I have noticed in my house the cats I have will always defer to go left given an equal choice, and, often, an unequal one. This is down to them being geared to go left when escaping the vacuum cleaner, and, the noise it brings. This must mean that when we want to protect ourselves, like driving in a car and swerving to avoid oncoming traffic, we get turn our car away from the oncoming car, yes? Then, when we fall, we usually try to, given an equal chance, fall onto our dominant side, yes? This proves that there is bias with falling and pain avoidance, of course. So, is this common in physics too? Something this prevalent must be provable in science! I have noticed that things turn clockwise naturally, and, that is south as a base, west as left, yes? This would mean that water would, given equal chance, go left rather than right! This would mean that left is the default path of the natural universe, and, therefore, left seems to be the way to go to avoid problems.
The way water goes has to do with the earth's rotation. It's known as the Coriolis effect. Water currents in the northern hemisphere tend to turn right. IIRC, you are in South Africa, so that might explain your observations.