what fashion? An "official" report? What you think you saw? What you were "officially" told? When anyone says "it couldn't happen that way", it's probably because they actually checked it out for themselves, and found that "it couldn't happen that way" (rather than accept it because that's what they prefer to believe). You should look for yourself sometime versus accepting what you're told. You'd be amazed at what actually IS or ISN'T. Crazy stuff, that being objective and "checking it out for yourself", and having the honesty to declare what you find valid, despite the implications and the discomfort.
Baloney...mostly it's because you truthers just don't want to accept we were THAT vunerable to attack on 9/11
I've already corrected you lot multiple times about this silliness. You always just run away instead of showing any real world evidence. Your story is unsubstantiated as proven by the obvious inability to convict your alleged perpetrators, as well as show any real world validation of the narrative about the plotting and financing of the attack with real world evidence.. Only just the "confessions" you managed to torture out of them. You also forgot about the 9/11 commission report admission about their reliance on hard to verify CIA reports about their interrogations and hollow bibleography backing up their narrative about the plotting and financing.
You can 'correct' me till you're blue in the face,won't make your fabrications gain any validity,nor allow you to shoot holes in ours. As for the 'inability to convict',thefact that they're DEAD might have a lot to do with it
We were especially vulnerable to attack, from many enemies..foreign AND domestic (especially the domestic).
The hole in your theory is complete lack of evidence. The only fabrication is yours, claiming your story is "proven" while at the same time forever failing to show any evidence. Speaking of fabrications, you strike with another lie. The 9/11 commission report accuses Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali and Walid Bin Attash as the guys who drafted the plot. ALL of these individuals are in U.S. custody and have been almost a full decade. NONE of them are dead. You'll have to come up with a better excuse why you can't prove them guilty and substantiate your story.
There's no need to "come up with" anything... Your story is unproven conjecture, simple as that.. That's why none of you can "come up with" any real world evidence for it.. Ten years and you've come up with nothing. Looks like you failed.
The hell if I'm lying,ALL 19 of the hijackers were killed, and you never specified WHO you were talking about,so you'd better think carefully before calling me a liar again
I made it abundently clear: I'm obviously referring to the masterminds, NOT the hijackers... The orchestrators, not the operatives.. Since when do they drag corpses into court anyway, OBVIOUSLY it's people that are alive. Now THAT whole story, the main meat of the 9/11 commission report, is unsubstantiated. Your government are sat there in a bit of a dilemna, lacking in evidence to prove their alleged perps guilty and convict them, but having arbitrarily declared (against common law principles like presumption of innocence) that they are indeed responsible for 9/11, can't exactly release them now.. Lip service, stall tactics and extrajudicial indefinate imprisonment to the rescue! That new KSM trial is just around the corner I'm sure! Just like they've been saying since 2003.
Worthless non-response... And here I thought you'd simply prove your case and offer some evidence.. (just kidding.. I didn't REALLY anticipate you showing the evidence.. Doing this would take time away from whining about others not having evidence).
Yeah, some of it might be B*******, only because we as Citizens don't have access to data and intelligence that the 9/11 commision had and has buried under a national security blanket. Instead of debating these issues with your weak arguments, you should be lobbying Congress for access to those documents. If you are not happy being a ****** mushroom.
You do know being from Texas don't mean **** these days. As a buddy of mine put it the other day, "talkin the talk and walkin the walk with the sheep to the edge of the water"
I really don't care, as long as it means something to ME And that wasn't a threat,just a reminder to fun dude
Complete BS is all citizens all allowed to have access to. The rest is carefully guided propaganda similar to the Russian propaganda we all used to make fun of them for putting out. Now...that's OUR job. Besides, access to truthful information creates too many "problems", so, can't do it. People claim to be interested in obtaining the truth, but not really. Not when propaganda will do just fine. Too busy watching "American Idol", or "Who can dance around like an idiot" while I drink beer and fart. We're a nation of controlled nitwits.
Fascinating. Almost to the point of obsession, 9/11 Denial, like other conspiracy theories (flat earth, holocaust denial, etc.) thrives on this self-inflating fantasy that somehow the members of their cultlike group are smarter or more intelligent than the average person. It's becoming very well documented in the literature. The psychological study of 9/11 deniers is far more interesting than their various cockamamie theories, for sure.
I have contacted my reps on numerous occassions about the subject And you?... oh I forgot you are happy with what the gov feeds you. Do I act like a mushroom? I don't like being in the dark, and I don't eat (*)(*)(*)(*). How about you?
Insults ignored. What have they replied to you? And clarify this: You believe 'the government' conspired to murder thousands of people, and your solution to bringing the guilty to justice is to lobby 'the government'? How does this make sense to you?
Why must you count down? If you think (without so much as a shred of evidence mind you) that some of us here or elsewhere are "shillz", why not just come out with it?