Dick Cheney, Torture & Vancouver book signing

Discussion in 'United States' started by Onward James, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    I have glanced through "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir" by former American Vice President Dick Cheney and liked forthright style. Of course, he might not go into depth about certain issues, which will be left for the archives or a biographer.


    "He does have some things to say about torture, what he considers are legal and proper means of physical persuasion. He may not win many arguments, but he can describe matters in context like few others."

    Decrying torture with violence

    "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir sounds interesting, not just because Colin Powell has claimed it is riddled with "cheap shots," or because it has raised the hackles of Condoleezza Rice, another former secretary of state from the Bush/Cheney administration.

    It's of interest because Mr. Cheney is interesting, in part because, by his own account, he worked "the dark side" in the White House after the 9/11 attacks."

    I think I'll purchase the book to read about the dark side. Frankly, I might be one of outspoken few who accepts torture as necessary when innocent lives are threatened to prevent death, or have been killed, to find the scumbags which could prevent further death.

    Those who portested the book signing in Vancouver are of the ilk who believe the crocodile will not eat them at all. One protester attacked an employee who was checking if people were registered.
  2. jackson33

    jackson33 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Interesting that someone accused of assault can be released without bond, but then it seems any Conservative American in Canada to speak or host a book signing takes that risk. I wonder if it were Chaney, a 70yo heart patient that was attacked, if bond might have been required.

    While making his appearances on US Television, wondered what would have resulted if the current US administration, were in office 9/11/2001. I commented someplace, that things would have been much different. Maybe we would have gone to the UN, opposed to NATO, asking for an apology from bin Laden or maybe a public letter saying "please don't do that again" or maybe just nothing, since the perps all died in the attack, I don't know.

    The one thing I do know, as a Nation and in his time serving in Government, issues referred to in his book, us American's should be thankful for his service.
  3. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Lil dick can get away with shooting a lawyer in the face with a shotgun. And the lawyer apogied. LOL, that just screams I am the rich and powerfull man and will do what ever I want whenever I want. Are you scared yet? Lol.
  4. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    You're suggesting that the shooting in question was not an accident?
  5. countryboy

    countryboy Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Liberals rarely know what they are suggesting, they just blurt (*)(*)(*)(*) out. It's kinda like Tourette's syndrome.
  6. Onward James

    Onward James New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    I call it torture; others called it enhanced interrogation. As long as they get them to confess the truth to prevent disaster.

    The Islamist wars are far from over. The Brotherhoods are organizing in several countries, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt,. Syria, Yemen. Arabia, Pakistan and Aghanistan. Of course, there are the different sects Shi'a and Sunni, and sects within sects. Then there are the Saladin wannabes.

    Thank goodness, Dick Cheney was around. There are many attributes and accomplishments to like about the former Vice President.

    World needed Cheney after 9/11 - Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun

    Here’s a statement that will shock plenty of Canadians: Dick Cheney is a nice guy. I like him.

    After reading his book and spending some time with him earlier this week while he visited Vancouver, I can also say he was the right man at the right time in both American and world history.

    Hail back to the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, and think about who was in charge.

    For all the complaints we heard this week as the former U.S. vice-president visited Canada, we really need to ask ourselves whether we would have been better off if Al Gore and Joe Lieberman were in charge on that day.

    Can you imagine Gore’s response to a terrorist attack such as 9/11?

    I shudder at the thought.

    If we have learned anything about Gore since he lost his bid for the White House, it is that he is a man of much pomp and little substance.

    Lieberman may have been a bit better, but neither of them are Dick Cheney.

    Through his years of experience as White House chief of staff and secretary of defence in the administration of George Bush Sr., Cheney was able to immediately begin working to ensure a proper response to 9/11 and that the continuity of government would not be broken if an attack hit Washington.

    Sept. 11, 2001 may have been a decade ago, but Cheney still worries about future attacks.

    “My biggest concern today when I think about a threat is the possibility that there will be another major attack, but that next time they will have deadlier weapons, not just airline tickets and box cutters,” Cheney told me.

    “I worry very much about the possibility of a group of terrorists getting their hands on a biological agent of some kind or a nuclear device.”

    As for waning public support for the war on terror, he thinks it might come down to a matter of time.

    “The farther we get away from the actual events of 9/11 without a follow-on attack, I think it’s easier for people to forget what that morning was like or to be relaxed and say that was a one-off affair and that will never happen again.”

    Cheney refused to back away from what his critics call torture and what he calls enhanced interrogation.

    With protesters on the street calling him a torturer and war criminal, Cheney defended waterboarding, but denied it was in widespread use.

    “No, waterboarding for example, was used on exactly three individuals, the foremost being Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was the admitted mastermind of 9/11,” Cheney said.

    He’s not alone in pointing out that the enhanced interrogation did yield results.

    Shortly after he was elected as a Liberal MP, but before he ran for the leadership of his party, Michael Ignatieff published an article acknowledging that these sessions yielded results.

    Much of the protests surrounding Cheney were not so much about him as they were about politics.

    Cheney is a Republican and to Canada’s left, that party and its people can never be tolerated here, not even for a visit.

    He also worked for “big oil,” another intolerable act for the hypocrites who live off the spoils of Canada’s energy industry.

    Once the din from the usual suspects has cooled and historians have had their say, Dick Cheney may go down as one of the best vice-presidents the U.S. has ever seen.

    He was the right man at the right time.

    "I am a firm believer in America and its worth in the world. Our political battles are messy, shrill, and sometimes cruel, and yet for all of that, the system has a way of producing courageous and compassionable action when it is needed most. We have stood firm in the face of evil and defined history in the selfless way we have done it. Instead of saeeking empire, we have sought freedom for others." Dick Cheney.

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