I always thought such was hooey. But then a friend had me listen to the following. I don't know what to think. What do other posters here think?
It’s possible, LBJ was a radical, war-‘mongering, racist, power hungry leftist who’s policies have done massive harm to Americans.
No. The International Banksters took out both John and Robert, to make the way for Nixon. Nixon, was necessary to detach Gold from the USD and to destroy Bretton-Woods, making it much easier for the US to become permanently dependent upon foreign bank control. The Federal Reserve is a foreign bank operating on US soil and it now controls the entirely of the US money supply. This is why John and especially Robert, were taken out. It is not hard to understand. Just follow the money supply and who controls it.
There would have been no need for the Nixon Shock had LBJ and the Dems not given us the horrible society
Wrong Bretton-Woods was collapsing of its own dead weight because the conditions that prevailed at its writing no longer existed and we could no longer afford it.
Add to all this is the fact there was the "lady in red" who had a movie camera across the street from Zapruder, and pointing to the grassy knoll taking movies too. The FBI took her camera and film, she never got it back. The question is where is that film now, or was it destroyed?
"Did LBJ kill the Kennedy brothers?" - no, of course not. To borrow a two word phrase from the pathological liar-in-chief, "everyone knows" it was Marilyn Monroe reaching out from her grave to take out the Kennedy boys........
Did LBJ kill the Kennedy brothers? No, that was the CIA and Mafia financed by the Trumpski family. LBJ killed the black family.
Yeah, we sure won that war on poverty. All Democrats ended up doing is destroying the black family. Good job.
We can use Occam’s razor, meaning the simplest explanation is always most likely the right one. It’s hard to fathom that a looser like Oswald killed Kennedy. That’s why so many people believe in the lone gunman on the grassy knoll nonsense. Fact is, Oswald did kill Kennedy. My best reasoning is Oswald had a hero complex, and wanted to be some type of big shot Marxist. That being said, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the mob goaded Oswald into doing it. Not like it was a complex operation. Oswald bought a 27 dollar surplus bolt action rifle, and shot Kennedy from where he worked. I think the mob was also behind RFK getting killed as well. Don’t forget Joe Kennedy made his fortune from bootlegging. RFK while Attorney General went after the mob’s slush fund, the Teamster’s pension. So that was perfect motivation as well. As for LBJ, being behind the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers, I don’t see it.
You know that whatever else he was, LBJ had virtually no interest in fighting the war in Vietnam. But he was terrified of being seen as "the first administration to lose a war".
Lyndon Johnson destroyed the nuclear family. More babies in the home paid more welfare $$, all reduced if a man was living in the house. What an idiotic concept.
LBJ did nothing of the sort. The 1994 GOP Congress on destroyed the black nuclear family because their policies forced dad out of the home.
Yeah, that why a larger percentage of Americans are in poverty after its passage then before. Sorry, that’s not how I judge success. It has been the largest driver of national debt to boot
The evidence overwhelmingly implicates LBJ and the CIA among other criminal elements in government. They also had MLK Jr. assassinated. And it was all about the war in Vietnam. Blood money, war profiteering, epic corruption. USA NUMBER ONE!
No. It was about the war in Vietnam. And about LBJ's epic corruption. JFK was going to drop LBJ from the ticket. And RFK was going to start investigating LBJ for his years of corruption relating to juicy government contracts. JFK was also going to reverse our policy in Vietnam and bring accountability to the CIA. Then JFK was mysteriously assassinated by a man (Oswald) who told everyone he was a "patsy", only to be conveniently dispatched by Jack Ruby before any trial could take place. If something like that had happened in Soviet Russia, everyone in America would assume, correctly, that a coup had taken place.
Yup. The evidence proves it. The only trial ever held with regards to the MLK assassination determined that the government was involved in a conspiracy to kill him. MLK's own family believes that James Early Ray is innocent.
You should read JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters It clearly lays out the evidence demonstrating a high-level government conspiracy to kill JFK, of which, LBJ was a big part. Oswald was, as he said, a patsy, which is why he was dispatched by Jack Ruby before any trial could take place.