Congratulations, truthers, you won! Perhaps not what you expected, but the alt-right front of the 911 "truth" movement has served it's purpose: the mainstreaming of anti Semite conspiracy culture, giving racists a voice in politics they have long sought. With the election of a president elect who panders to racists, conspiracies and works with long time fraud Alex Jones, your purpose has finally been achieved. And, just like that, overnight, you have become irrelevant. (perhaps I should say more irrelevant...) Allow me to explain: The "Truth" Movement wasn't the only alt-right front conceived to spread propaganda and a build a base for the radical right. The Tea Party, Birthers and III% all played a role as astro-turf "movements" that originated in either the racist Ron Paul/Liberty/Von Mises think tanks, or the CATO Institute and other right extremist hacks. Now your alt-right front has served it's purpose, building a base and leveraging conspiracy-tardery to usher in a "legit" leader in the White House(if you considered Putin's treasonous puppet legitimate) there is no need to pretend to be anti war protestors, peace activists or any of the other "leftist" hats the people at and ANETA have been wearing. Those of you in on the scam can drop the facade of pretending to be anything other than a bunch Anti Semite, Jew hating, Neo-Nazis. Those of you completely duped will find out in the next several months exactly how much you were taken for a ride: - Trump will not be opening a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. - Richard Gage and his fake non-profit will slowly slid into obscurity, much like the CIT/Craig Ranke and Aldo, except in Gage's case, he'll probably cash out and transfer his organization to a poor fool who actually believed the hoax, and laugh all the way to the bank. If Gage has been smart he's been packing money away in an offshore account for years. Once Gage is gone, AE911Truth will slowly die on the vine with a whimper. - Attempts will be made to keep the respectable facade of scam afloat, but they will be inundated with the Nazis loons like Bollyn and David Irving until those who benefit from 911 conspiracies realize they no longer need to pretend they don't have Nazi sympathies. Even to the slowest of the duped, the standard excuse of "agents and shills" infesting the movement will be obvious paper thin excuse it always was. - And people like me, who tried to warn "truthers" the source of these racist conspiracies and the agenda behind them(HINT: Blame Jews) will be long gone. This is why I haven't been around. There is no point. I doubt I'll be commenting again anytime soon. Unless Richard Gage is sent to Federal prison for tax evasion.... So celebrate while you can, "truthers". The alt-right conspiracy loons won! You have a voice in the White House, at least until they realize you're a liability and drop you like a hot potato, leaving you high and dry. (Malapropisms in this post at no extra charge!) They don't need you anymore; why would they keep you around? In the months ahead, while the US economy goes into a tailspin, just remember, "truthers": you with your fake conspiracy racist front, Alex Jones and fake news helped make this happen. Good luck. You'll need it. To my fellow skeptics/debunkers/sane people, thank you for the support and laughs over the intermittent years. I personally think further engagement of "truthers" is a waste of time. This is the general consensus of the International Skeptics board which is considering merging the 9/11 conspiracy section with general conspiracies. I only posted here to highlight the connections of 9/11 conspiracism with the racist right in a hope it would make a difference. With the election of a conspiracy monger to the US presidency, it is obvious we have failed. If you continue to engage these misguided folks, be aware half of them are frauds and take no BS. Good luck to you...over and out for now. Relevant and informative threads about 911 frauds, their hoaxes and propaganda: Christopher Bollyn: Steven Jones: Holocaust Denial: Proof that few "truthers" understand or are able to explain the flim flam they are pushing:
The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is so clear that, once people have seen it, there's really nothing you can do to make them think it wasn't. Your sophistry is only going to work on a few people who haven't see the proof.
I am skeptical of your theory that the perps themselves control the truth movement and deliberately leave bread crumbs for those seeking the truth to examine. That is an interesting theory, but not likely valid. If it were true, the perps would have arranged for all manner of criminal and civil trials so that more bread crumbs might be discovered through the trial discovery process. Instead, there was only one trial, Moussaoui. All the rest were group settlements, class action settlements with no discovery process.
E, the term "bread crumbs" needs definition and explanation. Misinformation has been promoted and embraced by the perps to marginalize the public movement. Information that uses independently verified information which also explains things feasibly, is the best to use. A failure to do that compromises the seeker of truth at the root of their intent.
We agree. It is also important for any seeker of truth to be able to view ALL the facts and evidence, to be able to connect dots and consider the big picture.
Just checking up on internet stuff. Work has kept me busy. Looking at the responses, I see the usual twoofer denialism. This 9/11 subforum is even more dead than when I posted this. It is now Tuesday, Aug 1st, and the last activity was Saturday July 29th. Three days without's like the movement is dead....or deader. The Trump's supporter's bizarre statement is an unexpected exercise in projection. Perhaps he's unaware that Trump, also supported by the racist , alt -right, is either a twoofer or at least has pandered heavily to twoofers: Speaking at a Republican rally in Henrico County, Virginia, Trump pledged to launch a fresh probe into the 2001 September 11 attacks. ...Pressed about the attacks on the World Trade Center, and his plan to prevent further massacres, he said: “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened. Speculating over the collapse of the skyscraper after the attack, he said: “How do two planes take out three buildings in the same day? “I never got my head around the fact that nothing is mentioned about the destruction of Building 7 in the 585-page document.” Since we know 911 "truth" is horse pucky, we know Trump isn't the slightest bit interested in a "new investigation". I'll leave it to Hoosier to try to figure out why his hero Trump is pushing 911 conspiracies. Or has become best buddies with conspiracy mega guru Alex Jones. On topic, nothing has changed: - Trump will not be opening a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. No investigation or indications that any such thing will ever happen in 7 months since he's taken office - Richard Gage and his fake non-profit will slowly slid into obscurity, much like the CIT/Craig Ranke and Aldo, And how: The final sad note: The ones I shake my head at are the ones who think that 9/11 Truth is growing as a movement when all indicators, such as what this thread is about, are to the contrary. Whether they're getting caught up in their echo chamber or simply believing in an alternative reality is the mystery.
Actually, I think things are changing a little bit. Not on the internet, but face to face, more people seem able to talk about 911 without freaking out, and if the conversation goes long enough and the question "do you believe the official story about 911" comes up, many more than before (IMO) will express uncertainty. Years ago they would have been certain that the government story was true, today they wonder. Progress? Maybe. Anecdotal, for sure.
The guy is desperately hoping and praying all OCT contradictions and skeptics will eventually disappear and only the OCT will remain standing as absolute truth. All one needs to do is read the comments following nearly every 9/11 article and video to know the vast majority believe 9/11 was an inside job. Here's one example from an unverified video posted 2 weeks ago. And some comments following the video. "Wonderfully put together. This should make it clear to people that this was 100% a inside job. 3 Different buildings collapsing the exact same way is impossible unless it was controlled." "It's just business as usual. All the people who were murdered just happened to be in the way. Justice will never be served. Period." "They have been indoctrinated at school and society to such a degree that they implicitly trust authority figures. A very interesting mind shift of perspective and that's all it takes to see through the Government's Media PR machine lies, fraud, and deception... There are evil people who do not have any empathy and are brutal in the name of patriotism. On the other side of the coin are people who do not believe such evil people exist. On a final note, there is a fine line of distinction between patriotism and terrorism. It all depends on which side of the line one is standing on, and both are fighting for one and the same thing." "NO **** they blew WTC7. They blew up the other two as well. We don't need a former, guilt-ridden, criminal CIA agent to verify it." "glad to see more people accepting the FACT that 9/11 was an inside job" There are plenty more .... ----
Thanks for the reminder. It's Tuesday, Aug 1st and the last activity was Tuesday, Aug 1st and you were the first to post today.
I have to agree with that claim. There is no 9/11 truth, no one knows what the truth is about 9/11 other than those who planned it.
It is just so curious that in SIXTEEN YEARS, none of the engineering schools in the nation that put men on the Moon, can produce either a physical or virtual model of the north tower collapse. And yet it only took FOUR MONTHS for a professor and his students to produce a 50 foot model that duplicated the oscillating motion of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Of course that was 1940 and they did not have electronic computers to do virtual models. So the longer the 9/11 Affair drags on is just further proof that our engineering schools have lost. Physics has been reduced to the level of religion. psik
There's nothing "curious" about that. No one can do it because it didn't actually "collapse", it was destroyed.
Anyone who still doesn't know the moon missions were faked isn't to be taken seriously. Come over to this section and we can talk about it.
I posted the wrong link. Sorry. Here's the one I meant to post.
The only people that can KNOW the Moon landings were faked are the people who did it, if it was faked. Idiots can BELIEVE anything! Believing, Knowing and SUSPECTING are three different things. I was not on the surface of the Moon in July of 1969 so I do not KNOW, I only SUSPECT very strongly. But I am not about to spend my time arguing with people who were not on the Moon at the time to see that it did not happen. psik
Not resolving this in SIXTEEN YEARS is very curious. It says many things about the social psychology of the culture. Shouldn't everyone with a degree in psychology know what experiments are because of Pavlov's Dog? So shouldn't psychologists be wondering about the minds of physicists not resolving this with experiments? So 9/11 says many curious things about the psychology of "Not Thinking" in this society and world wide. psik
It really isn't surprising given the hold the US government has on many entities, namely the flow of federal funds. It's all about money. Money controls the "psychology" of many. Some experts have conducted detailed research and experiments and some psychologists have explained the issue. That's not true for everyone obviously or this section of the forum would not exist.
Since Collapsing skyscrapers are ultimately a physics problem and has nothing whatsoever to do with psychology then failure to solve that physics problem is entirely a psychological issue. I used to check out Scientific American magazine at some magazine rack every month. I never subscribed because some months they did not have any articles that interested me, but I would usually buy 3 or 4 issues per year. But they have not come out and shot holes in this 9/11 nonsense, and imply the physics makes perfect sense and "conspiracy theorists" have mental problems. "Imply", not explain which is curious in itself. I haven't touched a Scientific American magazine in more than a decade, but I read some of the stuff they say relating to 9/11 on the Internet to stay up to date on their attitude about it. Psychology that does not get its physics straight is out of touch with reality and therefore Not Sane. psik
Yes and in some cases driven by a money issue. Yes I read that very unscientific Scientific American article. I used to have the highest regard for that publication back in the day. I even subscribed to it at one time. That it published such a disgustingly pandering article typically questioning those who contradict/question the official narrative yet not one article questioning the official narrative's many scientific faults cause me to treat it as a just another propaganda presstitute rag. This article never appeared in Scientific American: The extreme bias couldn't be any more apparent. That's not science, that's prostitution. Do you actually expect physics from a pseudo-science?
Here's another example of sophistry in the mainstream. Start watching at the 00:40 time mark. Modern Marvels S10E51 Engineering Disasters 13
Come over to this section and make a post. I'll answer it. We can talk about it there.
If you note, the NIST report is never mentioned, instead, they formulate their own theories and also never mention that the building dropped at free fall for about 100 ft. which of course could not happen in a natural collapse no matter what the construction consisted of. "... free fall time would be an object that has no structural components below it" - Shyam Sunder They do however mention the rapid removal of physical evidence without any additional comment.
I split a gut reading the above trash.....and what do all those people the OP hates have in common....they are all researchers too smart to fall prey to the party line. Bad americans that think of themselves.