I could be termed a Theistic Evolutionist. By this I mean that I believe that our Creator is probably a Being and / or Beings composed of the type of fundamental energy that String Theory implies and I believe that GOD EVOLVED and learned over infinite time in the past and finally somewhere around six or seven millennia ago in linear time....... our Creator invented Adam and Eve but before that point in time when our Creator invented Adam and Eve, our Creator had quite a history with other forms of intelligence, some of whom went off into some seriously unethical psychological experiments that make the Stanley Milgram Ph. D. research seem like a child's game. At this time I do believe that our Creator is heavily involved in the production of eight billion reality film projects starring all eight billion of us humans, but animals are also playing far more important of a role than we might tend to imagine. Roughly one near death experience in six involves a meeting with a previously deceased pet. Richard Dawkins Ph. D. in my opinion IS BIASED TOWARD CARBON BASED LIFE FORMS.... AND IS very probably SCARED OF THE IMPLICATIONS OF INTELLIGENCE BEGINNING IN A HIGHER INVISIBLE DIMENSION OF SPACE - TIME, in Energy from Quantum Vacuum, or some other sort of fundamental form of energy. Richard Dawkins: What are aliens like?
One near death experiencer who was an Atheist before his brush with death, was shown would sure sounds to me like The Cyclic Model of the Universe / Multiverse. For the record I believe that most Theists who have a brush with death would tend to find this idea offensive.... so our Creator was wise to show this idea to Atheist Mellen Benedict. https://near-death.com/mellen-thomas-benedict/ I wrote a blog to summarize where I am at on this question because I get into this debate rather often. www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca/
I believe that a high percentage of the one to ten million most highly rewarded servants of the eight thousand five hundred wealthiest people on earth want ATHEISM taught in schools and universities so that they can have a reliable supply of people who think like Joe Biden or Bill Gates or Dr. Tony Fauci or P. M. Justin Trudeau! Is Hunter the smartest man Joe Biden knows Or... Joe and Hunter Biden for that matter as well! The wealthiest of the wealthy and their most trusted servants tend to believe in Malthusian Catastrophe Theory and neo-Malthusianism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism Now you might want to listen to a popular TedX talk again so that you can better understand this approach to our place in the world and the universe. Innovating to zero! | Bill Gates 4,081,350 views Feb 20, 2010 What is the Anthropic Principle? 16,854 views Sep 15, 2017 The Anthropic Principle - How Your Existence Could Lead to a Multiverse
What near death experiencer Dr. Richard Eby was shown about the fall of former Covering Cherub Halel, (who became known as Lucifer - Satan to Christians) ...... is very helpful to putting the pieces of the puzzle all together. https://near-death.com/richard-eby-nde/ The idea of the universe being actually a MULTIVERSE sets the stage for the idea of Eventual Universal Salvation that was shown to near death experiencer Christian Andreason. http://www.allaboutchristian.com/spirituality/index.html Chapter three..... So...if we would like for the leaders in politics, education, entertainment, and even in the health industry to become LESS PREDATORY...... we might want to spread around the idea that yes..... perhaps we all face some sort of totally objective Life Review with a being of light....... who may actually even be the most ancient version of ourselves.......?????
This topic is relevant to perhaps the most serious question that has been faced by Americans in at least ten if not in twenty years!!!!! Biden Digital Currency, does this scare you? HOW VALUABLE TO YOU IS YOUR FREEDOM TO WORSHIP AS YOU CHOOSE..... OR TO NOT WORSHIP AS YOU CHOOSE????? How high of a value do you place on the freedom of your neighbours and friends and family for them to worship as they choose?????? Communism........ attempts to turn Atheism into the State Religion...... at least that is what I see in terms of what was done in Russia and then China and then in virtually all nations that went Communist over this past century!!!!!
Listening to this right now...... I believe that this is related to the topic proposed in the opening post. I believe that INTELLIGENCE has in a sense evolved... in Energy from Quantum Vacuum! In other words the Being of Light of near death experience fame gets better and better and better and better at creating...... "others".... including humans... .angels..... aliens.... Nephilim...... fallen angels.... and on and on and on and on..... www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca