How many years was this Juan Cole guy the primary guest on Al Franken and it turns out he is the CIA? Now Democracy Now and Amy Goodman use him as their go to guy on Libya? Sick, sick. Appalling Propaganda from Amy Goodman About Libya
well we got a couple of new paid disinformation agent shills that have penetrated this site to try and derail 9/11 truth discussions.Check out this thread here.Looks like my ignore list grows larger.time to update it.
matter of fact the paid shills are getting more and more desperate as they keep sending more and more here to this site and other sites as well.
I'd like to see some proof that paid shills even exist. With all the accusations of various forums being overrun by paid shills, the unemployment rate should be a lot lower. I like how they trot out the shill accusations anytime someone asks them something that they can't answer though. It's kind of fun to watch, albeit predictable.
It's easy to identify a shill. The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is so clear that only a shill would argue that it wasn't. As I saw somewhere else in this sectionpeople who go into cognitive dissonance when they see this proof slink away. Shills stay and try to obfuscate the proof.
The fact that we are posting here despite your <snicker> 'proof' means we aren't 'slinking away' So keep on thinking your proof is 'clear' and we'll keep plugging holes in it.
So ANYONE that disagrees with the "9/11 was an inside job" theory is a shill? How convenient. I guess it saves truthers the trouble of actually having to prove any of their ridiculous theories. They can just claim people who disagree are paid by the government.
Not much different than official story people failing to prove their case about who was behind 9/11 and just say anyone who disagrees is a truth movement flag waving nutjob wearing a tin foil hat.. Does this annoy you?
They were proven a long time ago. You people just won't recognize it. Here's a link to an updated version of what I posted earlier.
No. But it does entertain me. You have no proof. Just theories that, when examined closely, don't make much sense. Thanks for the link though. I'll have to look through them later.
You're playing dumb. (excerpt) ----------------------------------- 9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect. ----------------------------------- This tactic of playing dumb with rhetoric and snide remarks may sway a few viewers who dont take the time to click on the links and examine the evidence. It doesn't sway many of those who actually look at it though. I've never seen this piece of clear proof debunked. I've only seen people lamely try to obfuscate it and they adopt the attitude that they'd debunked it. Let's hear hear your analysis of it.
gives standing ovation.could not say it any better myself,especially your first paragraph,you nailed it. yeah shills come back everyday at message boards constantly making up lies and changing the subject,they stay and try and derail the thread just like their handlers pay them to.the ones that are in denial and brainwashed,they dont stay and come back everyday month after month and even year after year.
This is why i dont waste time with the OCTA' usual,you do what all OCTA'S do,twist his words and say things he did not say.He CLEARLY made it clear that the ones that come back everyday and defend the lies of the offical story are shills,there are many of them on message boards that do that which is why they are so easy to spot.they post bible lenght ramblings of b.s and disinformation.The ones that are just Bush dupes in denial,they just ignore evidence and facts and post a couple of one liners then leave and dont come back. there is a difference between paid shills and a Bush dupe who only sees what he wants to see and is in denial so of course not EVERYONE who believes the fairy tales of the government is paid by the government. JUST THE ONES WHO COME BACK EVERYDAY MONTH AFTER MONTH.PLEASE PAY ATTENTION AND TRY TO REMEMBER THAT. again this is why I dont waste time with the OCTA'S the way they twist words.The OCTA'S dont know how to debate.the number one rule when debating is when an opponent shows you a video or refers you to a book with evidence,you comment on the evidence in that book or video and try and refute it.I have never had one octa ever take me up on a challenge to watch a certain video or book i refer them to and try and refute it.the way the OCTA'S around here debate,they wouldnt last one minute against a first grader in a debating contest.the teacher would say-Now so and so,your not saying anything,you changed the subject and did not address the evidence and facts he brought up.I told you at the very beginning you need to try and addresss your opponents points and evidence and refute it,your not saying anything.just saying that doesnt prove anything doesnt refute what he just said.
That case has already been proven What hasn't been however,is the truthers assertion that none of the official story is true
Riiight. Watch this video and then get back to me. [ame=""]Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again edition[/ame]
exactly.He sure is playing dumb.thats never been debunked and the octa's also have never debunked griffins book,they always run off with their tail between their legs when you challenge them to read the book and debunk it.they never take me up on the challenge to read it and debunk it cause they know they cant.
How might you know? You've admitted that you've never read any?? But if I am mistaken, feel free to quote us a line you find fault with...Please...I own all of his books on the subject, and I'm sure I'd be able to verify your allegations. Thank you, my good man.