A high school physics teacher should have been able to watch the videos of the Twin Towers and see that something was very peculiar. That should have aroused the curiosity of anyone in the physics profession. The physics is only complicated because we do not have accurate steel and concrete distribution data on the buildings. But that is what should raise the ire of real physics people. Talking about conspiracies is social bullshit!
Agreed. The primary reason a physics teacher would keep that to him/herself though is to avoid bringing attention to him/herself and possibly being fired as "conspiracy theorist" even though this is strictly about science and not about any conspiracy theory. The taboo is on, thanks to government and the MSM. I would tend to think any physics teacher worth his salt can figure out these buildings were not fully demolished as seen on video as a consequence of planes, damage, fire or a combination even without requiring accurate steel and concrete distribution data on the buildings. The problem is that if a physics teacher comes to grips with the fact that the 3 buildings were not demolished as officially advertised, that would likely lead to the conclusion that some kind of conspiracy is going on strictly by the notion that the official story smells a putrid odor. And then the inevitable discussion is going to follow or remain undiscussed for the reasons given. There's no way around it.
yep its moving to the courts and its about time since negligence and dereliction of duty today is richly rewarded by our kleptocratic perps.
And speaking of truth, it's 100% true that there are well over 100 (at least 156) eyewitnesses whose claims to have seen, heard, felt and/or been injured by explosions, some before any plane impacts are fully documented, as well as dozens of eyewitnesses whose claims to have seen molten steel, iron or metal are fully documented. And the truth is that these documented claims are a major part of the EVIDENCE to be studied by a special grand jury in the federal Southern District of New York. https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/exhibits-index-grand-jury-petition/
having a day in court is one thing, gaining absolution quite another... doubt the 'truth' will ever be told... dig back to the past, way back... the towers were in danger of emminate structural failure , estimated costs to dismantle & pay off local business losses, closing lower manhatten for years, was astronomical and the 'projected' time frame was mid-late 2000's, then 'pfm', planes hit them, commercial airliners, low altitude, just took off, and both managed direct, nose to center mass of building contact... 'pfm'... pure f*ckin magic edit: many birds were killed with that one stone
I never heard that. They weren't in any danger of imminent structural failure even after the planes struck the towers despite NIST's unsupported claim that the collapses were "inevitable". They were however filled with asbestos which was an extreme health hazard and which required removal at a huge cost. 2 planes ====> 3 towers in their entirety and several other buildings as well, almost 3,000 dead on 9/11, dozens later due to toxic chemical exposure and hundreds of thousands massacred under pretext of 9/11, that magical event that could have never been pulled off so perfectly if not for the hundreds of convenient improbable and impossible coincidences.
Link? There was a problem with the aluminum cladding aggravated by the salt air since NY was on the ocean. The aluminum cladding was reacting chemically with the steel to which it was attached and would eventually fall off. Since it covered the entire building except the windows it would cost hundreds of millions to replace. It would be dangerous if it began falling off from hundreds of feet. http://911blogger.com/news/2010-11-06/was-there-aluminum-cladding-problem-world-trade-center-towers Although it would be a danger to people near the building if it fell off, it was only cosmetic to the building and not a structural problem.
the only 'link' would be a séance, a former engineer/inspector many years prior to the 9-11 debacle, i only mentioned it as a sidebar to the fact that the truth won't be told, not at that court hearing, not anywhere... it may give some peeps relief, but most will be upset that not much changed...
It already has been told. The truth is that the official 9/11 conspiracy theory is a lie. It's not a court hearing, it's a grand jury investigation. But you're partly correct the whole truth will likely never be told, we can just hope for a lot more truth to come. And I'm confident that's coming thanks to the efforts of all those who demand the truth about 9/11.
And here's more truth: Since September 11th, over 2,000 people have died of cancers related to the World Trade Center attacks, 184 NYC firefighters. And yet survivors and first responders have had to fight to get the support and health care they need. http://911truth.org/fealgood-founda...algood-foundation-you-wont-want-to-miss-this/ The thread title is: Congratulations, "truthers", You Won! My question is what truth was "won"? The above?
the Truthers were mostly dems that did not like Bush the Birthers were mostly repubs that did not like Obama
And demanding accurate physics gets an individual called a "Truther" I always thought science was the pursuit of "Truth". Democrats and Bush are irrelevant to physics. What that makes people who can't comprehend middle school physics is certainly an issue.
nope, dinner conversation at his house, he's dead now, and like i previously said, i only mentioned it as a sidebar, not as another conspiracy theory... hence, my not joining in long term with this or other 9-11 'conspiracy' threads... imo, the proper truth will never see the light of day... now here's hopin y'all get redemption from this grand jury, doubt it, but if it gives y'all solace, i'm good with it... anywho, it's kool to keep bashing me, i don't mind cause it don't matter...
There wont be any "grand jury" investigation, not when the lawyers committee has individuals who are crackpots...much like Barbara Honneger is.
There is already is one so you're not making any sense. Then again the OCT makes no sense so it goes without saying those who defend it would be in denial of the facts. https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11...-berman-will-comply-with-18-usc-section-3332/
Meh, the first might have been at one time. Definitely something the Loose Change crowd was mining to jump start a "movement". But I'd describe those "truthers" as a mix of anti-BUsh liberals, Election fraud protesting dems, and Ron Paul libertarians. Now we know most of the "truth" leaders are fringe RWNJs, as are most of the remaining "truthers". At least they have no objection to the Russian propaganda, Pro-Trump, Holocaust denial, Qanon etc etc conspiracy circus 911 "truth" has merged with... FWIW: Birtherism appears to be invented by "truther" lawyer, Phil Berg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_J._Berg#RICO_lawsuit,_Rodriguez_v._Bush He's now disbarred.
See my previous response, re: tongue being firmly in cheek. So 911truth.org is still around. One would think they'd have packed their bags years ago....
I think they were KillaryBenghazhied into Pizzagate. I thought there was some new doxx drop recently, but that might have been the Dark Overlord so called hack. Wikipedia offers a depressingly banal and likely explanation for who Q probably is. But be careful: knowledgeable users on this site have warned Wikipedia is a Zionist Troll Factory. And when I say "knowledgeable", I mean batcrap insane. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#Identity
There's no "grand jury". It's just a dog an pony show to keep the facade of the 9/11 truther fraud going to milk more rubes.