't Russia attack Ukraine and take Crimea, and then attack again, leading to the current war? Are you saying Ukraine was the initial aggressor??? If so, please explain your rationale. Thank you.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
  22. LMC

    LMC Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Depends on how widespread a nuclear war becomes. It only takes 20 minutes for a nuclear-armed ICBM to traverse half the globe. Both Russia and the US have enough ICBM nukes to take out all major cities in each other's nations several time over, and the use of one or two from either side may escalate into an all-out assault on both. The blasts would be devasting, leaving 5-mile-wide craters, and the fallout from such a war may be survivable for a few humans for a while, but really only cockroaches would be the valid, "We," in a most likely scenario.
  23. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    No. The initial aggressor was G W Bush who stated in the NATO meeting in Feb 2008
    that Georgia and Ukraine would be 'invited' into NATO despite previous promises not
    to move NATO 'one inch eastward', and events have unfolded since then leading

    to moving Ukraine defacto into NATO against public opinion, but you are welcome
    to your own opinions, and pretty much all info about the war in Ukraine prior to
    Feb 24 2022 has been removed from search engines so you most likely won't be
    able to find anything that will challenge your beliefs.
  24. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    An Israel / Middle East nuclear war would be different owing to use cleaner nukes and more air bursts to greatly reduce fall out.
  25. LMC

    LMC Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Indeed. Limited nuclear war is far different from all-out nuclear war. But the door, first opened in Hiroshima and Nagasake, would be reopened ~ mistakenly making the latter scenario seem more tolerable.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024

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