Some believe 'god' is where LOVE comes from. But do you know LOVE? Could you LOVE without having a choice?
By all means, let'em. As a first hand experience? Yes, of course. Yes. Choice is only a random factor in the expression of basic instincts. As in this sort of thing: "If I chose not to go out last friday night, I wouldn't have met this person that I now love", or, "if I chose not to have kids, I wouldn't experience the love I experience now".
i do let em. what i dont let them do is lie about some dude on a thrown and without choice, who could know love? what is random about it? ie.... a rational was used; nothing random about it. kind of like; if my 'if my aunt had yahoos, she'd be my uncle' nothing random about it, just the pretense of hindsight for example; you posted and left an opinion per your rational nothing random there either.
Love is a chemical reaction in the brain. What you do with it after knowing that fact is entirely up to you.
Question:Can love exist without choice? Answer:Absolutely. Love has little or nothing to do with choice. If we could all choose who and what we loved, we would all be a lot happier. Divorce would be virtually non-existant. In fact, arranged marriages would be perfectly acceptable; just "choose" to love the person. Of course things don't work that way. If there is a God, and if this God has anything to do with love, it would seem that He/She/It controls our choices in the matter. If there is no God, and all is just biological responses, then it would seem that our "love" response is as much out of our control as our "hunger" or "pain" responses are.
Love sometimes exists without choice. Some homosexuals love but hate themselves for it, for instance. Similar things can happen without homosexuality.
I would like to know how that works sex as in sexual acts are about choice........... otherwise a case could be made that pedophiles aint making a 'choice'
Well, love isn't the same as sexual acts. People can be in love and not have sex, people can have sex and not be in love. Romeo and Juliet could chose not to have sex, but they couldn't chose not to be in love. Or is the capitalization of the word "LOVE" your way of writing a double entendre?