Customer Service

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by InWalkedBud, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. InWalkedBud

    InWalkedBud Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2022
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    Many moons ago when I was still in the Pacific Northwest (and before the internet) I shipped a box of Washington State apples to my dad and his wife in New Mexico. I found myself speaking to a cheerful black woman who was competent and helpful, until I gave her Dad’s address in Ruidoso, NM.

    “I’m sorry sir. We don’t ship internationally.”

    “Ah - I’m sorry. I’m not sending them to Mexico. I’m shipping them to Ruidoso NEW Mexico.”

    “I heard you the first time sir, and we don’t ship to foreign countries.”

    I did my best clear up her misunderstanding about New Mexico; its locale & nationality. “Not Mexico. New Mexico. In the United States.” In an exasperated tone she replied, “NEW Mexico, OLD Mexico, it doesn’t matter – we don’t ship to that country!”

    I asked for her supervisor and told him the tale. There was a pause, then “Christ on a tampon.” He quickly apologized for the outburst. I laughed and thanked him for it; it's been in my arsenal ever since.

    The supe gave me 10% off my order and threw in a box of some confection or other.

    Mediocrity, thy name is government funded education.
  2. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I used to go to Panama City a lot. People just assumed I was talking about a city in Panama, not the one in Florida. Didn't realize that until one of my brothers asked if I had to have a passport when I went to Panama.

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