COVID Masks | Do Masks Help?

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Robert, Sep 28, 2021.

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  1. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Here is a troubling thing about my N95 masks.
    The warning it is not for medical use.
    Why is that?
  2. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Are they NIOSH certified?
  3. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Thank you. It's a very simple and basic approach.
  4. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    You should also consider the number of people who simply cannot afford them.

    But, like any tool, masks are only effective if properly donned, worn and disposed.

    Doesn't do any good to wear any mask of any type/kind and then use your bare hands to pull the mask down when you get your car so you can breathe.

    'Cause now you got STUPID-19 on your hands and you rub your eyes and stick your fingers in your nose and mouth and rub your lips and not you got STUPID-19.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  5. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Masks do not stop the spread of COVID. If you haven't noticed, COVID is in the air all over the place regardless of mask wearing.

    Bingo. There is no rational need nor reason to wear a mask with regard to COVID (or any other virus).
    Eleuthera likes this.
  6. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Why are you still considering wearing a mask if you've been vaccinated? Do you believe that the vaccine doesn't work?

    Why did you need a vaccine if the mask was working? Does the mask not work?
  7. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Yep. If the current administration was as serious about stopping the pandemic as they claim, they would subsidize good masks instead of telling people not to use them. Anyone who thinks politicians and public health departments have the people’s best interest at heart is a half a bubble off level.

    That said, I’ll bet 99% of people spend more on coffee and/or soft drinks per day than it would cost per day to wear an N95. Again, health isn’t really a priority for politicians, public health experts, or the general public. If it were, everyone would be on vitamin D and zinc supplements, they would be losing weight instead of 40% of Americans gaining an average of 29 pounds already during the pandemic, etc.
  8. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Na, there was concern early on about spread through surfaces, and while it might be possible it's not the primary means by which the virus spreads. It spreads by breathing in tiny droplets/aerosols in the air which, for the most part, drop off after more than a few feet from somebody with the virus. It also spreads much better indoors.

    That's like asking why do you bring a tank to war, does your rifle not work? Why bring a rifle to war, does your tank not work? They're complementary tools. The vaccine is the more powerful of the two tools, but none of these interventions are 100%.

    Overall, you should probably go to your doctor or the cdc for medical advice rather than fox news or wherever you get your info from.
    Cosmo likes this.
  9. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Rifles and tanks serve different purposes (and work for each of those purposes). Masks and vaccines, on the other hand, are being claimed to serve identical purposes (stop the spread of COVID and protect people from COVID) and neither one works for either purpose. -- Bad comparison.

    It is obvious that you believe that neither of them work to stop the spread of COVID or protect people from COVID, yet you're trying to claim that they do.

    With regard to COVID-19, I know better than my doctor and the CDC, and I do not watch Fox News (nor any other news for that matter).

    I can think for myself. I can form my own arguments. I don't need to steal the arguments of others.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
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  10. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Please don’t consult the CDC. They sent y’all to war with a box cutter.
  11. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    We've been arresting and prosecuting criminals over the last 2 years as well but yet crime still happens. Should we stop trying that too? Don't look at masks as a binary thing; 100% working or 0% working; fact is they are always working its just a matter of degrees. So no we shouldn't stop wearing them we should up our game by wearing better masks and forcing compliance for those that refuse.
  12. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    It’s too late. Too many lies were told. The “experts” made too many recommendations/mandates in denial of known science. You will never force people to mask again. They won’t have it. People who oppose masks today aren’t going to knuckle under to a bunch of frauds.

    We are going to have to accept that. Hell, they lied about quality masks for so long even mask Nazis believe cloth masks are superior to N95 quality masks. All the lies and intentional harm done to Americans by government and public health entities have consequences. They will never be trusted again by a large percentage of the population. And they shouldn’t be trusted. They intentionally gave and are still giving advice they KNOW will kill people.
  13. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    That's just infantile stubbornness then. Those people better expect to get bitchslapped once again come midterms because Dems will revive masking and they will capitalize on it. Republicans have been watching gold float by these past months, literal gold, a river of golden opportunity and they would rather piss in it than capitalize on it. What do I mean? Democrats have been just as bad as Republicans in recent months when it comes to masks and other mitigation efforts. The 1.5+ million illegal invaders being distributed around the country w/o testing or vaccinations, the 30k+ Haitian super-spreader mob under the bridge the other week now distributed throughout America, the millions of unvaccinated untested unmasked Afgans pouring through American bases and into American cities, and so so so much more.

    Republicans could have totally reinvented their approach here, brought countless votes back, and literally made America better in the process. But nah. They chose to let this gold, this pure gold, pass by because they're too fkin stupid and stubborn to accept the fact that masks and vaccines work.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  14. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Most of the medical world is not black and white "works or doesn't work" like you seem to think. It's almost always a question of "to what extent" rather than yes or no. A bulletproof vest won't stop a headshot or internal bleeding from a .50 cal, but that doesn't mean it's useless against a typical bullet to save your life. A bulletproof vest isn't worthless just because it isn't COMPLETELY bulletproof. You should still take cover and/or neutralize the threat if under fire even if you are better protected than somebody not wearing one.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
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  15. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    It’s not as political by party as you think. I have Dem friend as disgusted with the lies as Reps and Independents.

    It’s now a division on the lines of honesty and authoritarianism, not Dem vs Rep. There are still Dems who are liberals. The more you bitchslap any of them the less compliance you will get. Much better to clean the garbage out of the NIH, CDC, etc. and start telling the truth and following science. Then maybe by next pandemic people will have some trust in these institutions.
  16. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    A balanced diet is best. But protein is very important for preventing bad outcomes from Covid. Low serum albumin is a predictor of higher rates of hospitalization and death from Covid. High protein diets ensure adequate albumin levels.

    But don’t forget the fiber! Insoluble fiber in the diet is associated with well regulated immune function helping to avoid cytokine storm events from infections.

    Data is coming in now showing healthy diet is correlated with lower rates of breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals
  17. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    I don't think the CDC should be the end all be all of medical advice anyways. It might be a health organization but it is first and foremost a government bureaucracy and that means politics come before anything else. Hell, Biden used them as a tool to cover for his massive policy failures when he had them unmask the country despite there being literally no reason to and his own CDC director saying it shouldn't happen. And of course the WHO, another government bureaucracy, was a tool of China and their efforts to convince the world China had nothing to do with the origin of COVID. These organizations have more in common with the likes of the MSM and big tech than they do with the medical community so fk them I look elsewhere for knowledge.

    But if you think "the science" ever supported not wearing masks or not being vaccinated or not having shutdowns/quarantines, or any other mitigation measure well... I mean you're just wrong, there's no other way to put it.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  18. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Hey, thanks for the sound information.
    557 likes this.
  19. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Even the surgical mask only works for a short time before it becomes a spreader itself. The time its 'good' for depends entirely on how much viral load it catches. I would imagine its good for about one short bus ride or a handful of customers in the checkout line before breathing through it results only in disturbing and relaunching what particles it managed to collect. Who knows whether those particles are covid or not... I have seen precisely zero people throughout the entire pandemic actually bother to change their mask except for in hospitals where it is long established protocol (because they know thats the only way surgical masks make any difference). Im sure some change their masks, but its definitely not common. The vast majority of people masked up in any given public environment are just moving air through a filter that has long exceeded its capacity and is now just emitting whatever it filtered earlier. Masks can work, but the mandates as implimented do nothing at all.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
  20. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Your welcome. I’m glad you are interested in taking charge of your own health. You’ve made my day.
  21. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    What is "the medical world"?

    Here you are referring to engineering specs. For example, will a rope rated at 500lbs work to hold up a 200lb object? YES, yes it will! Will that same rope work to hold up a 1,500lb object? NO, no it won't... That particular usage of the rope is beyond its engineering specs.

    Correct, because the first instance goes beyond the engineering specs of the vest meanwhile the second instance is well within the engineering specs of the vest. The lesson that you should be learning here is that products work IF USED FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSES and IF USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR ENGINEERING SPECS.


    A bulletproof vest rated to stop .22 cal bullets is useful to stop a .22 cal ... it is not useful to stop a .50 cal... It is all about the engineering specs and the intended purposes of a product.

    Masks do not stop viruses (per the engineering specs and intended purposes of masks). Viruses are far smaller than the pores of masks.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  22. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    That isn't the primary purpose of masks The main rationale is to limit the spread of the virus to stop local health services from being overwhelmed beyond capacity.

    A 50% effective mask will produce an overall 75% effectiveness if you are in contact with another person also wearing the same mask. Most masks have a higher than 50% effectiveness.

    Nonsense. Gravity is kind enough to eventually place all carried viruses on the ground or close surfaces. They can linger in some air currents but in general they most certainly are not "all over the place".

    Reiterating the false statement above. The main rationale is to limit the spread of the virus to stop local health services from being overwhelmed beyond capacity. But masks do serve as an extra layer of protection, assuming the wearer isn't careless enough to touch numerous surfaces then their face, without doing hand cleansing.

    An extra layer. Vaccines at their best are going to provide above 90% immunity, but realistically away from field trials it is probably a little less than that. Having an 80% effective vaccine and a 50% effective mask is a fairly substantial protection.

    False conclusion - vaccines always work.

    You like repeating your claims don't you. An extra layer. Vaccines at their best are going to provide above 90% immunity, but realistically away from field trials it is probably a little less than that. Having an 80% effective vaccine and a 50% effective mask is a fairly substantial protection.

    That's a whole lot of strawman nonsense. A mask is designed to work in tandem with social distancing, cleanliness, vaccination and sensible actions. It is never going to be the 100% protector. This video below explains how the multiple use of masks acts as a larger protection than the actual singular use:

    Yes they do.

    Their method of distribution is via respiratory droplets. These are far bigger and easily caught by most masks.

    Airborne Diseases: How They Spread, Common Types, and How to Prevent Them (
    "Airborne diseases are bacteria or viruses that are most commonly transmitted through small respiratory droplets. These droplets are expelled when someone with the airborne disease sneezes, coughs, laughs, or otherwise exhales in some way. These infectious vehicles can travel along air currents, linger in the air, or cling to surfaces, where they are eventually inhaled by someone else."
    Cosmo likes this.
  23. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Masks do not limit the spread of viruses. Health services are not overwhelmed beyond capacity. What is affecting health services the most right now are Satanic vaccine mandates that are causing labor (and product) shortages.

    Masks are 0% effective. Their pores are far too large.

    Not at all. COVID is in the air all over the place.

    COVID viruses are all over the place. You don't realize just how small a virus is, do you?

    Masks do not limit the spread of viruses. Health services are not overwhelmed beyond capacity (that is a lie). What is hurting health services the most right now is Satanic vaccine mandates that are causing labor (and product) shortages.

    Masks do not protect anyone from viruses. You don't realize just how small viruses are, do you?

    Masks do not protect anyone from viruses regardless. You also act as if both an immune system and natural immunity don't exist.

    Ahhhh, so you are living your life in fear because you believe that neither of them actually work... Got it.

    Made up numbers. Masks are not effective at all. Vaccines are not necessary for the vast majority of people. This particular jab is not properly tested nor do we know anything about the long term effects of it.

    ... except for the times that they don't work, right? Vaccines can and do cause death, dude... You consider THAT to be "working"?

    See above.

    Nope. It is a whole bunch of logic, science, and engineering.

    WRONG. A mask is designed to filter out particulate of a particular size and type that is in accordance with its engineering specs. Masks are most commonly used to filter out particulate such as sand, dust, pollen, and wood while working in such environments. They are also made to keep blood, saliva, and related bodily fluids out of one's mouth and out of a surgical site. Masks are NOT designed to filter viruses or to slow the spread of viruses. Social distancing does not stop or slow the spread of viruses either.

    Masks do not work with regard to viruses. Viruses are far too small.

    No they don't. A mask that is engineered for 3+ micron particulate does not stop a virus that is 0.1 micron in diameter.

    Viruses are not always inside droplets nor are they foreverbound to droplets. Droplets evaporate. Aerosols evaporate.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  24. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yes they do.

    Works then.

    Nutty conspiracy claim noted.

    A lie. They are varying degrees of effectiveness.

    No they aren't.

    No it isn't.

    No they aren't - if that were the case everybody would be infected.

    Yes I do. You don't understand the mechanism of their transmission via air.

    Yes they do.

    No I don't.

    Nope. I live my life knowing how viruses are transmitted and the best ways to stop them.

    No you haven't.

    Nope. Just you unable to grasp reality.

    Yes they are.

    Your opinion is irrelevant.

    To some extent. The delivery mechanism is extensively tested.

    It's a far better lottery than catching a 1% death rate virus.

    Causation and correlation are not proven in this.

    No, I consider the drop in deaths to be the indicator for that, the incidence of unvaccinated people in hospitals and the number of antivax clowns dying with regret.

    No, it is using analogies that do not have anything to do with wearing masks. Strawman nonsense.


    The mask filters not just through impact, but also through particulate attraction. In addition, the shape of viruses with the various spikes are caught in fibres just by simple contact.



    Irrelevant again. The design function does not preclude its effectiveness.

    Yes it does.

    Tedious repetition. You have no idea about the way viruses are transmitted through air.

    Airborne Diseases: How They Spread, Common Types, and How to Prevent Them (
    "Airborne diseases are bacteria or viruses that are most commonly transmitted through small respiratory droplets. These droplets are expelled when someone with the airborne disease sneezes, coughs, laughs, or otherwise exhales in some way. These infectious vehicles can travel along air currents, linger in the air, or cling to surfaces, where they are eventually inhaled by someone else. "

    Yes they do.

    It does when the virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets. Do something new, learn something:

    Indeed, but mostly they are which means the damn mask IS effective!

    Then with good masks, particulate attraction works.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
    Cosmo likes this.
  25. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    And so it is, the dogma of the Cult of The Poisoned Mind has so many people bowing and praying to the Neon God they've made. :roll:

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