I'm convinced that the Ferguson riots, or the part of them we're getting shoved in our faces by the media, are a result of racism. Real or perceived racism and by which race, I won't judge that from a distance. Multiracial societies have worked every time when people stopped giving a (*)(*)(*)(*) about each other's skin for a change. I know that's rare but call me a hopeless optimist. Anyway, I don't think the both of us can come to an agreement here.
My uncle was part of the invading force into Germany. Yeah, I trust him, and he and countless others saw the mass graves, and there used to be pictures of those graves, a mass of humanity in a pit, not yet covered up. He saw the masses of finger nail scratches in those gas chambers, of people trying to climb up walls, scratches on top of scratches. And of the accounts given by those that were kept to work, and who were also tasked with the mass burials. Anyone who thinks it never happened is mentally deranged. And a danger to himself.
The reader will not that the poster makes yet another in a series of endless attacks but fails to debunk any of the TRUTH that I have posted, all of which have been authenticated by historians. Notably, by CONSERVATIVE Ben Hecht. For those of you who claim to be such principled conservatives this should stimulate much revulsion. Let's you demonstrate some principle and express your disgust with this attack.
You are the one that made the claim. you are the one that is avoiding actually providing evidence to support your claim. Why are you fixated on appealing to conservatives? Apparently in your world if one conservative has an opinion, all conservatives share in the opinion. Its painfully obvious that your revulsion is misplaced. It shouldn't be directed at my derisive laughter, but at your failure to substantiate your claim. (or didn't you notice that this is now the fifth time I have requested you put up)
You might like them if you are a reform party member. I was a reform party member too. There is no evidence to support that Darren Wilson is racist. literally. Like which ones? I can only think of countries that haven't worked, like Austrio Hungary, America, France etc. People always care about race, its natural. That is why its "rare" or id say impossible, to find a multiracial country not at each others throats.
Was this some kind of joke? The Reform Party I was a member of had Ross Perot at it head. When Pat Buchanan won the nomination in 2000, most of original Reform Party Members left. Although it has been reestablished. Time will tell if it can rebuilt itself after the Buchanan fiasco.
? The American Freedom party pretty much has the same platform, except they are less politically correct, religious, and they are pro-white.
I failed to provide evidence?????? Are you kidding??? I just gave you an entire Google page with dozens of sources to back up what I said. Stop living in denial. Man up and admit you were defeated in this debate.
I was demanding your prove your contention that according to Hecht, the Zionist committee supported a policy of leaving jews to die. THAT WAS THE CLAIM YOU MADE. You gave me a google page that lists typical denialist bullcrap about the number of jews killed in ww2. But providing me with a list of completely debunked garbage is right out of the manual. Like most denialists, you suffer from premature adjudication.
No, it's you that is in denial. Anyone can easily look at all those links and determine for themselves who is telling the truth. Only those who fear the truth refuse at those sources, many of which are written by CONSERVATIVE Jewish scholars like Ben Hecht.
They have this newfangled thing nowadays called 'the world wide web',took me seconds to find the pictures
Here's some info for people to check out. http://well-temperedforum.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/9130004433/m/4941027356/p/1 This info is related to the subject. http://well-temperedforum.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/9130004433/m/1101037356/p/1
Was he in the USSR Army? It has been established that none of the camps in Germany were mass extermination camps. If your father served in the US Army, what he saw was the result of typhus and starvation. Toward the end of the war the defeated Germans could not sustain their supply lines. Once it was determined that there were no death camps in Germany, the holocaust industry claimed that there were 4 million killed in gas chambers in Auschwitz in Poland. That figure was later reduced to 1 million, but they moved the goalposts in other areas to drive the number up to 6 million, which appears to be some magical number needed for some Kabbalah crap. Obviously, many Jews and others were murdered by the Nazis, the Brits and their ally The Soviets during the 20th Century. 100s of millions were killed needlessly by both the axis powers and the allies. Media moguls and Hollywood movie makers have made it a priority to make WW II seem to be all about the poor victimized Jews and the holocaust. Why do you suppose that has been done? Our friend and Ally Stalin killed far more people than Hitler is alleged to have before Hitler was even in power, then continued to mass murder and starve people long after the war. The mid 20th century was a bloody horrible time in human history, but let's not get duped into thinking it was all about those poor Jews.
Listen to what David Irving says here at the 2:28 time mark. Free Speech - David Irving 1 of 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c82WPNFBNnM He says that between 1 and 2 million Jews were killed by Germans in the Reinhardt camps* but he doesn't say how they were killed. Who knows something about this? How does he think they were killed? He says new info has been surfacing. That's a plausible scenario. There's also the plausible scenario that some government goons paid him a visit and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. That seems to have happened to Noam Chomsky... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrZ57XxYJU ...and Naomi Klein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ-R-6k48qc ...and Howard Zinn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxSRGgJ5gjY ...and Amy Goodman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXTlxT7gFGk This is one case in which I think the government got to someone. Here's responsible scientist talking responsibly. Global Nuclear Coverup an interview with Leuren Moret https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buosgl6J3Kw Here she is several years later looking like a wacko saying that the earthquake in Japan was caused by the US government. Scientist Leuren Moret - Japan earthquake and nuclear "accident" are tectonic nuclear warfare.m4v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WxmeOqYtB0#ws New info can surface and if it's real, we should be objective and be capable of modifying our positions. We also can't rule out people's being gotten to by the government in these cases. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Reinhard
Yeah, the '2 bodies a day' is a load of cr@p derived from how bodies are incinerated in crematoriums used in funeral homes, which, unless one has a high degree of ret@rdation, is easy to to determine a difference between a military operation.
Fact is, even the Nazi knew that what they were doing was so evil that they had to keep it a secret from their own supporter, the german population. This fact gives rise to all sort of conspiracy theory and denialism. As one participant to the Wanse conference said: "every german knows one good jew", there would have been an outcry if the germans common folk knew that their good jew was to be killed and not just deported. If the germans population had been 100% behind the death camp project, it would had been much more efficient for the german to build their extermination camp in the Ruhr region and use the massive iron smelthing blast furnaces to dispose of the bodies. They could have dumped hundreds if not thousand at a time in them and they would have vanished in a matter of minutes without any trace, not even ashes. They could've also used the exhaust gas to do the killing first. But the german public wouldn't gone with it.
"Wannsee Conference" is a good point. In 1933 the Nazis and the Zionists signed the "Haavara-" or "Transfer-Agreement" which allowed German Jews to emigrate to Palestine taking with them all of their assets. Immobile possession was purchased by the German Reich and the value was transferred via the German "PalTreu (Palästina Treuhand / Palestine Trust)" Bank to the Haavara Bank in Tel Aviv where the amounts where available to the emigrant. There was one limitation: only German export goods were allowed to be purchased by the money. This way the Nazis and the Zionists broke the international Jewish boycot of Nazi Germany (Jaffa Oranges at the time being had the company logo: King David surrounded by two Swastika", Leni Brenner in "Zonism in the age of the dictators" writes that Haavara Bankers in the late 1980s said that no country in the world had contributed more to the foundation of the State of Israel than Nazi Germany in the 30s. The Haavara agreement never officially was terminated although it was more and more diffcult to transport Jews to Palestine after the British Navy closed the sea way. Until 1941 400 Million Reichsmark had been transfered to Palestine which included "landing fees" for those whp could not afford them. When the "Wannsee Conference" in the beginning of 1941 took place, all German authorities being involved in the agreement met there. In the conference protocol however not one single word of the Haavara agreement and the trfansferred amounts is mentioned. Instead the protocol writes that until present 9 Million Reichsmark had been collected by international Jewish organizations to be used as landing fees in Palestine". Tell me again that the protocol is authentic. And then tell me, what else. http://www.transferagreement.com/
1. What is exactly your point? 2. What "conspiracy theory" do you think is threatening you? 3. Need another link for "Haavara Agreement" (see below)? 4. Is that link more convenient for you? 5. What is my "point" other than the so called "master narrative of history" is a sequence of lies, fabrications, falsifications and suppression of facts ( not specific for the present topic) mixed with some facts that really might have happened and how do you think you "destroyed" it? 6. Another example for "rewritten history"? (see 2nd link below) http://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/microsoft word - 3231.pdf http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Eugenics-and-the-Nazis-the-California-2549771.php