Let's just keep it short... The Holocaust happened, six million minimum were killed....and anybody who is a Denier is invariably a "Zionist Conspiracy" person (who treats the "Protocols" as real while denying the Holocaust) and an anti-Semite. Period.
Here's a clue. There's a little town in Germany called Bad Arolsen. In Bad Arolsen is a building containing Nazi archives detailing what happened to every single Jew, Communist, gypsy, homosexual etc. You're welcome to go and research the archives which are open to everyone. Now, you can either suggest that the 15 million separate documents are all forgeries, or you can go away back to Stormfront. I suggest the latter. https://www.its-arolsen.org/en/archives/
I grew up in an area that saw a high influx of Jewish survivors of the Shoah after WWII. I've known too many of those survivors and heard their stories first hand, seen the tattoos, to have any doubts that it happened. Anyone claiming it didn't is a fool.
I'm old enough to have met several Holocaust survivors. They were friends of my Jewish stepfather who fought and killed Nazis so that other miserable little Nazis can come on the forum and spout idiotic assertions.
So all that film showing lines of walking skeletons, mass graves, and worse from the 40s is fake? Might as well deny the moon landing too and call it a sound stage😀
http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/american/skeptic-magazine/skeptic-12.html http://en.auschwitz.org/h/index.php...ask=view&id=29&Itemid=32&limit=1&limitstart=4 http://www.deathcamps.org/gas_chambers/gas_chambers_auschwitz.html http://history1900s.about.com/od/holocaust/tp/deathpictures.htm People who deny the Shoah (Holocaust) are either amazingly evil or mind-numbingly stupid.
i have have done a great deal of examination. Tell you what. Prove what is here is wrong....or (*)(*)(*)(*) with your childish nonsense. I know you are a small person struggling to find value in your life so you spam the board with nonsense to get attention, but you are standing on the graves of my relatives to appear taller and quite frankly that I don't let pass. So prove anything that I posted wrong or you are just another worthless bigot.
many of us have looked at the evidence of the Holocaust, and accept that it did indeed occur. to me, the only question now is the total killed. I believe its as low as 5.3 million.
This might be informative for you but I doubt it. Witness testimony from the 1961 Eichmann trial. http://www.xoxol.org/eichmann/eichmann.html
Just like youre not too crazy about white people. Diversity and multiculturalism is misery. All you guys do is screw everything up.
why is it misery? its great to have lots of different foods to eat, chicks to date, etc etc. diversity makes things more interesting.
You don't even know how many concentration camps existed, do you? Are you just trying to be hurtful and obnoxious? Its of no consequence whether 6 million died or 4 million died.... when you hem people up in close quarters under cruel conditions, they sicken and die. Many were murdered, others died of exposure, malnutrition and disease. How dare you minimize their suffering or the shame of this whole period starting with the Nuremberg Laws and the wholesale demonization of the Jewish people. This is a very black period in history and your attempt to dismiss it makes you look like a disgusting fool. - - - Updated - - - So you don't eat Italian or Chinese or Thai??
The most curious [and ridiculous] aspect of revisionism is the accusation that academic historians "believe" in the Holocaust. As I don't believe that Italy had unified by the Kingdom of Piedmont, but I know it, since it's a historical fact, I totally reject any reference to a "belief" in the Holocaust. It's a very cheap trick to generate doubt ... you believe in something is not certain, you know something which is certain. I know the Holocaust happened. I don't "believe" in Holocaust. This said, I would make an experiment: with the deletion [psychologically I could use the word "removal"] of negative aspects of Western history [the Nazis who killed the Jews and others were persons like us ... if we like this or not] we could imagine to delete positive aspects. Do you believe in vaccine? What if it's an invention of pro-West historians who want to make us believe that Western science saved the world from tremendous diseases? Prove that Western scientists not only invented, but used the vaccines!
Weak. 1 Japan has diverse foods without turning their country into an annoying hell hole. I have LESS chicks to date. There are no Aryan women around and I have to sort through all the blacks and Hispanics who I have absolutely no interest in. if you consider problems interesting then I guess you're right. White European diversity is fine. In fact I am proud of my Roman Aryan heritage. Do you know Chinese noodles is actually a white man discovery? I read the Chinese got it from the tocharians. An Indo European tribe from western china.
so move to a more white area. you talk like you're such a victim, but you're not. you have choices in life, so start making some and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
I might do so in the future but the problem is its not guaranteed to stay white. If immigration was stopped I will move on with my life and shut up. I probably wouldn't even care about politics if everything was run right. lol. The only victims are minorities, and they are proud of it. I am not a victim in real life. I have rights to do stuff but white nationalists are sort of victims. Its our fault. I have less choices because of the multiculturalists. I use this forum to vent my frustration more than anything and express myself.