Although I left Canada's Liberal Party after he was given a majority government I have to give P. M. Justin Trudeau a lot of credit for this particular move. If we have learned our lesson we will be extremely helpful to the hundreds and soon thousands of American Jews who are predicted to leave the USA, move north, and then later on make Aliyah to Israel. One of the reasons will be to get out of large cities into a more calm and peaceful environment. Isaiah 5:8 "Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!" Canada to apologize for turning away Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
William Deagle M. D. was one of the first to predict an Exodus of Jews from the USA... up to Canada.... and then on to Israel. If I remember correctly his book was written in 1998. President Obama delayed and delayed, Iridium System Mark of the Beast
The Nova Scotia town of Canso is in an interesting position to assist with this due to the important role they played in The Antigonish Movement. It is far better to risk the value of a local currency.. .by linking it to a plan to attempt to save the world... than to use a national currency note for something that potentially risky. CanSo Dollars... could finance a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems?!
I sent off a message to my M. P. Mr. Sean Fraser on Friday: ... (I included a link to this discussion). ..... and he replied on Monday: I now wish to put a friendly challenge in front of all members of Canada's Liberal Party.... .from a former Liberal who left the party and joined the Conservatives after P. M. Justin Trudeau was given a majority government. Can we Conservatives compete with Liberals when it comes to reality or semi-reality science fiction film production?????? At the least we can try........... and now we have some exceptionally well connected allies in the USA: Mr. Peter Boykin is in a position to play a HUGE role in 2018....
It would be rather the opposite, Canada is welcoming more and more muslims, and where there is muslims, jews are attacked. Jewish canadian would have to leave one day this country for the USA.
You are correct....... many of the moves that Canada has done since Mr. Justin Trudeau has became P. M. do tend to set the stage for anti-Semitism in the future. One of the most serious was giving over ten million dollars to Mr. Omar Khadr. Michelle Rempel: Why would Trudeau pay Khadr $10-million before having a court weigh in?
We Canadians and American are full of INSECURITY.... and feelings of INFERIORITY.... when it comes to our dealings with our brother Judah! This began a long time ago but my History professor from St. Francis Xavier did an awesome job of explaining why we would get into that attitude...... When I was Dr. Wittgens class I took copious notes because I wanted to remember as much as possible of what he was saying....... He left East Germany in 1945 or '46 before the Russians completely took over...... He covered the history of anti-Semitism in Germany with a brilliance that amazed me..... basically .... every time German allowed Jews to be in the German army..... they showed such courage and intelligence that the majority of the officers in the German army.... were soon Jewish! When they were allowed to practice medicine...... they became the best and most well known physicians. When they were allowed to take high positions in educations........ they excelled in every field..... and thus....... we Canadians and Americans tend to feel inferior when put beside our Jewish relatives! I think that Korean, Japanese and Chinese kids living in Canada and America may soon suffer a similar type of bias....... as to what the Jewish people have experienced over these past eighteen centuries! I taught English to two Korean kids while I was in Quito, Ecuador.... .and wow... but those kids were bright!
Theoretically Unlimited Financing.... in the hands of Latter Day Saints..... and in the hands of other highly spiritual people that Mormons are working with........ can alter the formula so dramatically.......... that "Conservatives" can have their reputation for being cheap....... and overly frugal changed.......... and Conservatism in the not too distant future can be associated with a new branch of Hollywood and Hollywood North..... due to the possibility of Conservatives linking in with the idea that G-d..... places essentially INFINITE VALUE ON EACH HUMAN LIFE..... because G-d has invested infinite time in the past in each life........ Proposal for the creation of a Conservative Party Volunteerism Hour or Dollar. Now to get the State of Utah onto a new variation of Theistic Evolutionary Theory that the foundation has been laid for by Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman: Where did Intelligence begin, in matter or fundamental energy? Could God the Father be the most emotional being in the universe/ multiverse? If G-d.... has been learning and working and creating..... and tweaking the creation from infinite time in the past....... including creating an essentially infinite number of Big Bang type events in the past........ THEN.... having put so much effort into the creation........ and into each of us...... our over soul anyway........ then G-d must be deeply emotionally connection to this creation...... and to all eight billion humans on earth at this time.........?! If you will read chapter 13 of "Stephen Hawking's Universe" which is entitled The Anthropic Principle....... you will certainly be reminded of what Mellen Benedict reports. I have wondered if Stephen Hawking Ph. D. might have been a Closet Theist............ claiming to be an Atheist in order to keep his position at Oxford... but like Oskar Schindler.... who lied to save lives........ Dr. Hawking may have written chapter 13 of his book in order to set up his fellow Theists................. for the time when they would rise up and be able to comprehend what he did for us?!
Here is some more information on this topic: Canada turned away Jewish refugees Tale of St. Louis and its 907 German Jews on display in Stellarton
Brian Mulroney did a good job of addressing this back in 2010: Brian Mulroney: Canada and the Jews
Not if we can get this lecture all over the internet here in Canada....... so that the atmosphere in Ottawa significantly changes.
But..... if Muslims are sufficiently well informed to be able to do a convincing job of playing the role of Jewish refugees....... supposedly coming to Central - Nova, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1939.... then those Muslims could well fit right in there beautifully with the culture and atmosphere of Nova Scotia, Canada? Andrew Scheer, I am willing to take on either M. P. Sean Fraser or M.P. Bill Casey.
This is interesting......... North American Curses Linked to Jewish People | David Demian with Sid Roth I wonder if our repentance for our anti-Semitism of the past could affect our future????? Should Canadian political leaders support the rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?
Now in 2021 with Democrat ran cities in the USA becoming more and more violent..... this topic is again quite relevant! Now the following article was not at all what I was looking for..... maybe this is even better?! Surprise exodus of Jewish Americans moving to once-hostile UAE