Several days ago, I heard that there was an intelligence leak that revealed the personal info of all Chinese Communist Party members, including spies who had infiltrated businesses and governments the world over. Ever since then, I have been running into more and more content on the internet about China's possible collapse. Are we entering into a time when all of China's government's efforts to maintain a broken system and to sugar-coat their people with propaganda across all media have failed to stop the floodwater of a collapse? Here's a video about China possibly breaking up into 7 countries: Duration: 4:37. CCP is about to Collapse and China could break into 7 countries. - YouTube
It's essentially an empire and a collapse in favor of national autonomy would follow the trends since the collapse of the USSR.
China managed to resist much more the coronavirus crisis than any western country. CCP are morons, but very smart one. Europe/USA will collapse before China.
Dr. Tony Fauci for all of his many, many, many, many flaws may be involved in a plan to save WALL STREET.... as well as in a plan that will result in the Communist Party of China paying reparations to most of the world that will make the reparations payments paid by the Weimar Republic of Germany pale into insignificance...!!!!!???? Could Dr. Tony Fauci be a heroic figure???? All of this somewhat fits with..... Could this UFO have been Made in America? ? Could the January 2011 Temple Mount UFO event have used USA technology/ No 12 vote(s) 44.4% * Yes 6 vote(s) 22.2% I guess I cannot rule out that possibility???? 9 vote(s) 33.3% Change Your Vote IF STEVEN GREER M.D. IS EVEN THIRTY PERCENT CORRECT IN HIS ASSERTIONS.... all of the military might of China is like bows and arrows and spears in comparison to..............