I saw an update about that visit on the official Sahara Forest Project website a few weeks ago........and it really got me thinking! It may well be A LOT less expensive to LOWER ocean levels through large scale desalination of ocean water than it will be to build dikes and levees to protect vulnerable cities and towns from the almost certain rise in ocean levels as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the land based Greenland Ice Pack continue to melt, crack and slide. http://saharaforestproject.com/news...way-gets-update-on-sahara-forest-project.html The Crown Prince of Norway gets update on Sahara Forest Project ...... . I found the poll question here to be quite encouraging. People seem to be quite open to this alternative opening gambit toward climate stabilization other than some form of carbon tax. http://www.politicalforum.com/opini...saving-new-orleans-florida-rising-oceans.html The Sahara Forest Project...and saving New Orleans and Florida from rising oceans! Is turning deserts green a good response to climate change? Voters:21. You have already voted on this poll. No, only a carbon tax of some form will stop climate change! 1.............4.76% Yes, plants are both a carbon as well as a water sink! 7...............33.33% No, we should never engage in geo-engineering of any form or shape, EVER!!! 6..................28.57% Yes, with one billion hungry, how can we go wrong by producing more food? 11...................52.38% Multiple Choice Poll. Did you know that there is an Islamic prophecy that the Islamic desert regions would be turned green in the latter days????? This topic is of special interest to me because I live about a hundred miles from the Bay of Fundy. I live five kms from the ocean on the eastern part of Nova Scotia. In my area the difference between low tide to high tide is about one meter! The land form of the Bay of Fundy has a funnelling effect on tidal waters and so parts of the Fundy have a difference of fifteen to seventeen meters between low to high tide! The question on my mind would be if ocean levels were to rise about thirty centimeters in my part of Nova Scotia, would they rise by four or five meters along parts of the Fundy???? There are 143,000 acres of farmland taken back from the Fundy by dikes that are probably in the position of the proverbial canary in a coal mine in relation to rising ocean levels! Every cubic meter of H2O added to the water table of nations in the Middle EAst will NOT be on top of New Orleans, Florida, Holland, Bangladesh or those 143,000 acres along the Fundy!!!!! I felt a huge sense of relief when I first heard about The Sahara Forest Project! https://www.facebook.com/SaharaForestProject Sahara Forest Project
This could even turn out to be a major key to solving the pretty serious refugee problem that much of the rest of Europe is experiencing?! It could be very helpful that there is an ancient Islamic prophecy that in the latter days... the deserts of the Islamic nations will be turned green! http://www.angelfire.com/moon2/koran/index.blog?topic_id=1021110 ....
The Prince of Norway has about the same honor as a mayor of a big city at a celebratory community event, and even less political power. We are not talking about the Queen of England here. That being said, I think it would be wonderful if we could improve the landscape in other poor countries so they don't all have to move here.
In a time of crisis....... we the "ignorant masses" do tend to look to monarchies. I'm Canadian and I'm a Monarchist. I personally feel that the British Royal Family, especially over this past century.......... has done a phenomenal.....(although imperfect)..... job of playing their role in Canadian policy and affairs. IF.... the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to begin to crack and slide and collapse rapidly...… the whole world could well be looking to the Crown Prince of Norway more so than just about any other world leader. There are two simple images at the top of this article that have rather scary implications! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090205142132.htm Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater
There is another proposal that I believe fits extremely well with The Sahara Forest Project. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=451496&p=1066088833#post1066088833 Sigmund Ivarsson's Petra Project for Israel, Jordan and The Palestinians. I certainly can't argue with this logic! SigmundHIvarsson wrote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://wikimapia.org/11302609/Offici...sador-to-Japan Official Residence of Palestinian Ambassador to Japan (Tokyo) Sigmund Ivarsson (guest) 4 years ago|reply SigmundHIvarsson wrote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This idea could also begin the process of offsetting the imminent collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?!
My theory is that the plan to turn the deserts of the nation of Jordan green..... will set in motion a series of events that can begin the process to take the world..... somewhat out of the mentality of fear / warfare....... .... toward a world where many of our tanks are transformed into bulldozers! This is relevant to my nation Canada as you can see in posts #5 and #7 here: http://www.politicalforum.com/canada/477572-kellie-leitch-national-leader-conservative-party.html Kellie Leitch for National Leader of Conservative Party.
Geoff Lawton Ph. D. and his team at Permaculture have proven that it can be done! http://www.politicalforum.com/lates...-geoff-lawton-permaculture-tipping-point.html Geoff Lawton: Permaculture & The Tipping Point
If... the West Antarctic Ice Sheet does begin to rapidly crack and slide...... the Crown Prince of Norway could overnight become one of the most influential people on earth......... It is my understanding that ONE NATION on earth has experienced COOLING in its climate since 1950. That same nation, on a per capita basis, led the world in a combination of planting trees and in large scale desalination of ocean water for agriculture, reforestation projects and for cities experiencing a shortage of water. That nation was Israel. IF..... a number of large projects similar to the Sahara Forest Project were financed for the nation of Jordan...... would they also begin to experience COOLING in their climate? If so..... would this mean that large scale desalination of ocean water to turn deserts green might just be a far more cost effective way to address stabilization of the climate than a carbon tax or cap and trade system? www.BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot.ca/
Yes......... if large scale desalination of ocean water has the potential to both...... protect many low lying cities and towns from rising ocean levels....... and....... makes it possible for most of the refugees to eventually return to their homelands....... . due to the huge amount of workers could be needed for this...... ...... then indeed this alternative theory on stabilization of the climate has several advantages over a carbon tax or cap and trade system.
Nothing wrong with growing more food as long as transportation to market is available and of course a market...I read about the project several years ago and applaud their efforts.
Several days ago I joined a Facebook group entitled: "CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS GRAND DEBATE " I posted: I got back some exceptional replies........ some from England..... so I started thinking about how to encourage Canadians and Europeans to cooperate on a plan that over the long term........ could make it possible for millions of refugees from the Middle East to return to their homelands. They really don't want to live in Canada..... or I assume Europe....... They really actually would prefer to go home if there was peace there.... and a career for them to go to so that they could feed their families.
http://www.politicalforum.com/index...duction-photo-in-link.577060/#post-1072136795 Should Sima Taparia play Nancy Pelosi in a political media production? (Photo in link)
It would be impractical and impossible to lower ocean levels through desalination of ocean water. The volume of water we are talking about would be many orders of magnitude too big. There is no way desalination of water could make any substantial change in that. Some of these ideas might sound nice, until you actually start trying to do some basic math and look at the numbers. However, one idea I'll throw out there is gravity osmotic filtering of sea water, if you piped sea water to an area of land that is much lower than sea level. The elevation difference would overcome the osmotic pressure force, and allow fresh water to be filtered out from the salt water with no required energy input.
Yes... a preliminary version of "The Petra Project" proposed by the late Mr. Sigmund Ivarsson would divert about two hundred million cubic meters of ocean water from the Mediterranean Sea annually to the area of the Jordan Valley. It is a nine meter wide tunnel drilled from somewhere near Tel Aviv to the Jordan River Valley at which point the sea water could be desalinated and the run off could go into the Dead Sea. There is also a massive area in Australia that is below sea level that could theoretically be turned into salt water marinas. But once vegetation starts growing....... with water recycling technology of 2020...... the formula keeps getting better and better and better. Add to all that the possibility of a ONE HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLAR MELTDOWN in the seven hundred and ten TRILLIOn dollar Derivatives markets as of 2014..... and out of the box ideas start to look better and better and better.... Statistics on the Derivatives markets are around the fifteen minute mark in this video by CIA economist Mr. Jim Rickards.... https://pro.moneymappress.com/p/MMR...1525314934-571105120.1525314934&h=true&h=true
But..... what if by turning perhaps two percent to five percent of the Sahara Desert Green through desalination we begin the process of refilling ancient huge aquifers that were below the desert in nations like Libya and Algeria? Will Egypt be turned green? Will the deserts of the Islamic nations blossom like a rose? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...e-islamic-nations-blossom-like-a-rose.603917/ That is an excellent question but..... Israelis believe firmly in Tikkun Olam and they have already donated amazing solar energy desalination technology to Norwegian scientists and business people so that Norwegian diplomats could share that technology with various Islamic nations. Israelis are interested in turning the earth into a utopia that will fit with every word in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the minor prophets....... so Israelis are approaching this whole thing in a manner that is pretty amazing to the rest of us who have been observing what they have done. https://www.facebook.com/robbydawki...7b5zeRePU6QdQARGz3CbadpugEdvoaLYCiKHSqa1iepAl
But I do believe that a shift is coming........ and I am expecting that shift within months......... Last week I sent off an e-mail to Mr. Jim Rickards after I purchased what he is now offering in 2022....... Although this is somewhat rude of me to copy and paste the exact e-mail that I sent him a few days ago....... here it is :