Take this stupidity to the conspiracy forum. Your batshit crazy conspiracies have no business being in the science forum.
I posted a link to the physical hoax proof. Have you looked at it? Physical proof trumps what we read.
That's what I suggested. If someone wants to reply to what I've posted, please do so here. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/the-moon-landing-is-fake.553296/page-14
Nobody is going to bother with your crazy behaviour - all you just did was find a way to bump an old thread. You have had the absolute crap kicked out of every one of your claims and all you do is ignore and repost them. Your usual response is one within the list on this page:- Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax (debunking-a-moron.blogspot.com) I laugh at you now taking up yet another ridiculous conspiracy because one jet is making "chemtrails" and one is not and they "switch it on and off". Clear air turbulence and pockets of varying temperatures. Plus the jet engines are operating at different temperatures and also producing different combinations of oxygen / water. Your immovable responses to accurate informed posts is the reason why nobody will bother with you - in your mind though, it's all some "other reason". Why do Trails Form Behind Jet Planes ? (Contrails Explained) - YouTube Contrails Tell a Story - AOPA
You also said that the Chinese spacewalk was real in spite of the clear proof that it was faked in a water tank. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/the-chinese-spacewalk-was-faked.578673/ That's almost as silly as saying that the Earth is flat.
And again, the crazy posts continue. I called it on my first paragraph. 12. Credibility Referbacks: When this hopeless individual has no answers he often resorts to just one liners concerning previous bullshit "Credibility Tests". "You've already said some pretty lame things so your judgement is obviously flawed." "....said the Man who tried to obfuscate the clear evidence of the Chinese Spacewalk" 13. Moronic Translations: This is the ridiculous post where he interprets his crazy viewpoint on something regardless of how many times it has already been addressed. It usually has some bearing on his equally moronic "Credibility Tests". "Translation: The proof that the Chinese spacewalk is so clear that I'll just look silly if I try to obfuscate it so I'd better avoid addressing it."
Here's another video on Chemtrails. The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) https://www.bing.com/search?q=The+D...ry+(+Geoengineering+Watch+)&search=&form=QBLH In this video at the 19:34 time mark an interesting theory on the purpose of chemtrails is put forth. CONNECTING DOTS https://www.bitchute.com/video/qN4IET6hJVWg/
WTF ??? Hate to break it to you but if your posting a link to something its not physical proof (of anything). At best its documentary/digital proof and even then only if the alleged content can be independently verified. Which your material, so far as I can ascertain can't be.
Post something in this section and we can discuss it in detail. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?forums/moon-landing.72/
I too believe it is real. I noticed each time after seeing chemtrails I see people like these: Coincidence? I don't think so. What the Hell are they spraying?
In this video pilots give their opinions on the chemtrail issue. Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities With Chemtrails https://rumble.com/v54pzzh-pilots-testify-bill-gates-is-carpet-bombing-cities-with-chemtrails.html
Nope. Who says they are pilots? This is a joke video. Luckily these dreadful chemtrails don't affect the evil perpetrators.
Start watching this at the 1:30 time mark. Top Pilot Testifies: 'Bill Gates Is Fumigating Cities With Mood Altering Chemtrails' https://rumble.com/v57v0c3-top-pilo...umigating-cities-with-mood-altering-chem.html A pilot seems to be trying to spill the beans.
How to be a conspiracy theorist: Spend all day looking at highly suspect sources - especially look for videos. Ignore the content everywhere that makes a mockery of them - especially official mainstream. Locate a video. Make no attempt to verify it by seeking things to disprove it. Post it without any commentary and expect others to watch it and be sucked in, in the same way. Make no attempt to quantify the enormous background efforts/secrecy to maintain the conspiracy. Ignore anything that disproves the batshit. Repeat, over and over and over and over and over again................ So, apparently Bill is funding a program to spray crap onto cities, that presumably all his friends and elites have immunity to, for reasons. Not for him a far simpler ground level, invisible gas dispersal, or an undetectable water additive. No, he's going to use planes 30,000 feet up that could go anywhere. He's not worried about the pilots who may have friends or relatives in those cities, or the infrastructure team that enable it to happen in super-secrecy. They all don't care. Luckily we have a pilot willing to "blow the whistle", impervious to threats to his well-being or to his family from the "evil-ones". No way is he a stooge or paid to do this.
They have no place being here either, humor section! And "The peoplesvoice.tv" - one of THE most moronic sources of batshit on the internet, sucking money from the gullible and easily led. Broken Contrails and Contrails with Gaps – Contrail Science "Broken Contrails and Contrails with Gaps Contrails are clouds made from water vapor that condenses then freezes behind a plane engine. Since the engines are on constantly, it seems a bit odd when you see contrails with gaps in them, or even contrails that stop and start. If the engine is pumping out a constant amount of water, then why is the trail not constant? This puzzle is sometimes seized on by people who think that persistent contrails are actually “chemtrails”, or some kind of deliberate spraying operation. But it’s actually very simply. The amount of water in the exhaust is pretty constant, but the amount of moisture in the air is not. The humidity varies with altitude, and a layer of low humidity can be sandwiched between two layers of high humidity. As a plane climbs or descends through this layer, then the trail will only form in the areas of high humidity, and so look like it was “switched off” in the area of low humidity. You can get the same effect with temperature. A warm layer of air can actually lay on top of a colder layer in what is called an “inversion” (you’ll hear this on the weather sometimes, referred to as an “inversion layer”). When a plane flies through this inversion layer, the trail can be “broken”. It’s not just climbing or descending flights either. The boundaries between these layers is not flat, and gravity waves or rising convection currents of air can create large volume of air that differ in temperature and/or humidity from the neighboring air, and so can break (or make) the contrail when then plane flies through them. You can think of these regions as invisible clouds: "