Invite? We? She is not asking for a government invitation, nor asking to speak before Parliament. She is asking for permission to enter the country because loads of Australian citizens want to hear her speak, and I assume many already bought tickets. Who do you really think you are to advocate that Australian citizens NOT be allowed to hear speak someone they want to hear speak? Seriously, we are talking about speech here. If there was ever a violent riot specifically because of her mouth, you let me know. National interests? Man, you sure are grandiose about a woman who does nothing but flap her gums! Her wagging tongue won't lose you any nuclear subs. Calm down. Besides, the woman's content devolves into deeper and deeper lunacy each time I hear her speak. You want her to expose herself for what she is today, not set Aussies to run to the internet and hear her from 3, 2, or even one year ago. Its amazing how you can have all this so upside down, inside out, and backwards. I know you don't like her but you are only hurting yourself and helping her.
When those opinions are of far right fascism you bet! Oh! And we don’t admit criminals either which is going to crimp Donnie’s travel plans……
Says who? WE don’t have that expectation of you and you may not be aware the US does have criteria for entry,history during the application process.
Yep! And since we are here and own this island (subject to native title) we get to decide if someone has the requisite qualifications to enter. Being a holocaust denying twit is one of the disqualifiers It was both sides of the political aisle calling to block her visa
Well thank God your government has created a safe space to keep you safe from those unapproved and opposing opinions. We would sure hate for you Australians to feel threatened by hearing a counter opposing point of view. But wait, isn't silencing people with different political opinions kind of like something of fascist would do?
I suspect the largest single thorn in this matter is Candace's speaking too much truth regarding the countless crimes of the Zionist State, and the history of certain Jewish pedophiles a century ago.
We banned 50 cent too, and that dope tennis player. Suck it Look, it's just the way it is. Generally our gov gets that one right.
Well damn. I thought I made myself pretty clear the other guy does not represent Australia. I guess I was silly to think others would realize they are in the same boat. Stop saying "we". Loads of Aussies wanted to hear her speak. Your disregard for the privileges of your countrymen are rather incredible. I hope you get to face the same frankly. It might be a proper learning experience for you. I have no idea if she denied the Holocaust or not. Usually when I hear that claim its just that someone disputed some point about it, not the whole thing. But even if she did, so what? If you are that scared to have a debate, it just screams that you are either hiding something or have no case! You seem clueless how much damage you do to the history of the Holocaust by refusing to let an idiot speak! The thing to do here is have her debate, and then own her dumb ass. You see how Kamala Harris is nose-diving? All it took was for her to open her dumb mouth and post it on the internet. I have not delved too deep into Aussie politics, but even if those are not two wings of the same bird, they voted without consulting the citizens who wanted to hear her. That's not democracy. That's tyranny.
Candace throws the persecution card. Well, the good news is it's only Jews & Atheists she'll "never bend the knee" to and Muslims are in the clear. Candace Owens @RealCandaceO Today is the feast of Christ the King. It is reminder, as my priest said in mass, that Christ reigns supreme—over politics and media. I will never bend the knee to those whom reject Christ. I welcome any and all persecution that may come my way because of this. #ChristIsKing 11:40 AM · Oct 27, 2024 ·
No. Australia secrets illegals off to island camps sometimes indefinitely. Camps that have a history of denying health care etc. Australia handles immigration much differently than we do.
calling the words that come out of owen's mouth "speech" is a stretch to say the least. she repeats lie after lie after lie ...what comes out of her mouth is garbage seems to me is Australia does not want the USA to dump garbage on their yard .. their was a time the USA also had respect for honesty and disdain for liars.. now it seems the liars are the people getting adoration and honest people are belittled
Or they don't wanna hear her convoluted Holocaust-denying bullshit grifts. I certainly don't, no one should.
If she sneaks in and somehow gets asylum then they can keep her, she brings absolutely 0 benefit to anyone and she will not be missed.
Of course, Australia has the right to deny entry visa to whoever the want. However, I think this is a stupid thing to do. I don't like countries denying entry (for tourims, mind you) based on political leanings. LOL! In the US, as soon as males get a job, they tend to become sedentary and 42% are obese (vs. 32% of Australian adult males). I don't see what would be so attractive about American males for Australian women to "long" for them.
I'm absolutely okay with being intolerant of her dumbass unwanted, unverified bullshit opinions, downplaying the Holocaust being a major one, but so is talking down about Jews, Muslims, trans, and black people as well. Not everyone needs to be heard or is useful or has anything valid to say, people like her need to be shunned and belittled for their bullshit.
So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? I doubt that.
Every country has a right to refuse entry to non citizens. I expect the RW would take exactly the same position if an extreme LW rabble rouser, an Islamic extremist etc. wanted to enter America to speak. They would say we have a right to refuse entry to anyone.
I’m just wondering why democrats are suddenly okay with a country controlling who comes in and why it was such a problem when it was done to Ilhan Omar. I would hope the US wouldn’t that recent that person from coming.
I have yet to meet a democrat who doesn't. I've met a few rightwing libertarians and far leftists who don't. But that's about it. But nice dodge. I had a feeling you wouldn't answer.
I did answer. Democrats don’t seem to care who they’re letting cross our southern border. Why would they care who comes by plane?
You did not. Try reading the question again. You failed to answer it. I asked YOU about YOUR opinion on this, and you could not answer. I predict that pattern will continue. Try to actually answer this time. I can repeat the question a dozen times so you have no excuse for claiming you didn't understand it: So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories? So you would have a big problem with our government denying a visa for someone who had talked about how much they hate America and was spreading a bunch of crazy liberal conspiracy theories?