Cannabis 101: United States government patent on cannabis: And finally, just how the scumbags are planning to exploit their patent without legalizing Cannabis.
Now dey got marijuana libraries in Mexico... Mexico's 'Cannabis Libraries' reflect rising drug problem, and changing attitudes October 4, 2011 - Mexico's Cannabis Libraries, public collections of reliable information about illegal drugs, help to educate citizens in a country that is seeing consumption on the rise.
There is no conscionable reason why cannabis should be illegal. If it was that bad, Mother Nature wouldn't have created it.
Cocaine is natural too: it is a molecule found in the coca plant. In South America, people chew on the leaves of the coca plant as a mild stimulant.
Just because it is produced naturally is a bad reason to argue for legalization. Some drugs are really bad because they cause loss of control and are highly addictive. Not to mention that over consumption can kill you easily. While I think mj can be slightly addictive (in the same way that nicotine and caffeine are) it isn't anything that can't be handled. And have you ever heard of anyone dying because they were stoned? No, me either! Mj also has a mellowing effect, people are less likely to be violent or aggressive while high than they are usually. Why should what I do at home that effects NO ONE be of any concern to you? I do, however, believe we should have harsh penalties on people driving while under the influence. There is just a matter of time before it is decrimilized in most of the US. People are starting to see what a non issue it is. We waste to much money to police and jail people over a weed...
White people don't seem to realize that the reason drugs are illegal is not because they are bad for you, but because politicians are doing the bidding of the pharmaceutical and medical industry who want a monopoly over all drugs. For example, so many drugs are used as prescriptions. But imagine if all drugs were sold like vitamins over the counter? The price of drugs would plummet, plus you would not have to pay a physician to write a prescription for it. The American Medical Association, a political lobbying group representing the economic interests of both physicians and the medical/pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry, lobby to keep drugs illegal to ensure that the prices can be astronomically high, as well as to ensure that physicians keep on making tons of money by having to write prescriptions. And now Americans can no longer afford healthcare because of these artificially high prices. When it comes to Ron Paul, the only thing I agree with him on is the drug war and the bad government regulation of the health/medical/food industry. Come on, White people, grow a brain for once.
Mother nature also created cobra venom, deadly nightshade, ricin, anthrax, and botulism. Mother nature is not a kind and beneficial thing at all times.
No its not...cocaine is a synthesized chemical and does not occur naturally. Its like saying opium is heroine. Not so.