Chris Sky is campaigning for the office of Mayor of Toronto. In my opinion.... he is certainly one of Canada's most courageous speakers and thinkers. If I lived in Toronto.... I am pretty sure that I would vote for him! Dennis Tate ....... Mississauga, L5M0X1 Hey Chris....... I have a concept for you for a reality film concept that goes on and on and on and on for years and decades in the future. You are playing the role of Chris Sky..... yourself......... You put together at least one film production cooperative..... and / or kibbutz..... and or company or companies plural. One option would be a Christ Sky Dollar or Hour............ possible a coin....... but I would suggest a Silver Back Note.... similar to the Goldback notes..... I suggest this because silver is necessary in laser technology...... which should lead to greater demand in the future..... so that should translate into a Silverback note..... increasing in value more rapidly even than those Goldback notes are doing?!
Hey Chris...... I write a lot and I believe that YOU can do a lot to prove that the national debt of Canada is significantly a practical joke being played on thirty eight million Canadians....... because ninety percent of us know very little about economics and how BigMedia manipulates the narrative to favour the political puppets that they think that they can control. Best Idea for a Better Canada Contest .....
Now to make the Mayoral campaign of Mr. Chris Sky relevant for Americans......... 2023 By-Election for Mayor of Toronto, Canada This discussion will give you all a good idea of why I feel strongly enough to go to the trouble of collecting nomination signatures and hopefully entering this race myself. To what degree is the national debt of Canada a practical joke? ....I could be wrong.... I often am but I strongly suspect that Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau back in 1974 made one of the most colossal errors made in the last fifty years by a sitting Prime Minister of Canada in order to make it possible to pull off something of a joke on an American population......... ... who would have noticed the difference if the brilliant Bank of Canada policy of 1938 to 1974 had been continued for another decade or two. This surge in the national debt here in Canada was needed to pull off...... Both images can be viewed along with this article. The Public-Debt Problem Written by Alain Pilote on Monday, 30 June 1986. Posted in In This Age of Plenty (book) In this age of plenty - Chapter 34 Calgary Dollars are perhaps the most widely used local currency in Canada.
Chris Sky tells the truth to the best of his ability even on extremely controversial topics. CUT THE WASTE AT CITY HALL PUT PEOPLE & FAMILES FIRST Who do you trust with your tax dollars? .... Speaking of Sports Medicine.....
CAMPAIGN GRAND OPENING WHAT DO THE PEOPLE THINK? DEFUND "STORY TIME HOURS" In my opinion.... BigMedia is setting up a Cultural Civil War.... and the editors of BigMedia are not actually on the side of the LGBTQ community..... they are actually setting up LGBTQ activists to play the role that BigMedia scripts for them. In my opinion... this is all about wrecking the economy of Canada and America so that Canadians are prepared for the Trudeau version of the Biden Digital Currency. Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets? ? Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis? No 8 vote(s) 38.1% * Yes 11 vote(s) 52.4% I certainly hope not???? 2 vote(s) 9.5% I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote Biden Digital Currency, does this scare you? ....
Can Chris Sky artistically "carry" dozens..... perhaps hundreds..... or maybe even thousands or tens of thousands of Torontonians? I happen to believe so yes...... and here is a development that might perhaps be useful to him. Goldbacks... taking a local currency to a whole new level! I am sure that Chris Sky already knows who Rocco Galati is. I did inquire if I was eligible to enter the race for the office of Mayor of Toronto but no...... I am a resident of Mississauga so I will have to wait for the next election here to get involved myself. 2023 By-Election for Mayor of Toronto, Canada
Now that the election for Mayor of Toronto is over I can put a friendly challenge in front of Mr. Chris Sky.... and everybody in Nova Scotia.... everybody in New Brunswick.... everybody in Prince Edward and everybody living in.... or originally from Newfoundland............. and even in the State of Maine!!!!!! I originally posted the following to a Facebook page that I had created....... "Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept?!" November 29, 2012 at 8:14am "I live about one hundred miles from an area of the world that I strongly suspect is in the position of the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" as far as the danger of rising ocean levels is concerned. In my part of Nova Scotia, the difference between high tide and low tide will be as little as one meter but in parts of the Bay of Fundy the difference can be between 52 to 56 feet. The Bay of Fundy has a funneling effect on tidal waters. There are 143,000 acres of productive farmland in that area that have been taken back from the ocean by dikes. I am worried that if ocean levels rose by as little as thirty centimeters that part of the Bay of Fundy could be hit by high tides that could perhaps be close to five meters higher than normal. I am willing to go all out and make a fool of myself on a totally voluntary basis to attempt to soothe my conscience that I tried my best to do what needs to be done at this time to set in motion a series of events that could actually prevent ocean levels from rising at all?!?! You can see one of my films that I will give you legal rights to use for one dollar if you will follow down in the comments in this note....and I will sure try to do more for you if you are willing and able to do something with this film concept. Basically the concept for the film series that I have in mind involves a major star, such as Jim Carrey, playing the role of my grandfather, George Malloy. Johnny Galecki, (Leonard on Big Bang Theory), would be ideal to play the role of my Uncle William Malloy who was killed in Italy on January 2, 1945. The film takes place in 1938 and 1939 and postulates an entirely different ending to the M. S. St. Louis saga that, as you can guess alters the future so that Uncle Bill not only is not killed in Italy but the holocaust is prevented from occurring. I love the idea of 28 BILLION George Malloy/Jim Carrey Dollars being printed up, that work much like www.CalgaryDollars .ca except that they are in a sense props in a series of films designed to inspire several companies and nations to get working on a plan to turn deserts green, combat malnutrition worldwide, stabilize the climate all at the same time that we stimulate organized barter and create some jobs in the Nova Scotia, Montreal, USA and Israeli film market!Proposal for the creation of a Quebec provincial currency unit to save coastal communities from threat of rising ocean levels."
Jo Koy comedy..... all of this can be put together with the fact that Russell Peters is from Brampton..... Is Woody Harrelson one of the most courageous and wise famous people on earth??